



在香港,去年六月初開始的社會運動令多間中銀分行被「裝修」(破壞),至今還要用圍板保護外牆,只留下狹窄的出入口供客戶和員工使用。四大國有銀行(建、農、工、中)中,中銀的知名度最高,也最為港人所熟悉,原因跟中銀的定位(中共建國初期負責處理外匯和海外業務)有關。在香港,中銀的分行數目多,總有一間在附近,於是成為示威者的攻擊對象,被年輕黃絲稱之為「黨銀」。起初只是在中銀分行的外牆貼上「反送中」文宣,隨著局勢惡化和矛盾激化,示威者索性拿中銀的 ATM 機出氣。港式思維,離不開錢,反對派也不例外。


在大陸,今年一月底武漢封城,之後幾個月新型肺炎疫情蔓延全球,令旅遊及相關產業受到嚴重打擊(例如:國泰航空 293),重創原油需求,令國際原油價格暴跌。今年四月底,紐約期油史無前例一度跌至負數。一種由中國銀行推出,和期油掛鈎的理材產品「原油寶」在紐約五月期油崩盤當日以負值結算,令購入該產品的大陸投資者不但本金全輸,還要倒欠銀行款項。有投資者質疑銀行當日沒有及時平倉或掉期,導致嚴重虧蝕,又認為銀行在宣傳的時候,沒有說明該產品屬於高風險。然後有人去分行抗議,也有人計劃集體訴訟。事件影響銀行聲譽,已經交由大陸的監管機構跟進,應該還未結束,欲知詳情請上網。

油價崩盤同時導致中銀的海外客戶財困。幾乎同一時間,新加坡的石油貿易商興隆貿易(英文:Hin Leong Trading, HLT)的賬目問題被揭發,該公司涉嫌隱瞞多達 8 億美元的損失,背後的原因跟石油期貨交易虧損有關,但是財務報告並未反映真實的情況,即是賬目造假(類似個案:中信泰富 267+澳元期權合約虧損)。根據新加坡媒體和國際傳媒的報導,興隆貿易嘗試尋求延期償還 23 家銀行共 38.5 億美元債務,債主名單包括中銀和匯豐。簡單地說:又是中銀,又是油價。


同樣是商業客戶的賬目造假,兩個月之後,中銀在歐洲再度中招。今次是德國的金融科技企業 Wirecard 。 Wirecard 一度被吹捧為 FinTech 典範、德國之光,結果證明是商業騙子。根據國際傳媒的報導,事件牽涉賬目造假和操控股價,已經有高層被捕,中銀是其中一間有份借錢給 Wirecard 的銀行,亦即是說:那筆貸款很大機會成為壞賬。金融科技改變了銀行業的生態環境,傳統的商業銀行被搶飯碗的 FinTech 所騙,老行尊被後生仔騙財,廣東話叫「老貓燒鬚」,即是丟臉。


但是中銀的惡運未完。從 2018 年初至今,中美關係急轉直下,從貿易戰、科技戰再演變成金融戰。最新的發展,是<港區國安法>於今年的 7 月 1 日開始實施,成為抓捕反對派的法律依據。到 7 月 31 日,香港特首林鄭月娥以疫情為理由宣布把立法會選舉押後一年,之前還要剝奪反對派的參選權,事件引起國際社會關注。去到 8 月 7 日(美國時間),美國財政部宣佈制裁 11 名中港官員,意味著外資銀行(尤其是美資)可能會跟被制裁人士及其直系家屬切割,即是關閉銀行戶口及結束關係。中美關係惡化,蔓延到金融領域,在美國有業務的中資銀行可能有麻煩,萬一被排除於美元結算系統以外,日常營運肯定會受影響,今次中銀又是首當其衝。根據國際傳媒的報導,中銀內部已經進行相關研究,開始準備應變計畫,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的英語報導。至於經濟蕭條和失業高企對於傳統銀行業所帶來的挑戰,這個博客的讀者應該懂,無須長篇大論。


銀行業因為牽涉金錢而被捲入政治,是常見的事。德銀、匯豐和中銀都是好例子。中銀因為是國有銀行,需要承擔政治任務,牽涉黨運和國運,自由度低過外國同行,處境艱難。鄭少秋(提示:大時代+丁蟹)名曲<決戰前夕>的歌詞:「命運不得我挑選。」(出處:1977 年 TVB 劇<陸小鳳之決戰前後>+葉孤城 vs 西門吹雪)金融業的本質,就是缺乏穩定,不適合弱小心靈。至於大陸國有銀行的先天缺陷以及所引發的各種問題,請參考這個博客內的另一篇文章<雙軌制(一)>,刊出日期是 2011 年 10 月 14 日。


YouTube 精選:

鄭少秋:<決戰前夕> (3:29)

