


Auntie 是巫婆的材料

3 月 2 日,Auntie 在這裡寫:「武漢肺炎陰影下,恒指還守得住兩萬六……。」

話口未完,3 月 16 日下午恒生指數一度跌破 23,000 點,最低見過 22,942 點,收市險守 23,000 點,報 23,063 點,單日跌 4% 或 969 點,成交增至 1,588 億。港股連跌四日,恒指累計失去 2,328 點或 9.2%。匯豐(港股編號:05)收 $43.8,是十一年新低,距離歷史低位港幣 33 元還有距離,但是已經有股民開始喊驚。

上一次出現同樣況,是 Auntie 出動 The Hongkong & Shanghai Big Crab 插圖(那篇文章是<前記者>系列的第一篇),之後恒指插水式下瀉,也許我不應該再評論股市走勢,否則變女版秋官,被股民埋怨,甚至當女巫燒死,哈哈。


16 日港股暴瀉千點的觸發點,表面上是美國連續兩次緊急減息以及重啟量化寬鬆 (QE),令市場出現恐慌情緒。背後的 Big picture,是共產兄弟(中共和俄共)輸出災難,中共向全世界輸出瘟疫,然後選擇性地「協助」個別國家抗疫(還未計滲透世界衛生組織所帶來的破壞性後果),俄共跟中東佬玩減價戰令石油價格急瀉。中共跟俄共之間,也不見得是真兄弟(證據:俄羅斯把境內的中國人抓去強制隔離以致有港人被關押透過互聯網求救,也有不知真假的新聞故事引述俄國衛生官員指武漢肺炎其實是人工合成的病毒即是中國製造的生化武器)。

鐮刀幫拖累全球經濟,累街坊之餘也互插,一個取你性命,一個害你破財,or both depending on where you are。誰是「攬炒之王」(港式粵語:攬炒=同歸於盡),已經很清楚了。歷史重演,鐮刀幫再次扮演奸角,美國佬再次扮演世界警察,叫人想起占士邦 (James Bond) 電影的劇情。所不同者,今日玩的是一種新模式的冷戰 (New Cold War),透過經濟或科技手段進行,無須下下出動飛機大炮海陸空軍,而香港一如以往是兩個世界的邊緣或磨心。

2018 年底,Auntie 在這裡寫:「中美角力和中共內鬥,都會影響到香港。這是歷史的轉角位,而香港被綑綁在中國的車頭,無法控制自己的方向,內部的社會矛盾又不斷累積,港人的處境非常不妙。」預測準確,又有何用?這是亂世,保命要緊,還寫甚麼股票。3 月 17 日是否「大奇蹟日」(出自 TVB 劇<大時代>的港式財經術語:暴跌之後出現報復式反彈),又有何干?網民說得對,中共似丁蟹,即是:一個不斷為身邊人帶來災難,但永遠覺得自己是對(甚至受迫害)的瘋子。不可理喻,無法救治,避之則吉。

(Auntie 的補白:此文寫於 3 月 17 日的凌晨時份。)


YouTube 精選:

TVB 劇<大時代>(1992) 主題曲:<歲月無情> (4:45)


Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact
By Lora Jones, David Brown & Daniele Palumbo
BBC News (16 March 2020)
Extract: The coronavirus outbreak, which originated in China, has infected tens of thousands of people. Its spread has left businesses around the world counting costs. Here are ten key maps and charts to help you understand the impact seen on different economies and industries so far. Global shares take a hit. Investors have been worried about the impact of the coronavirus as it spreads outside of China. Big shifts in stock markets, where shares in companies are bought and sold, can affect investments in some types of pension or individual savings accounts (Isas). The FTSE, Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nikkei have all seen sharp falls since the outbreak began.

上報 2020 年 3 月 21 日
節錄:既然中國的疫情在一月末已如此嚴重,何以台灣以外的民主國家之反應如此遲緩?如此種種,實在難以純粹以文化因素去解釋。其中一個主因,筆者以為是極端資本主義近數十年「綁架」民主政體的後果。「經濟至上」損害社會的健康。很多民主國家所以事隔近兩個月才開始陸續執行「封關」措施,都緣於害怕此舉有損經濟。畢竟中國遊客人次佔全球 18%、旅遊產值 9.1%,在武漢「封城」之際對中國「封關」肯定會為各國經濟帶來動盪。這對多年以 GDP 及各項經濟數據作為成績單的執政政府自然不利,所以他們才決定繼續對中國中門大開,直至不能不面對染病人數大增及醫療系統幾近崩潰為止。極端資本主義橫行,社會容易只追求經濟的增長,把幸福指數與之「單純」的掛勾,而忽視了組成人類社會的其他重要部分 —— 包括對衛生、生命、死亡等的反思。這是中國「大外宣」在香港反送中運動前得以在國際社會立足多年的原因之一。如果人類在這場浩劫後仍然提倡「經濟至上」,再完善的民主體制也會自我瓦解。

