




例子一:當美國的科網巨企例如 Google Facebook 面對反壟斷 (Antitrust) 指控,可能要分拆或出售部份業務(例如:WhatsApp),你見到中國的科網股例如阿里爸爸(港股編號:9988)也面對同樣的罪名,旗下的支付寶母公司螞蟻集團的上市計畫在最後一刻被煞停,之後有傳聞阿里爸爸已經與中國的監管機構就業務重組計劃達成協議,螞蟻集團會轉型為一家金融控股公司,面對與銀行業同一標準的資本要求,即是營利能力被削弱,影響估值和降低集資金額。如果上市籌集的資金不足,是否要把股份賣給國家(還是把股份上繳給黨中央?),說得出來的(反壟斷)又是否藉口,自己想。

例子二:去年八月底,美國前總統特朗普的前顧問、前白宮首席策略師班農 (Steve Bannon) 因為詐騙罪及洗黑錢罪名被捕。美國的司法部門指班農以興建邊境(提示:墨西哥)圍牆為名義發起網上眾籌,籌得超過 2500 萬美元,他涉嫌從中挪取超過 100 萬美元,部份用於個人開支。班農在一首遊艇上被捕,遊艇主人是外逃的中國商人兼爆料工廠(網媒)負責人郭文貴。然後你見到香港的執法部門用同樣的罪名(發起網上眾籌然後涉嫌侵吞部份款項於是等同詐騙和洗黑錢)對付多名反對派人士以及多個(政治和宗教)團體。問題:中央政府傳令香港的執法部門向美國佬學習?用(美帝)對付爆料阿貴的美國軍師的手法來對付香港的反對派,因為港人是美帝的走狗(提示:黎智英),向偉大祖國發動顏色革命,所以用迂迴曲折的手法報復(美帝)?香港人還是不是中國人?抑或在中共的眼中,香港人從來都不是自己人而是信不過的洋奴?自己想

簡單地說:亦步亦趨,跟得好貼。中國政府(以及大陸官媒)嘴巴罵美帝,但行動卻在模仿對方,這是甚麼玩法?美國人寫的實用心理學書籍(也許應該叫推銷員寶典才對)裡面有 Mirroring  這一招,即是模仿對方的表情、語氣、用字、動作甚至是立場,令對方在不知不覺之間相信閣下是真朋友或好知己 (Develop trust and rapport at the unconscious level),然後向對方推銷商品、服務或各種信仰就會無往而不利,即是跑數(達標)無難度。這一招,推銷員或傳教士一定懂,但偉大的中國共產黨也要用這一招?因為面對的是新生勢力(即:國產的科網股+香港的抗爭者),沒有先例可援,不知道應該怎麼辦,事情在中共的認知範圍以外,於是要向美國佬偷師?這些大逆不道的問題,自己想。

Water Down(溝淡、灌水)

網上字典的解釋:If something such as a proposal, speech, or statement is watered down, it is made much weaker and less forceful, or less likely to make people angry.




半桶水,拖拖拉拉,只做門面功夫,選擇阻力最少的路徑,把弱勢變成交數工具,但是避免觸碰問題的真正根源,以免得罪在政治上有影響力的利益集團,面對傳媒就繼續講廢話耍官腔帶小記者遊花園,是港式公務員的慣技。這一套,港人非常熟悉。Less likely to make people angry? 喂,Hongkongers angry 左好耐喎!

結論:中國政府玩抄襲,特區政府玩灌水。官府沒有真本領,小市民叫苦連天。唉!越寫越似長輩文章,Auntie 老了。在這種環境過年,想起都頭痛。Auntie 祝大家身體健康,我們要跟壞人鬥長命。


YouTube 精選:






1978 TVB 電視劇<倚天屠龍記>主題曲)(3:45)


這是原曲,也是 Auntie 的童年回憶。這個版本有幾位出色綠葉:石堅演金毛獅王、關海山演張三豐、上官玉演滅絕師太,都是有氣派的演員。


The Art of Building Rapport, Part I: Mirroring & Matching

October 22, 2012 by ascendnonprofits


Extract: Mirroring and matching are techniques widely used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, an interpersonal communication model created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s.  The idea is that people feel most comfortable around those who are like them – they feel that their point of view is understood. The more someone believes you are like them, the easier it is to develop trust and rapport at the unconscious level.