1977 TVB 劇<陸小鳳之決戰前後>插曲)




節錄:中國銀行於 1917 年在香港設立機構,經過百年發展,從當年不到 10 名員工的簡陋分號至現時擁有香港最大分行網絡的主流金融集團,不僅在香港經濟發展中發揮舉足輕重的作用,也為香港社會繁榮穩定作出了重要貢獻。

中國銀行(香港)有限公司(「中國銀行(香港)」或「中銀香港」)是一家在香港註冊的持牌銀行。 2001 年,中銀集團重組其在香港的機構,合併了原中銀集團香港十二行中十家銀行*的業務,並同時持有香港註冊的南洋商業銀行(「南商」)、集友銀行(「集友」)和中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司的股份權益,使之成為中銀香港的附屬機構。為貫徹中國銀行集團的海外發展策略,中銀香港分別於 2016 年 5 月及 2017 年 3 月完成出售其持有的南商及集友的全部股權,同時積極推進區域化發展,拓展東南亞業務,分支機構遍及泰國、馬來西亞、越南、菲律賓、印度尼西亞、柬埔寨、老撾及文萊等東南亞國家,為當地客戶提供專業優質的金融服務,並加快建設成為一流的全功能國際化區域性銀行。(* 十家銀行包括中國銀行香港分行,七家內地成立銀行(廣東省銀行、新華銀行、中南銀行、金城銀行、國華商業銀行、浙江興業銀行和鹽業銀行)的香港分行,以及香港註冊的華僑商業銀行和寶生銀行。)

中銀香港在各主要業務市場位居前列,在香港擁有最龐大的分行網絡及多元化的服務渠道,包括近 200 家分行, 280 多個自助銀行網點、逾 1,000 部自助設備,以及網上銀行和手機銀行等高效電子渠道,為個人、各類企業和機構等客戶提供多元化的金融及投資理財服務。中銀香港是香港三家發鈔銀行之一,亦為香港人民幣業務的唯一清算行。中銀香港的控股公司中銀香港(控股)有限公司(「本公司」)於 2001 年 9 月 12 日在香港註冊成立,並於 2002 年 7 月 25 日開始在香港聯合交易所主板上市,是香港最大上市公司及商業銀行集團之一,股份代號「2388」,美國預託證券場外交易代碼「BHKLY」。

節錄:中國銀行(香港)有限公司(英語:Bank of China(Hong Kong)Limited,BOCHK),簡稱中銀香港,是中銀香港(控股)有限公司(港交所:2388)的最主要資產,也是香港第二大(以資產和存款數目計)的商業銀行集團,在香港分行超過 300 間。截至 2011 年年底,中銀香港擁有 16,827 億港元的資產, 2011 年賺取純利 207 億港元。中銀香港是港元的三間發鈔銀行之一,也是銀通櫃員機網絡及繳費系統創辦者之一,以及最大的會員銀行。此外,它也是香港人民幣交易的指定結算銀行。中銀香港與其母公司中國銀行在法律上為兩個獨立個體,但在行政管理及保險、證券等業務上關係密不可分。中銀香港在中國銀行(香港)控股有限公司(BOCHK Holdings)旗下,而中國銀行(香港)控股有限公司是中國銀行的全資子公司。另一方面,中銀香港全資擁有 1 間子公司,為中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司。中銀香港前總裁劉金寶在 2003 年 5 月突然被召回北京成為中國銀行的副董事長。調查發現,劉金寶在任中國銀行上海分行行長時觸犯經濟罪行。他從原來位置上開除,還有三個高層管理人員,被指控犯了「為個人目的非法分配」屬於中國銀行的資金,案發時中銀香港還未成立。英文虎報估計涉案金額約 3 千萬港元。

中原按揭:2020 年 7 月份銀行樓按市佔率排名
2020 年 8 月 3 日
節錄:7月現樓按揭宗數 7,718 宗今年新高 樓花按揭飆 34.9%。中銀香港現樓按揭兩連冠,滙豐連續三個月樓花按揭一哥。中原按揭董事總經理王美鳳表示,中原按揭研究部資料顯示, 2020 年 7 月份銀行現樓按揭登記宗數,按月增加 7%。四大銀行巿佔率按月減少 2.5 個百分點至佔 71.9%,中銀香港巿佔率單月減 0.3 個百分點,至佔 26.1%,連續兩個月成為單月冠軍;滙豐銀行巿佔率按月增加 1.3 個百分點至 25.5%,排名緊隨其後為第二。恒生銀行單月巿佔率則減少 3.7 個百分點,至佔 11.7%,維持位列第三(其他排名詳見表三)。