The Coronavirus Has Put the U.S.-China Relationship on Life Support
The effective expulsion of American journalists from China is part of a broader wave of anti-foreigner sentiment.
Foreign Policy (MARCH 18, 2020)
Extract: Fear factor. The warning signs are flashing bright red for foreigners in China, who should, at a minimum, have an exit strategy — and would be wise to use it soon, especially with flights likely to be grounded globally for months. At a minimum, they should expect their next visa to be extremely hard to obtain — and keep paperwork, especially local police registrations, in impeccable order. Cold War 2.0 ? There’s been a long-standing debate in the China watcher community over whether the brewing U.S.-China competition can be called a cold war. But neither the United States nor the Soviet Union ever accused the other side of causing a pandemic, either deliberately or through neglect. Relations are at their worst point in modern memory and likely only to get worse. Unless de-escalation comes soon, this could be very ugly.

Trump’s ‘Chinese Virus’ Tweet Adds Fuel to Fire With Beijing
Bloomberg News (2020-03-17)
Extract: President Donald Trump for the first time on his Twitter feed used the phrase “Chinese Virus,” stepping up friction between the world’s two biggest economies as each tries to deflect blame for a deadly pandemic.Trump, who has previously called the disease a “foreign virus,” tweeted on Tuesday: “The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus.” Trump has previously retweeted a supporter who called it a “China virus.” With the coronavirus spreading from China into the U.S. and around the world, both nations are trading tit-for-tat claims about its origins. Hours before the Trump’s tweet, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo told top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi the Trump administration strongly objects to China’s “efforts to shift blame” for the coronavirus to the U.S., according to a State Department readout. Last week, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian pushed a conspiracy theory the U.S. army may have had a role in spreading the virus.

RTHK 2020-03-13
節錄:在北京,外交部發言人趙立堅在社文網站 Twitter 貼文,指可能是美軍將新型冠狀病毒帶到中國武漢,認為美國欠中國一個解釋,要求美國展現透明度,公開數據。不過,趙立堅未有對他的指控,提供任何證據。美國國家安全顧問奧布萊恩,早前指控中方在新型肺炎疫情爆發初期,掩蓋疫情,透明度不足,令世界延遲了兩個月去準備應對。

鍾南山:疫情在中國和武漢首發 不等於病毒源頭在武漢
RTHK 2020-03-18

RTHK 2020-03-21

Russia’s Ministry of Health refutes misleading online claim that it stated COVID-19 is man-made
AFP Hong Kong (02 March 2020)
Extract: Multiple articles and social media posts viewed tens of thousands of times claim the Russian Ministry of Health confirmed in a document that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is man-made. The claim is misleading; the Russian Ministry of Health said it did not make such a statement; the document cited in the misleading posts states COVID-19 is a “recombinant virus” which can form naturally.

The claim was made in this report by Taiwanese news site CredereMedia. The article has been viewed almost 150,000 times on Facebook after it was published on February 21, 2020, according to statistics from social media monitoring tool CrowdTangle. The article's traditional Chinese-language headline translates to English as: “The first official confirmation in the world: Russian Ministry of Health says Wuhan pneumonia is caused by a man-made virus”. The photo in the article is captioned: “Russian health minister Mikhail Murashko (pictured left) signs a document confirming the source of the Wuhan pneumonia is a man-made recombinant virus." The article reports on Russia's measures to combat the novel coronavirus, as well as on China's denials that the virus was created as a biological weapon.

As the West Panics, Putin Is Watching
The coronavirus crisis is exposing the West’s weaknesses—and adversaries of the U.S. and EU are paying close attention so they can exploit vulnerabilities in a future conflict.
Foreign Policy (MARCH 23, 2020)
Extract: Mostly, though, the coronavirus remains the only major challenge affecting Western countries. As bad as it is, that’s lucky. It’s safe to assume that Putin and his colleagues are watching the bedlam in Europe and the United States with schadenfreude, but more than that, they’re using it for educational purposes. The coronavirus is a perfect opportunity for the West’s adversaries to watch how countries cope — or don’t cope — with a major crisis. After all, an adversary can exploit a crisis by adding a second one.

Now, as the coronavirus ravages Western economies and health care systems, it would clearly be a good time for the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, or any other country with an ax to grind to open a second front. Some second-front testing might already be happening. On March 15, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was hit by a cyberattack that overloaded its servers with millions of hits, and around the same time it emerge that impersonators have been copying the Johns Hopkins University’s much-used global coronavirus map and loading their versions with malware, thus using a biological virus that’s frightening everybody to spread a virtual one to their computers as well. And on March 17, the U.K. government unexpectedly acknowledged the existence of the hitherto secret Joint State Threats Assessment Team, a government body that monitors foreign spies.

No End in Sight to the Oil Price War Between Russia and Saudi Arabia
Riyadh and Moscow are both betting they can win a global game of chicken over production.
Foreign Policy (MARCH 14, 2020)
Extract: Russia and Saudi Arabia, two of the world’s biggest oil producers, are each making a bet that they are better placed than the other to bear the pain of the oil price war that they set off over the past week — and that they can get what they want as a result. That raises two big questions: Are they able to stand the pain? And what exactly do they want?