Mirroring refers to the simultaneous ‘copying’ of the behavior of another person, as if reflecting their movements back to them.  When done with respect and discretion, mirroring creates a positive feeling and responsiveness in you and others. Matching, on the other hand, can have a built-in ‘time lag’.  For example, if a seated client uncrosses his legs and leans slightly inward while speaking, you should wait for a few seconds and then discretely adopt the same posture.

The most prudent of establishing rapport quickly is to mirror and match the most unconscious elements of a person’s behavior during communication, such as physiology and tonality. Together, these two elements comprise an estimated 93% of our communication.  Paying attention to just these two elements can make you most like the other person without their being aware that this is occurring – that’s the key to success.

Investopedia - What Is Antitrust?


Extract: Antitrust laws are regulations that encourage competition by limiting the market power of any particular firm. This often involves ensuring that mergers and acquisitions don't overly concentrate market power or form monopolies, as well as breaking up firms that have become monopolies. Antitrust laws also prevent multiple firms from colluding or forming a cartel to limit competition through practices such as price fixing. Due to the complexity of deciding what practices will limit competition, antitrust law has become a distinct legal specialization.

Key points:

  • Antitrust laws were designed to protect and promote healthy competition within all sectors of the economy.
  • The Sherman Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act are the three pivotal laws in the history of antitrust regulation.
  • Today, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sometimes in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) is tasked with enforcing federal antitrust laws.

Understanding Antitrust. Antitrust laws are the broad group of state and federal laws that are designed to make sure businesses are competing fairly. Supporters say antitrust laws are necessary for an open marketplace. Healthy competition among sellers gives consumers lower prices, higher-quality products and services, more choices, and greater innovation. Opponents to antitrust laws argue that allowing businesses to compete as they see fit would ultimately give consumers the best prices. The trust in antitrust refers to a group of businesses that team up or form a monopoly in order to dictate pricing in a particular market.

Facebook, Google to Face New Antitrust Suits in U.S.

By John D. McKinnon

Wall Street Journal (Nov 30, 2020)


Extract: Federal and state officials are probing whether the tech giants abused their power in the internet economy — Google to dominate search and advertising, and Facebook to dominate social media. Google and Facebook have denied doing so, saying they operate in highly competitive markets and that their services, which are mostly free, benefit consumers.

If Facebook were to be sued, it would mark the first government antitrust action against the social-media titan in the U.S. Facebook has come under particular criticism from Republicans and Democrats in Congress as well as President-elect Joe Biden over its content-moderation policies. Apple Inc. and Amazon Inc., which along with Google and Facebook came under fire from a congressional panel in July, are also under scrutiny from antitrust officials. The FTC is nearing approval of an antitrust suit against Facebook in coming days, according to people familiar with the matter. The commission has been focused on whether Facebook stifled competition through acquisitions such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

Another coalition of state attorneys general, led by Ken Paxton of Texas, is aiming to file an antitrust case against Google over its powerful online-advertising business. Much of Google’s power as an ad broker stems from acquisitions of ad-tech companies, especially its 2008 purchase of DoubleClick Inc. Regulators who approved that $3.1 billion deal warned they would step in if the company tied together its offerings in anticompetitive ways. Some publishers and advertisers say that is what has happened.

Facebook and Google cases are our last chance to save the economy from monopolization

By Steven Pearlstein

Washington Post (Dec 18, 2020)


Extract: At its core, antitrust law says that to save competition, sometimes you have to limit it. Which is why the government’s recent decision to sue Google and Facebook is so significant. Simply by bringing these cases, the government will temporarily restrain the predatory instincts of Facebook and Google, which will be on their best behavior for the next five to eight years as the cases wind their way through the federal court system. More broadly, the cases will be seen as a legal shot across the bow of dominant firms in other highly concentrated industries — pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, financial services — who are now on notice that their nonstop acquisitions and hardball business practices could invite similar challenge.