RFI 08/10/2019
節錄:中銀香港分行表示,10 月 8 日有 5 家分行暫停服務,直至另行通知。中銀稱,香港多區發生暴力事件,該行部分分行和自助設備亦遭受破壞,包括銅鑼灣分行、太子上海街分行、觀塘翠屏邨分行、荃新天地分行及將軍澳君傲灣分行暫停服務,並啟動緊急應變機制。 10 月 4 日下午,港府強行推出<禁蒙面法>後,當晚再度爆發嚴重抗爭,多家陸資銀行淪為攻擊目標,多部自動提款機也因此被破壞。此後連續 3 天,仍有不少人蒙面上街,破壞了一些中資銀行的設備。香港金融管理局發言人表示,經初步統計,至 5 日為止,全港總數約 3300 部櫃員機中,超過 10% 不能正常運作。另外,由於港鐵站及部分商場關閉,其內的櫃員機未能提供服務。

節錄:中銀香港副董事長兼總裁高迎欣今日(3 日)出席一項活動時表示,近月針對中資銀行的衝擊令銀行損失嚴重,支持特區政府依法施政,盡快止暴制亂。高迎欣表示,中資銀行受到暴力衝擊,商舖、門市、財產設備均受到嚴重破壞,企業的正常經營亦受到嚴重干擾,導致損失十分嚴重。

香港再出發大聯盟籲不裁員 逾 4200 間企業響應
明報 2020 年 5 月 12 日
節錄:兩名前特首、全國政協副主席董建華和梁振英牽頭成立的「香港再出發大聯盟」,發起「同心抗疫不裁員」行動。恆通集團執行董事、大聯盟副秘書長施榮懷今日(12日)在記者會上表示,行動發起短短 8 至 10 日,已有 200 間港資企業及 4000 多間中資企業響應,聯署承諾承擔社會責任「不裁員」, 與社會及員工共渡時艱。今日記者會有 50 間企業代表到場,包括華潤集團、招商局集團、中國旅遊集團、中國太平保險集團、中銀香港等。華潤(集團)有限公司董事長傅育寧致辭時表示,香港經歷最為嚴峻、複雜的局面,今年失業率達 9 年來新高,中資企業秉持「紥根香港、服務香港」精神,承諾不因暫時困難而裁員,與香港各界和衷共濟。

中銀香港 (2388.HK)
中期少賺 12% 至 152.1 億元 減派中期息至每股 44.7 仙
阿思達克財經新聞(www.aastocks.com)2020 年 8 月 30 日
節錄:中銀香港 (2388.HK) 公布中期業績,純利按年倒退 11.9% 至 152.09 億元,每股盈利 1.4385 元。每股中期息 44.7 仙,少於去年同期的 54.5 仙。期內淨利息收入按年倒退 6.4% 至 186.36 億元,調整後淨息差按 1.5%,按年收窄 19 點子。淨服務費及佣金收入按年倒退 10.1% 至 54.35 億元,淨保費收入按年倒退 15.8% 至 79.16 億元。上半年減值準備淨撥備 13.66 億元,高於去年同期的 7.93 億元。普通股權一級資本比率 18.52% ,較去年底的 17.76% 提升。

金融企業賺大錢 中央續促讓利
東方日報 2020-09-07
節錄:有統計顯示,今年上半年內地最賺錢的十大上市公司,全部由金融機構包攬,或意味下半年要繼續為國家經濟發展「讓利」。據中證金融研究院統計數據顯示,內地金融上市公司在上半年實現淨利潤 1.05 萬億元(人民幣‧下同),佔逾 3,900 間 A 股上市公司約 56.76%。而首十間最賺錢企業全為內地銀行或保險公司。中銀保監副主席周亮表示,會繼續推動金融系統今年對各類企業合理「讓利」 1.5 萬億元,引導金融機構回歸根源、專注主業,積極支持國家戰略、領域和重大項目,主動對接先進製造業和戰略性新興產業的金融需求。

The OPEC oil deal
The future of the oil industry
The oil slump is a glimpse of what is to come
The Economist (Apr 16, 2020)
Extract: Oil, it has been said, is the blood coursing through the veins of the world economy. In 2020 the economy is bleeding red. As covid-19 keeps workers at home and planes on the ground, demand for oil has fallen faster and further than at any point in its history. Prices are now at a 20-year low. Last year bankruptcies among American oil producers jumped by 50%. In 2020 that figure will soar. Private oil firms, state-controlled companies and countries that rely on energy exports should brace themselves for a long period of pain.