For Russia and Saudi Arabia, both more or less dependent on oil sales to fund their national budgets, it was — and still is — a dangerous game of chicken. Russia figured that it could afford to walk away from its informal cooperation with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries, even if that meant crashing the price of oil, for a few simple reasons. First, it has tucked lots of money away in the years since the last oil-price crash, giving it a big financial cushion. Second, the biggest losers in any oil-price war, Russia figures, will be high-cost U.S. shale producers; driving the price down would both inflict economic harm on the United States and undermine its ability to wield its favorite tool of international coercion: sanctions. There is one problem, though: Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to spend more. Putin rode the oil boom of the early 2000s to a strong economy and huge popularity — but that’s a harder act to maintain when oil prices plummet.


2020 年 1 月 29 日

2011 年 8 月 1 日
節錄:2009 年 3 月 9 日,匯豐(港股編號:05)的股價創下港幣 33 元的歷史低位,香港股市哀鴻遍野,股民損失慘重。有香港網民把匯豐的商標改成一隻蟹,英文名字則改成 The Hongkong & Shanghai Big Crab, HSBC(原名:The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, HSBC),寓意股民被綁,有如大閘蟹。Big Crab 一出,股市暴瀉。十月未至,蟹蹤乍現。 Auntie 烏鴉口,罪過罪過。

2014 年 12 月 10 日

2015 年 7 月 16 日
節錄:香港股市,外資主導,比較理性。對外國機構投資者來說,接受中文傳媒訪問是浪費時間,因為他們的目標顧客不是本地散戶。怕只怕港股進一步 A 股化以及「小加同志」為接軌而接軌(提示:漲停板機制),洋人覺得太有「中國特色」,遊戲規則對他們不利,於是分階段撤出港股,到時候只剩下港資和中資角力,香港不再是真正的國際金融中心。

2020 年 1 月 15 日

2017 年 12 月 27 日
節錄:這種情緒轉化成影像版的「支那爆炸」或 China Meltdown:中國銀行電視廣告被網民接上外國電影的片段,變成中銀大廈被轟炸,有如被刀劍削斷的竹樹,斷裂倒下。那棟大廈,是國際知名建築師貝聿銘的作品,靈感來自節節上升的竹樹。在篤信風水的香港人眼中,卻是一把三尖八角的鐮刀,是用來收割的,最後是中港一體「攬炒」(港式粵語:同歸於盡),這是小市民對中資的觀感。

Dr. Evil
2019 年 2 月 19 日
節錄:回頭講搞笑間諜片 Austin Powers 系列,裡面的笑料、情節和造型來自六、七十年代的占士邦電影,很容易找到跟美蘇冷戰相關的元素。例如:奸角 Dr. Evil 穿疑似解放裝,用高科技複製自己(提示:Mini-Me)。如果你熟悉占士邦電影,看 Austin Powers 系列的感覺,就好像熟悉粵語武俠片的香港人看周星馳電影<功夫>(2004),即是溫書、精華版。

V 煞、1812、RIC
2013 年 1 月 1 日
節錄:其背景音樂,是柴可夫斯基 (Peter I Tachaikovsky, 1840-1893) 的<1812 序曲>(1812 Overture)。古典樂迷一定認得這首樂曲,因為它是柴可夫斯基的代表作之一。<1812 序曲>寫於 1880 年,首演於 1882 年,是為俄國救世主大教堂的祭典儀式而寫的。這座大教堂是為了紀念俄國於 1812 年擊敗拿破崙 (1769-1821) 而建造的,所以樂曲的結尾出現大砲的聲音、教堂的鐘聲以及俄國國歌的片段。

2017 年 11 月 29 日

2019 年 6 月 26 日

2019 年 8 月 6 日
節錄:我們應該怎樣定義自己?工作?行業?學校?家庭?政黨、政權還是國家?本土派的說法:港人正面對「身份危機」(Identity crisis),當中國因為愚笨或落後或派系鬥爭或中美角力而不惜犧牲香港,我們還要堅持「中國香港」這身份?君要臣死,臣不得不死?繼續建設民主中國,喚醒欺負香港人的低端大陸人?抑或把握西方國家對中國夢醒的有利時機,跟中國切割,走自己的路?

No more panda hugger
2019 年 9 月 13 日

2018 年 8 月 15 日

2019 年 1 月 25 日

2016 年 12 月 9 日
節錄:Auntie 真係烏鴉口!年紀越大,功力越純,我是巫婆的材料。上星期提到黑澤明的電影<羅生門>(1950),轉過頭立即上演香港版,689(梁振英)疑似跣薯片叔叔(曾俊華)一鑊(提示:不准回答可能被 DQ 的四位立法會議員的問題),事後一個特首和三位司長(曾俊華、林鄭月娥、袁國強)四個人提供了四個不同的版本。

Revised 24/03/2020