Filing cases is one thing, of course, and winning them quite another — particularly given a steady stream of adverse rulings in recent decades from federal judges who, in the thrall of free-market ideology, have adopted an increasingly cramped and skeptical view of antitrust law. In prosecuting the Google and Facebook cases, the government’s lawyers will have to walk a fine line between “realism and ambition,” says William Kovacic, a former chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and now a law professor at George Washington University. Beating up on Big Tech is fun and easy. Restraining it will require rewriting the law.

At the same time, the prospect of even more intrusive regulation might prompt Facebook and Google to try to settle the antitrust cases in an effort to slow the momentum, or limit the scope, of the legislative initiative. Keeping a close eye on both the antitrust cases and the legislative debate will be the members of the Supreme Court, including six conservative justices who have a well-documented hostility to government regulation of business.

China launches antitrust probe into tech giant Alibaba

By Julie Zhu, Kane Wu, Cheng Leng

Reuters (December 24, 2020)


Extract: China has launched an antitrust investigation into Alibaba Group and will summon the tech giant’s Ant Group affiliate to meet in coming days, regulators said on Thursday, in the latest blow for Jack Ma’s e-commerce and fintech empire. The probe is part of an accelerating crackdown on anticompetitive behaviour in China’s booming internet space, and the latest setback for Ma, the 56-year-old former school teacher who founded Alibaba and became China’s most famous entrepreneur.

It follows China’s dramatic suspension last month of Ant’s planned $37 billion initial public offering, which had been on track to be the world’s largest, just two days before its shares were due to begin trading in Shanghai and Hong Kong. In a strongly worded editorial, the ruling Communist Party’s People’s Daily said if “monopoly is tolerated, and companies are allowed to expand in a disorderly and barbarian manner, the industry won’t develop in a healthy, and sustainable way.” Regulators have warned Alibaba about the so-called “choosing one from two” practice under which merchants are required to sign exclusive cooperation pacts preventing them from offering products on rival platforms.

Key events behind China's investigation into Alibaba Group

By Reuters Staff

Reuters (December 24, 2020)


Extract: China has launched an investigation into Alibaba Group for suspected monopolistic behaviour and will summon its Ant Group to meet in coming days, regulators said, in the latest blow for Jack Ma’s e-commerce and fintech empire. Here’s a timeline of key events leading up to the investigation.


At a public event attended by Chinese regulators, Ma, China’s richest man, said the financial and regulatory system stifled innovation and must be reformed to fuel growth. He also compared the Basel Committee of global banking regulators to “an old man’s club”.


China’s Financial Stability and Development Committee, a cabinet-level body headed by Vice Premier Liu He, flags risks associated with the rapid development of fintech, at a meeting that was widely interpreted as a government response to the rise of players such as Ant.


Four of China’s top financial regulators say they conducted regulatory talks with Ant’s top two executives and Ma. Chinese regulators recommend tighter regulations for online micro-lending companies to help contain potential financial risks and rein in rising debt levels.


The Shanghai stock exchange suspends Ant’s IPO on its tech-focused STAR Market, citing the regulatory talks as a “material event” and a tougher regulatory environment as factors that may disqualify Ant from listing. The move prompted Ant to also freeze the Hong Kong leg of its dual listing.


China warned its Internet giants it would not tolerate monopolistic practices and to brace for increased scrutiny, as it slapped fines and announced probes into deals involving Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings.