紐約期油史無前例跌至負數 亞洲時段回升至正數
RTHK 2020-04-21
節錄:新型肺炎疫情蔓延,各國實施隔離限制措施,重創原油需求。油價表現波動,紐約 5 月期油史無前例大跌至負數,昨晚收報每桶負 37.63 美元。在亞洲時段喘定,回升至正數,在 1 美元以上徘徊。 6 月期油在 21 美元附近。分析認為,要待各國重振經濟,油價才有望止跌,現時難估幾時見底,相信產油國會再開會商討減產,以支持油價表現。

內地中行「原油寶」負值結算 投資者蝕本金兼倒欠銀行
RTHK 2020-04-23

投資者不滿原油期貨產品沒及時平倉或掉期 中行稱不安
RTHK 2020-04-25
節錄:中國銀行發表聲明,對投資「原油寶」而受損失的客戶,深感不安。中行指出,一直積極傾聽市場關切,全面審視產品設計、風險管控環節和流程,在法律框架下承擔應有責任,與客戶同舟共濟,盡最大努力維護客戶合法利益。內地中國銀行的投資產品「原油寶」,掛鈎美國西得克薩斯輕質原油期貨,由於國際原油價格暴跌,「原油寶」被指不合適地選擇在最後交易日倒數第二天美市盤中進行掉期,但遇到重大流動性問題,引致客戶嚴重損失,引發內地多名投資者嚴重不滿,向中行投訴並且到分行抗議。有內地投資者在微博聲稱投資 150 萬元人民幣,不單全部蝕光,還倒欠 460 萬元人民幣,不滿中行在宣傳產品時,沒有說明產品屬高風險,以及沒有及時平倉或掉期等,導致嚴重虧蝕。

「原油寶」投資者據報損失逾 90 億元人民幣
RTHK 2020-04-27
節錄:內地中國銀行「原油寶」事件繼續發酵,據報「原油寶」的投資者,損失超過 90 億元人民幣,中行就暫緩追收欠款。目前有過千名投資者計劃向中行展開集體訴訟,部分投資者已收到國家信訪局回覆,指事件轉交銀保監會和中行處理。

RTHK 2020-04-27
節錄:工商銀行表示,明日 9 時起,暫停帳戶原油、天然氣、銅、大豆等全部產品的開倉交易,而持倉客戶的平倉交易,及已經預期的轉期調整等均不受影響。工行表示,目前國際大宗商品市場風險較高,提醒投資者要注意控制風險、合理安排帳戶商品投資交易。

ICICI Bank has 100 million exposure to troubled Singapore oil trader that hid losses
Dinesh Unnikrishnan
Money Control.com (Apr 20, 2020)
Extract: ICICI Bank has $100 million exposure to troubled Singapore oil trader that hid losses Singapore-based Hin Leong Trading (HLT) is in the dock for non-disclosure of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses over several years. HLT has sought a six-month moratorium on debts of $3.85 billion to 23 banks, including ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank has an exposure of $100 million (about Rs 760 crore) to Singapore-based Hin Leong Trading Pte, a top oil trading firm that is in the dock for its alleged failure to disclose hundreds of millions of dollars in losses over several years, sources said. Reuters reported after reviewing a court filing that the founder and director of Hin Leong Trading Pte (HLT), Asia's largest oil trader, directed the firm not to disclose these losses. The affidavit signed by one Lim Oon Kuin, a Singaporean national, is part of a April 17 filing to the Singapore High Court by HLT and subsidiary Ocean Tankers (Pte), seeking a six-month moratorium on debts of $3.85 billion to 23 banks, the news agency reported. The persons who confirmed ICICI Bank’s exposure did not want to be named.

Besides ICICI Bank, other lenders with exposure to HLT include HSBC, ABN Amro, DBS Bank, Societe Generale, Bank of China, among others. Shares of ICICI Bank fell about 4 percent on April 20. The court filing cites a collapse in the oil price and the coronavirus pandemic, which has hammered oil demand and pushed up costs for HLT, one of Asia’s largest oil traders. Despite reporting net profit of $78.2 million for the business year ended in October, “HLT has not been earning profits over the last few years,” Lim said in the filing, which has not been made public. HLT is reeling under heavy debts of some $3 billion and is also bearing the brunt of a cutthroat price war among the big oil producing states.

獨家:新加坡石油貿易商興隆隱瞞八億美元交易損失 ―― 法院文件(簡體字)
路透社新加坡(2020 年 4 月 20 日)

RTHK 2020-04-20
節錄:外電報道,新加坡石油貿易商興隆貿易創始人兼主席林恩強曾指示公司不可以披露幾年來數億美元的損失。路透社取得興隆及子公司海洋油船(私營)公司上周五提交新加坡高等法院的文件,當中附有林恩強簽名的書面證詞。有關文件尋求延期償還 23 家銀行共 38.5 億美元債務。文件提到,新型冠狀病毒疫情打擊石油需求,亦推高興隆的成本。興隆是亞洲最大石油貿易商之一。根據財務報告,截至去年 10 月的財政年度公司盈利 7820 萬美元。不過,林恩強在文件中指出,過去幾年興隆一直未有盈利,期貨交易錄得虧損約 8 億美元,但財務報告並未反映有關情況。他承認,曾經指示財務部門在隱瞞虧損,又表示如果出問題他會負責。林恩強同他的律師未有回應路透的查詢。

