I discovered that many women have a sort of Sabine complex; they can't wait to get into bed with the triumphant Romans, even when the Romans happen to be duck-bottomed, odorous Japanese. In a way it was understandable. “After all,” they must have felt, “we are desperate; there is security only with the Japanese. Never mind what they look like; they whipped the proud British in record time. The British may have been better-looking and bigger, but the Japanese are bosses, just now. If I can capture a Japanese protector my family will eat.” Maybe the original Sabines felt the same way. I can well understand it, although I don't like it.
...were all Chinese girls who had been favorites of young Englishmen and Americans before Pearl Harbor. Many of the British cadets, studying Cantonese for the required three years of training, fell in love with these girls as a kind of ritual. It meant that they could practice their language under pleasant conditions, and it also gave them the comfortable feeling that they were really Mixing with the Natives, Understanding the Chinese...
Well, of course most of these girls have been drawing pay from the Japanese on the side, probably for years and years. After the surrender they came out of hiding all bright and cheery, and all with cushy jobs in the gendarmeries (the smaller military policy stations) around town. Some of them succeeded in capturing quite important Japanese protectors, and a few, like Millie, promptly settled down and started having Japanese babies.
...piecing together bits of news that leaked out I don't know how. Some of it was no doubt due to the fact that a lot of the Japs now had Hong Kong girls as mistresses. They had employed the same means themselves, before the war, to get information; yet they too fell into the oldest trap in the history of the world's battles. The commandant of camps, fat Colonel Tokunaga, may have been one of our sources of supply, because he was what the Cantonese call “wet salt,” which means “oversexed”. He ogled women.