RTHK 2021-02-05




東方日報 2021-02-08


節錄:國家市場監督管理總局周日刊發《國務院反壟斷委員會關於平台經濟領域的反壟斷指南》(《指南》),也就是說該局於去年 11 10 日發布、觸發阿里巴巴(港股編號:9988)和騰訊控股(港股編號:700)等中資科網股股價暴瀉的那份監管草案,已正式生效。國務院反壟斷委員會辦公室負責人表示,《指南》出台的背景包括網絡平台經營者要求商家不得在對手的平台經營(二選一)、運用大數據和算法分析用戶從而收取不同價格等(大數據殺熟)、未依法申報實施經營者集中等等,涉嫌壟斷問題的反映和舉報與日俱增;又特別提到兩個月前舉行的中央經濟工作會議將「強化反壟斷」和「防止資本無序擴張」列為今年經濟工作的重點任務。


班農被控詐騙美墨邊境牆資金 出庭不認罪  


BBC 中文網(20208 20 日)


節錄:曾任美國總統特朗普高級戰略顧問的史蒂夫班農(Steve Bannon)被捕。班農被控為修建美國-墨西哥邊境圍牆籌款過程中涉嫌欺詐行為。與班農一同被指控的還有另外其他三人。美國司法部周四(20 日)說,班農等被告在籌款項目中「欺詐」數以十萬計的捐贈者,「我們築牆」眾籌項目總計募得 2500 萬美元。司法部說,班農獲得超過 100 萬美元,至少其中一部分用於他個人開支。「我們築牆」項目的創始人科法奇獲取 35 萬美元用於個人支出。以上四人面臨的指控包括一項共謀實施電信詐騙罪和一項共謀實施洗錢罪。每項罪名最高可判處 20 年監禁。班農以 500 萬美元獲得保釋,擔保金為 175 萬美元的現金或房產。在等待刑事審判期間,他將不被允許乘坐私人飛機、船隻旅行或出國。根據媒體報道,班農在康乃狄克州附近海域一艘價值超過 3500 萬美元的遊艇上被捕,該遊艇為中國流亡商人郭文貴所有。班農當日出庭時表示不認罪。他現已被保釋。班農是 2016 年特朗普在總統大選中獲勝的重要「功臣」,他的右翼反移民意識形態推動了特朗普的「美國優先」(America First)運動。


BBC 中文網(201712 10 日)


節錄:正在美國尋求政治避難的億萬富翁郭文貴接受法新社獨家採訪時稱,他正在努力謀求實現中國的「政權變化」,在這個全球人口最多的國家實現民主。郭聲稱要在三年內實現這一目標。他還透露,將在 12 月底之前啟動一個全新媒體平台,曝光中共政權的缺陷。在過去幾個月時間裏,郭文貴在社交媒體上大量爆料,將矛頭對凖中國的一些富翁和當權人物。郭文貴在社交網站推特上擁有接近 48 萬粉絲。他說自己的賬戶在 10 月份的中共黨代會以來反覆遭到屏蔽。

郭在採訪中提到了一個令人意外的「盟友」—— 美國總統特朗普的前戰略顧問史蒂夫.班農(Steve Bannon),班農曾經呼籲華盛頓對中國發動「經濟戰爭」。郭文貴說,自己和班農這位前高盛投行家以及極右翼網站布賴特巴特新聞網(Breitbart News)負責人有過多達 10 次會面。「他(班農)是我見過的最好的國際政治專家之一。班農先生還是位數不多的真正了解亞洲的西方人。」郭文貴說。郭文貴曾在今年 10 10 日於個人推特主頁上高調公布自己和班農的往來。香港《南華早報》當時試圖聯繫郭文貴及班農,但「郭和班農的發言人均未對置評的請求作出回應。」此後郭文貴還多次在推特上發佈自己與班農會面的信息。



紐約時報中文網(2020 11 20 日)


節錄:班農指出,與閆麗夢不同,他不認為這是中國政府「故意釋放的」。但他一直在推動一個看法,即病毒是高風險的實驗室研究意外洩露出來的,他有意製造一場關於新冠病毒起源的辯論。「閆麗夢只是一個很小的聲音,但至少她是一個聲音,」班農說。閆麗夢聯繫的那名 YouTube 主持人叫王定剛(音),他與郭文貴關係密切,似乎是第一個傳播與候任總統小約瑟夫.R.拜登 (Joseph R. Biden Jr.) 的兒子杭特.拜登 (Hunter Biden) 有關的謠言的人。