RTHK 2020-04-23
節錄:路透社引述消息人士指,中石化正與新加坡興隆貿易公司進行初步談判,計劃收購興隆的石油倉儲碼頭股權,或借此為興隆提供資金。消息人士指,中石化正評估資產質素及成本,未知有意買入多少股權及收購價格。報道引述未公開的法院文件顯示,興隆欠 23 間銀行 38.5 億美元,並向法院申請延遲還債。

Wirecard’s Former CEO Markus Braun Arrested
PYMNTS.com (June 23, 2020)
Extract: Ex-Wirecard CEO Markus Braun was arrested Monday night (June 22) in the latest chapter that has rocked the German payment services provider, the Financial Times reported. Braun surrendered to Munich prosecutors after a judge issued a warrant as prosecutors investigate an accounting scandal that centers on a missing 1.9 billion euros ($2.1 billion), prosecutors confirmed on Tuesday. The 50-year-old executive faces charges of accounting fraud and market manipulation designed to artificially inflate the financial technology company’s balance sheet to make it look more appealing to investors and customers, the Financial Times reported.

Until his resignation Friday (June 19), when an audit revealed 1.9 billion euros ($2.1 billion) were missing from two bank accounts in the Philippines, Braun had been at the top of the FinTech company since 2002, the Times reported. Since the drama unfolded, Wirecard share values have plummeted. On June 17, the stock closed at $104.50. But by the open on Tuesday (June 23), the stock had dropped to $14.25. Founded in 1999, Wirecard was once considered one of the most promising tech firms in Europe. It processes payments and sells data analytics services. The company has nearly 6,000 employees in 26 countries worldwide. Wirecard calls itself the world’s first payment service provider to offer more than 200 local and global payment solutions, according to the company’s website.

Bloomberg reported Monday that the Bank of China is one of more than a dozen commercial banks that have lent $2 billion through a facility to Wirecard. The bank is considering whether to write off roughly $90 million lent to Wirecard, and would not extend the line. Ernst & Young, the company’s auditor, said it became suspicious of whether the money was ever deposited into the accounts. “There is a prevailing likelihood that the bank trust account balances in the amount of 1.9 billion euros do not exist,” Wirecard said at the time. On Sunday (June 21) Wirecard’s claim to have directed the cash to BDO Unibank Inc. and the Bank of the Philippine Islands was challenged by the Philippines central bank. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said the money never entered the country.

德國 Wirecard 電子支付的失蹤 19 億歐元
轉角說 2020/07/04
節錄:德國檢調(監管機構)在 1 日突襲搜查了德國電子支付龍頭的金融科技公司「Wirecard」,試圖尋找一筆憑空蒸發、高達 19 億歐元(約台幣 631 億元)的鉅額下落。這起延燒(這宗燃燒)至今近半個月的假帳醜聞,是由為 Wirecard 審計財報的安永會計師事務所「自爆」曝光。消息傳出後,Wirecard 股價一度斷崖式暴跌 95%,市值蒸發超過 120 億歐元,更申請破產。但究竟這消失的 19 億去了哪裡?或者根本不存在?曾被視為德國產業趨勢先鋒的 Wirecard,又是怎麼淪為輿論與大小股東心中的「德國之恥」?以線上支付交易為主要業務的 Wirecard,是千禧年後由布勞恩(Markus Braun)入主擔任 CEO 與 CTO 後,才開始崛起,並在 2018 年成為德國股市重要指標 —— DAX 指數 —— 的 30 支成分股之一,相當於德國企業中的前 30 強績優股。 Wirecard 不僅是名單上唯一一家電子支付公司,彼時市值也達到歷史新高的 191 億歐元,在國際市場上亦佔有重要地位,因而被視為「德國之光」。然而「德國之光」的榮景不長。 2020 年 6 月中, Wirecard 在數度推遲 2019 年財務報告的發布之後,負責公司財報審計的安永會計師事務所(EY)卻對外公布:Wirecard 帳目上有一筆 19 億歐元帳目不明,且不知去向。疑似做假帳的金融醜聞曝光之後, CEO 布勞恩隨即辭職並遭到逮捕調查,營運長則在出境菲律賓後失去蹤跡。

Germany's anti-money laundering unit withheld incriminating Wirecard warnings
By Leah Carter, August 12, 2020, published on DW
Extract: Germany's Financial Intelligence Unit reportedly only handed over a small number of reports containing information related to Wirecard. The Munich public prosecutor said "only two" were received before June 2020. The anti-money laundering unit of Germany's customs authority reportedly failed to share dozens of warnings with police that online payments company Wirecard was facilitating suspicious transactions even before the scandal broke in June.

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) only handed over a small portion of the information it had about Wirecard's transactions, broadcaster NDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Tuesday. The FIU reportedly received a total of around 1,000 reports in connection with Wirecard, 97 of which were found to potentially offer information related to the Wirecard allegations. However, it only forwarded a fraction of them to the Bavarian state police and the responsible public prosecutor's office in Munich, according to the reports. The FIU says it has passed information on 50 of the suspicious reports to the responsible law enforcement authorities, the majority of which originated after the scandal broke. The unit has also been repeatedly criticized by police for delaying or withholding money laundering reports. Wirecard started bankruptcy proceedings at the end of June, after it was revealed that there was a €1.9-billion ($2.1 billion) gap in its accounts.

Chinese banks urged to switch away from SWIFT as U.S. sanctions loom
Reuters (JULY 29, 2020)
Extract: China should prepare for potential U.S. sanctions by increasing use of its own financial messaging network for cross-border transactions in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, according to a report from the investment banking unit of Bank of China. Chinese state lenders have been revamping contingency plans in anticipation of U.S. legislation that could penalise banks for serving officials who implement the new national security for Hong Kong, Reuters reported earlier this month.

Greater use of the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) instead of the Belgium based SWIFT system would also reduce exposure of China’s global payments data to the United States, BOC International (BOCI) said in the report, which was co-authored by a former foreign exchange regulator. The bank’s chief economist Guan Tao was previously a director of the international payments department of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). The report looked at potential measures the United States could take against Chinese banks, including cutting off their access to the SWIFT financial messaging service, a primary network used by banks globally to make financial transactions.

China launched the CIPS clearing and settlement services system in 2015 to help internationalise use of the yuan. Supervised by the central bank, CIPS said it processed 135.7 billion yuan ($19.4 billion) a day in 2019, with participation from 96 countries and regions. The report said that if the United States were to take the extreme action of cutting off some Chinese banks’ access to dollar settlements, China should also consider stopping using the U.S. dollar as the anchor currency for its foreign exchange controls. It also recommended that China develop legislation similar to the European Union’s Blocking Statute, which allowed the EU to sustain trade and economic relations with Iran, a country targeted by U.S. sanctions.

Investopedia - How the SWIFT System Works
Extract: SWIFT for Electronic Funds Transfers. Need to transfer money overseas? Today, it is easy to walk into a bank and transfer money anywhere around the globe, but how does this happen? Behind most international money and security transfers is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system. SWIFT is a vast messaging network used by banks and other financial institutions to quickly, accurately, and securely send and receive information, such as money transfer instructions. Every day, nearly 11,000 SWIFT member institutions send approximately 33.6 million transactions through the network.1 2 In this article, we will explore what SWIFT does, how it works, and how it makes money.

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is member-owned cooperative that provides safe and secure financial transactions for its members. This payments network allows individuals and businesses to take electronic or card payments even if the customer or vendor uses a different bank that the payee. SWIFT works by assigning each member institution a unique ID code that identifies not only the bank name but country, city and branch.

Assume a customer of a Bank of America branch in New York wants to send money to his friend who banks at the UniCredit Banca branch in Venice. The New York customer can walk into his Bank of America branch with his friend’s account number and UnicaCredit Banca’s unique SWIFT code for its Venice branch. Bank of America will send a payment transfer SWIFT message to the UniCredit Banca branch over the secure SWIFT network. Once Unicredit Banca receives the SWIFT message about the incoming payment, it will clear and credit the money to the Italian friend’s account.

Treasury Sanctions Individuals for Undermining Hong Kong’s Autonomy
August 7, 2020
Extract: Today, the Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on 11 individuals for undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and restricting the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of Hong Kong. These actions were taken pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13936, “The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization,” which President Trump issued on July 14, 2020. E.O. 13936 declares a national emergency with respect to the situation in Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the People’s Republic of China to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong's autonomy and democratic processes, and provides for the imposition of sanctions on actors engaged in these malign activities. E.O. 13936 also builds on and implements provisions of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 and the Hong Kong Autonomy Act of 2020.

The recent imposition of draconian national security legislation on Hong Kong has not only undermined Hong Kong’s autonomy, it has also infringed on the rights of people in Hong Kong, allowing mainland China’s security services to operate with impunity in the region, mandating “national security education” in Hong Kong schools, undermining the rule of law, and setting the groundwork for censorship of any individuals or outlets that are deemed unfriendly to China. Today, Treasury is sanctioning Carrie Lam, Chris Tang, Stephen Lo, John Lee Ka-chiu, Teresa Cheng, Erick Tsang, Xia Baolong, Zhang Xiaoming, Luo Huining, Zheng Yanxiong, and Eric Chan.

U.S. Sanctions Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam Over China Crackdown
By Jennifer Jacobs, Nick Wadhams, and Jenny Leonard
Bloomberg (2020-08-07)
Extract: The U.S. is placing sanctions on 11 Chinese officials and their allies in Hong Kong, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam, over their roles in curtailing political freedoms in the former U.K. colony, the Treasury Department said Friday. “The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong and we will use our tools and authorities to target those undermining their autonomy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. Lam was sanctioned because she is “directly responsible for implementing Beijing’s policies of suppression of freedom and democratic processes,” the agency said. The sanctioned individuals include Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of China’s State Council, and Chris Tang, commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force. The 11 people will have any property and assets in the U.S. frozen. But it’s not clear whether any of the sanctioned officials will be affected financially.