郭文貴旗下的一個網站放大了杭特.拜登與一個虐待兒童的陰謀有關的毫無根據的傳言。這些傳言隨後被 Infowars 和其他美國邊緣媒體採用。班農、王定剛和郭文貴目前都在推銷總統大選被操縱的錯誤信念。大型科技企業已開始對這些謠言做出反擊,FacebookTwitter 已試圖改善對平台上內容的監管。 Twitter 永久封殺了班農的一個帳號,因它違反了平台有關美化暴力的規定,班農曾在自己的播客上建議,應將聯邦調查局局長和美國頭號傳染病專家安東尼.S.福奇(Anthony S. Fauci) 博士的頭插在木樁上。閆麗夢通過班農和郭文貴的代表拒絕了多次採訪請求。王定剛也拒絕接受採訪,他稱《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 是「假新聞」。在一份通過律師發來的聲明中,郭文貴說,他只是對閆麗夢「站出來反對中共黑手黨,向世界公布新冠病毒真相」的努力提供了「鼓勵」。

Pressure grows on HSBC over Hong Kong activist Ted Hui 
By Louisa Clarence-Smith and Ben Martin, The Times, 8 February 2021


Extract: HSBC has come under fire from an international coalition of senior politicians over its decision to freeze the bank account of a prominent pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong. A group of more than 50 politicians including Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory leader, has written to Mark Tucker, chairman of HSBC, demanding that he unfreeze the accounts of Ted Hui(許智峯)and his family. Hui, 38, a former Hong Kong legislative councillor who fled to Britain, was accused by the territory’s authorities of misappropriating funds in charges relating to his crowdfunding campaign for lawsuits against police brutality. He revealed in December that HSBC had frozen his and his family’s bank accounts. HSBC, whose headquarters are in London, is under pressure after it supported a draconian security law imposed on Hong Kong by Beijing last year.

The international Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a cross-party group of politicians pushing for democratic countries to take a tougher stance against Beijing, has written to Tucker saying that HSBC failed to give evidence of any court order or warrant sought by the police in freezing the accounts of Hui and his family. In their letter, seen by The Times, the politicians say it is “highly concerning” that Hui’s family members’ accounts are frozen, even though they are not subject to any charges. They warn that HSBC has “compromised clients’ assets and private property rights without regard to the law and due procedures”. Signatories include Kimberley Kitching, the Australian Labor senator who is chairwoman of the Senate foreign affairs, defence and trade references committee, and Uffe Elbaek and Katarina Ammitzboll, two Danish parliamentarians who the Hong Kong authorities are considering prosecuting for their role in Hui’s escape.

Collins Dictionary – Water Down 


1. phrasal verb

If you water down a substance, for example food or drink, you add water to it to make it weaker.

He was careful to check that his suppliers were not watering down the product.

I bought a water-based paint, then decided to water it down even more.

2. verb

If something such as a proposal, speech, or statement is watered down, it is made much weaker and less forceful, or less likely to make people angry.

Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.



記錄出行:1. 當你進入場所時,開啟應用程式,按「進入」並允許使用手機拍照的權限,然後掃描場所展示的特定二維碼。當你乘坐的士時,開啟應用程式,按「上車」並按「自動識別車牌」掃描貼在的士車內側、附有車牌號碼的黃色牌子或者直接輸入車牌號碼。2. 離開時,在應用程式按「離開」,有關出行記錄會被加密並儲存在你的流動裝置內。3. 出行記錄會在 31 天後自動刪除。


特區政府新聞網(2020 11 21 日)


節錄:創新及科技局局長薛永恒:如果到訪過的場地有確診者的話,透過「安心出行」流動應用程式,便能夠及早知道,從而作出合適的應對,如自我隔離或檢測,甚至如果不幸感染的話,亦可以早日治療,從而大家可以同心做好抗疫。我很高興和大家做一個匯報,我們已經有超過 12,000 個場地,包括公私營場地已經參與計劃。今天來到荃新天地,我要特別感謝市區重建局,在韋總監的領導下,他們所有場地,包括與他們合作營運的場地,亦會使用我們的二維碼,讓香港市民可以做「安心出行」的數碼工作。同樣,我們亦得到信和集團,在黃主席的領導下,整個團隊的支持,已經有 170 個信和場地,包括工商大廈、住宅、酒店、遊艇會等等亦有「安心出行」的二維碼在當眼處,供大家使用。