Hong Kong-related Designations; Central African Republic Designation
Specially Designated Nationals List Update
The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

Banks in Hong Kong audit clients for exposure to US sanctions
Autonomy act will target mainland and local officials who implemented security law
Primrose Riordan in Hong Kong and Leo Lewis in Tokyo
Financial Times (JULY 9, 2020)
Extract: At least two large international banks in Hong Kong were studying which of their clients and partners might be exposed to sanctions under the act and with which they might have to terminate their business relationships, people familiar with the matter told the Financial Times. A person at one of the banks said that cutting off the clients could hit revenues from Chinese banks and the country’s state-owned enterprises, but that could not be helped. “If they are sanctioned [we] can’t touch them,” the person said. Foreign banks such as HSBC, Standard Chartered and Citibank have retail outlets in Hong Kong, while global investment banks JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, UBS and others have offices in the Asian financial hub. Large Chinese banks with international operations, such as Bank of China (Hong Kong), are also dominant in the city. In addition, the sanctions could hit the territory’s international fund managers and insurers.

“Some of them are going through that exercise of looking at their existing client base and seeing where the risks are,” said Chen Zhu, a lawyer at Davis Polk who advises institutions on the impact of economic sanctions. Another person at a bank who was familiar with the matter said: “I think at this stage everyone sensible is taking a look through their client lists and mapping out the various different scenarios.” The person added: “It’s speculative because the list isn’t out yet and our assumption is that it may not be that long. But the situation at the moment means you also have to consider worse scenarios where it does have an impact on your business and you need to plan how to react.” “Financial institutions are concerned as there is uncertainty and they are looking for additional guidance from US agencies,” said Nicholas Turner of Steptoe, who advises financial institutions on sanctions compliance.

花旗與渣打據報加緊審查香港客戶 避免違反美國制裁
RTHK 2020-08-11

銀行處理制裁 個別與當局商討
信報財經新聞 2020 年 8 月 10 日


東方日報 2020-08-13

China Banks Act to Comply With Trump Sanctions on Hong Kong
Bloomberg News (Aug 12, 2020)
Extract: China’s largest state-run banks operating in Hong Kong are taking tentative steps to comply with U.S. sanctions imposed on officials in the city, seeking to safeguard their access to crucial dollar funding and overseas networks. Major lenders with operations in the U.S. including Bank of China Ltd.,China Construction Bank Corp., and China Merchants Bank Co. have turned cautious on opening new accounts for the 11 sanctioned officials, including Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, according to people familiar with the matter.

At least one bank has suspended such activity. At some lenders transactions via the U.S. are banned, while compliance must now review and sign off on others that would previously have been immediately processed, the people said. Such measures underscore the ability of the U.S. to use the greenback’s dominance in international transactions as a pressure point in the intensifying standoff with China. China’s state-owned lenders need to preserve their access to global financial markets, particularly at a time when Beijing is leaning on them to prop up the economy from the fallout of the coronavirus. China’s four largest banks had $1.1 trillion in dollar funding at the end of 2019, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the nation’s central bank, said at a forum this week that China faces a series of threat from a potential financial war with the U.S., including sanctions on banks, financial ransom, freezing of Chinese assets offshore and a push for a capital flight. The U.S. sanctioned Bank of Kunlun Co.(崑崙銀行)in 2012 for its oil financing dealing with Iran, cutting the small Chinese lender off from the greenback payment system and suffocating its cross-border business, Yu said.

案例:神奇的崑崙銀行 如何繞過美元結算體系

崑崙銀行是一個含着金鑰匙再生的銀行,前身是克拉瑪依市商業銀行。在遇到中石油之前,發展一直不溫不火。直到 2009 年,石化巨頭中石油完成對該行的控股,並於 2014 年 4 月更名為崑崙銀行。中石油的加持讓崑崙銀行插上了隱形的翅膀,排名火速躥升,當然也賦予其一種特殊的使命,為中石油與敏感地區主要是伊朗的石油貿易提供結算服務。後來隨着業務發展,其服務對象擴大至普通涉外企業。只要一提到對伊貿易結算,大家就知道崑崙銀行是唯一選擇。如何結算(超級重點)讓我們來演示一下崑崙銀行是如何實現貨物流和資金流完美匹配的,這還真是應了那句話,複雜的問題往往只需要簡單的解決辦法,四個字「以物易物」,根本就沒有資金流動。具體操作舉例如下:

1. 假設大股東中石油向伊朗採購了 100 萬美元原油。中石油並不實際支付(因為也支付不了),而是通過崑崙銀行向伊朗銀行打個 100 萬美元欠條。伊朗的銀行就有了 100 萬的美元額度。

2. 伊朗的商家向中國採購 100 萬美元商品,只需要將相應的伊朗貨幣里亞爾支付對應給伊朗銀行,並申請美元。

3. 伊朗銀行會通知崑崙銀行將100萬美元欠條結清。

4. 收到通知後,崑崙銀行會通知國內出口商可以進行美元結匯。

5. 收到通知後,國內賣家就可以向伊朗發貨,之後去崑崙銀行結匯獲得人民幣。



2017 年 12 月 27 日
節錄:這種情緒轉化成影像版的「支那爆炸」或 China Meltdown:中國銀行電視廣告被網民接上外國電影的片段,變成中銀大廈被轟炸,有如被刀劍削斷的竹樹,斷裂倒下。那棟大廈,是國際知名建築師貝聿銘的作品,靈感來自節節上升的竹樹。在篤信風水的香港人眼中,卻是一把三尖八角的鐮刀,是用來收割的,最後是中港一體「攬炒」(港式粵語:同歸於盡),這是小市民對中資的觀感。

2017 年 7 月 15 日

2015 年 3 月 17 日

2009 年 1 月 18 日

Know Your Customer
2019 年 11 月 2 日

2016 年 1 月 9 日

2011 年 10 月 14 日
節錄:國有銀行為當權者服務,無法有效地扮演中介 (Intermediation) 的角色,存貸利率被人為地扭曲,長期偏低,無法反映真正的資金需求。民間中小企長期融資困難,只能光顧貸款利率高得嚇死人的地下錢莊。有些溫州民企老闆拿到錢之後,沒有用來經營實業,而是用更高的利率拆放出去,又或者參與形形色色的炒賣活動。同一時間,小存戶無法得到合理的回報,老百姓不甘被合法剝削,眼見物價上漲,購買力流失,為求自保,也參與非法的集資和放貸活動。

OPM (Part 2)
2012 年 7 月 14 日

OPM (Part 1)
2012 年 7 月 6 日
節錄:OPM 即是 Other People’s Money ,意思是投資或者做生意的時候,部份資金來自借貸。舉債的好處:由於有槓桿 (Leverage) 作用,可以把蠅頭小利放大好幾倍,但是利潤要扣除借貸成本以及交易費用。舉債的壞處:槓桿作用令風險增加,萬一資產價格不升反跌,虧損會被放大好幾倍,缺乏財政實力的投資者,可能因此而破產。如果是企業的話,過份借貸,週轉不靈,資不抵債,一樣死得。

2020 年 1 月 15 日

2020 年 6 月 7 日
節錄:大國相爭,買辦死先,是香港的命運。金融中心地位受損,是最低消費 (Minimum charge) 或附帶傷害 (Collateral damage)。中美兩國處於半戰爭狀態,局部開火,平民百姓被誤傷或誤殺,私人財產被破壞或充公,也很常見,無法避免。至於美軍空投炸彈的命中率,請參考二戰時期的紅磡觀音廟幾乎被誤炸事件,阿彌陀佛!所以香港人又開始移民和撤資了。

2020 年 7 月 23 日
節錄:金融罪案+國際政治+新舊媒體間諜戰,稱得上<驚天大陰謀>。捲入其中的銀行和傳媒都是歷史悠久的百年老店,同樣淪為權鬥工具或棋子。故事還在發展中,牽涉重重黑幕,還有很多未解的疑團(例如:死於非命的德銀高層)。這是一齣真實版的 House of Cards,適合用來拍電影或長篇電視劇。故事情節非常國際化,人物場景跨越德國、俄國、美國、中國和香港,展現人性黑暗和複雜的一面,是陰謀電影的格局。

The Frontman of Rocket Man
2017 年 9 月 28 日
節錄:中國四大國有銀行在美國有分行,如果任何一間被美國的金融監管機構抓到替北韓提供服務的把柄,又或者是替金家成員清洗黑錢的證據,後果可以很嚴重(例如:被美國凍結資產、被迫切斷跟美國金融系統的聯繫、客戶逃亡引發擠提、在香港的股價立即下跌),澳門滙業銀行的擠提風波(2005 年 9 月中)是好例子,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的資料。

2020 年 5 月 8 日
節錄:毒品變成黑錢的載體,作用是把人民幣轉換成美元,而大陸的化工廠負責人和墨西哥的毒販,就收取手續費或服務費作為回報。來自(新)中國的黑錢繞過地面上的合法銀行系統流入了美國,目的地是洛杉磯,跟老一輩廣東人賣豬仔(做苦工)的地點「舊金山」(英語:San Francisco,孫中山叫「三藩市」,美國加利福尼亞州的北部)同屬一個州份。

2014 年 12 月 10 日

Revised 07/09/2020