餐飲業或必須設安心出行 QR code 




節錄:特首林鄭月娥今早會見傳媒時表示,食衛局稍後會交代將要求餐廳增設安心出行的二維碼(QR code),而現時仍以自願原則,鼓勵市民下載該應用程式。但有餐飲業界對於「被要求」增設,感到擔心,一旦發現患者曾光顧,食肆即時要停業,屆時要白交租和支付員工薪金。香港餐務管理協會會長楊位醒表示,若政府要強行餐廳參加都無辦法。但他認為,此舉「治標不治本」,只方便政府追蹤患者曾到訪的地方。他提出,政府要封邊境、進行全民檢測,以及強制任何到港人士 14 日隔離,才能根治問題。




2021 2 9


節錄:《星島日報》引述消息指,政府很可能在年初七(18 日)放寬社交距離措施,包括晚市堂食、美容業及戲院有望重開。不過消息續指,安裝及使用「安心出行」應用程式是重開的必要條件之一。如未來一星期確診數字平穩,及源頭不明個案下降,政府很可能在年初七放寬防疫措施。當局擬按活動風險高低作決定,有多人接觸及除下口罩的風險較高場所,如酒吧、桑拿、卡拉 OK、派對房間等,重開機會較微。而食肆晚市堂食、美容業及戲院等則有可能重開,但安裝及使用「安心出行」是其中一個重開必要條件。

安心出行」迄僅 52 萬市民下載

東方日報 2021-02-09


節錄:港府早前推出「安心出行」應用程式讓市民記錄行蹤,創新及科技局局長薛永恒昨在立法會資訊科技及廣播事務委員會交代進展,指「安心出行」至今有約 52 萬名市民下載,逾 6.9 萬個場所展示二維碼。當局會因應疫情發展,積極考慮會否要求某些處所的使用者,例如食肆客人,掃描二維碼後才可進入,從而令防疫抗疫工作做得更好。



2018 1 11

節錄:喝過頭啖湯,賺過錢之後,以 Facebook (FB) 為首的新媒體開始走上舊媒體的老路,證據:間諜滲透、捲入權鬥、政治干預、商業壓力。新媒體的商業模式,本來是「自動導航」。優點:輕巧靈活,本小利大,刀仔鋸大樹。運作了十幾年之後,這套商業模式開始出現問題。結果是:原有的優點慢慢消失,越來越不好玩,賺大錢的最佳時機已成過去,需要考慮轉型,甚至是撤退。


2017 11 10

節錄:如果你知道甚麼叫 Leapfrogging(中譯:蛙跳模式),應該不會覺得用支付寶吃飯、購物、叫車或嫖妓是「先進」,用現金付款是「落後」。新科技的滲透率高,並不代表某個國家「先進」。Leapfrogging(蛙跳模式)是西方商學院理論,意思是:發展中國家跳過較舊的科技,直接引入較新的科技,形成比西方發達國家更高的滲透率 (Penetration rate)。這種現象,常見於電訊或能源行業。

數碼貨幣 (Part 2)

2020 10 7



健康碼 = 敲脚骨 + 分餅仔 

2020 6 20




2020 1 15

節錄:難怪小朋友在網上論壇這樣寫:「香港失去集資和走資的功能,令支共(中共)無法借錢還債,加速支爆 (China meltdown)。終極攬炒,玉石俱焚!香港失去最重要的戰略價值,但可以加快獨立的過程,那是我們唯一的出路!」從這個角度看,匯豐獅子遭逢火劫(提示:星火同盟),令藍絲大媽落淚,年輕黃絲卻處之泰然,當中的情緒落差,也就不難理解。


2018 4 14




2011 11 20



2019 3 3


Endless Loop 

2019 8 23



