



故事從德意志銀行 (Deutsche Bank AG) 說起。這間銀行生於戰火(十九世紀的普法戰爭),多次被捲入政治漩渦,因此被清算,經歷業務重組。二戰時期,德意志銀行(下稱:德銀)為納粹德國提供服務,協助第三帝國籌款建立奧斯維辛 (Auschwitz) 集中營,戰後被大屠殺的倖存者入稟法庭索取巨額賠償。

Fast Forward 到今天,德銀的處境跟港人熟悉的匯豐差不多:同樣因為牽涉洗黑錢而被監管機構抓到,要支付巨額罰款,想填數再加上業務轉型,於是拿員工開刀,遇上疫症爆發,暫時講究「企業社會責任」(Corporate social responsibility, CSR) ,叫停了大規模的裁員計畫,只不過是推遲了個半月。德銀也跟匯豐一樣,因為(九十年代)進軍中國和美國而被捲入政治漩渦。這間銀行所走過的路,讓你明白金錢和權力之間的複雜關係,以及金錢在國際政治中所扮演的角色。


跟匯豐一樣,德銀於九十年代進軍美國市場,曾經借錢給一個做地產生意的美國佬,日後美國佬在 2016 年的總統大選中勝出。對,他叫 Donald Trump(中譯:特朗普、川普)。討厭中共的香港網民叫他「侵侵」,玩疊字,熊貓化,哈哈。若干年後,一間俄國國營銀行成為部份貸款的 Underwriter,消息來源這樣說:

Deutsche Bank’s loans to Donald Trump were underwritten by Russian state-owned VTB Bank, according to the whistleblower whose collection of thousands of bank documents and internal communications have captured the recent attention of federal investigator. Underwriting is the process where financial institutions assess the ability of potential customers to fulfill their obligations. Underwriters have access to “credit and financial information, as well as the state of the [property],”according to US News, though underwriters can sometimes be unknown to the person seeking the loan.

Val Broeksmit acquired the emails and files of his late father, Deutsche Bank executive William S. Broeksmit, after Broeksmit tragically took his own life in 2014. Val informed the FBI in late 2019 about his knowledge of VTB’s underwriting of Trump’s loans, information he attributed to a network of sources connected to the bank he cultivated over the past five-plus years. Val Broeksmit’s full statement is below: The Russian state bank VTB underwrote loans to Donald Trump via Deutsche Bank. Over the course of Trump’s relationship with DB, an inordinate amount of questionable, mismanaged & risky loans approved by Deutsche Bank to Trump required his Personal Guarantee which, over time, also lost its value. Trump’s team at DB sought out creative ways to circumvent the varied protections DB’s compliance team institutionally implemented, & whether by happenstance or by design Trump’s loans became underwritten by Russia’s own VTB.

Source: https://forensicnews.net/


簡單地說:新舊媒體都被捲入權力鬥爭,都被動機複雜的人利用。其中一份爆料的老牌大報是<華盛頓郵報>(Washington Post),曾經揭發水門事件 (the Watergate scandals) 導致尼克遜總統下台,被新聞學者視為典範。<華盛頓郵報>在 2013 年賣盤給 Amazon 的創辦人Jeff Bezos(中譯:貝索斯),之後貝索斯得到的回報是跟中東王室結怨。根據西方傳媒的報導,沙地王儲不滿<華盛頓郵報>對他的報導,試圖入侵貝索斯的手機。然後沙地王儲派人幹掉了<華盛頓郵報>記者卡舒吉(注意:卡舒吉曾任沙地王室的顧問),由於殺人的手法很原始(用鋸子肢解活人),令沙地王儲苦心經營的開明形象毀於一旦,要麻煩西方國家的公關專家出手修補(然後香港的特首林鄭月娥向同一間公關公司求助,哈哈)。萬一你不知道:特朗普跟貝索斯有牙齒印(結怨),曾經公開指控 Amazon 逃稅、濫用美國的公共郵政系統以及打爛零售業員工的飯碗(提示:無人商店 AmazonGo )。<華盛頓郵報>是否貝索斯的政治籌碼或權鬥工具,自己想。他得到的回報(跟中東王室結怨)是否他想要的東西(還是涉足傳媒的副作用),而被肢解的卡舒吉又是否權鬥的犧牲品(還是吃兩家茶禮的中東人),自己想。

扯遠了,說回來。透過金錢控制特朗普的,不止俄國佬,還有師承蘇聯的中共。2017 年初,特朗普當選美國總統之後不久,背景神秘的海航入股德意志銀行,成為大股東,之後數年分幾次減持股份。是否見光死,自己想。背後的動機,是累積權鬥籌碼(牽涉中共的派系鬥爭),還是走資或洗黑錢(提示:中資慣用的高摃桿收購通常以放棄訂金或劈價放售購入的資產告終),自己想。維尼和普京是否想成為美國總統的頭號債主,然後用錢收買或控制他,令美國總統成為鐮刀幫的扯線木偶,改變國際政治的生態環境或遊戲規則,自己想。我們香港人會告訴你,中共用錢接濟財困的生意人,然後把他推上政治舞台,讓生意人變成中共的扯線木偶,董建華是好例子,他的政績「有口皆碑」(提示:2003 年夏天 50 萬港人上街)。同一模式,本來還有郭台銘或 Korean Fish(香港網民送給韓國瑜的外號,因為此君 Very Fishy,證據:來港首日立即衝入中聯辦),但是中共的陰謀被台灣人識破了,結果小英以八百萬選票連任(港人有功勞!)。從中共的角度看,把香港的「成功」經驗複製到台灣,玩 Copy & Paste,是合理的做法,符合成本效益。用同一種玩法控制美國總統?卻是邁向另一個更高的層次,還是應該用國產中文的寫法即是「衝擊更高的檔次」?如果今次成功了,是非常偉大的成就,還是應該用國產中文的寫法即是「樹立偉大的豐碑」?


2018 年初至今,中美關係急轉直下,從貿易戰、科技戰再演變成金融戰。最新的發展是美國考慮禁止中國共產黨員(及其直系親屬)入境以及凍結資產。根據主流傳媒的報導,部份國際銀行開始防範於未然,即是透過盡職審查 (Due diligence) 識別高風險客戶(提示:Politically Exposed Persons, PEPs),審視是否應該結束關係,有需要的話立即趕客,寧願少做生意,也不想被美國佬制裁。


論性格和作風,他似佛教的「阿修羅」(提示:天龍八部),這類人玩「債仔惡過債主」,實屬理所當然。根據香港傳媒的報導,特朗普叫停了禁止中共黨員入境美國這一招,是由於執行上有困難(美國政府手頭上沒有完整的中共黨員名單),還是想等待另一個更適合的時機才出手(收網),天曉得。他是反覆無常的人,跟偉大的中國共產黨是絕配,稱得上勢均力敵。這個博客的大陸讀者這樣說:「流氓才懂得對付流氓!」<環球時報>總編輯胡錫進的說法:「這屆美國政府真是甚麼都能幹得出來!」哈哈。香港網民的回應:「侵侵做得好!吳京去左邊?(戰狼那裡去)」身為美國總統的右翼狂人跟形左實右的鐮刀幫或角力(普京)或開戰(維尼),引發連場好戲,被學院派形容為「新冷戰」(New Cold War)。

結論:金錢萬惡 串起陰謀

財可通神,金錢萬惡,串起陰謀。故事情節:金融罪案+國際政治+新舊媒體間諜戰,稱得上<驚天大陰謀>。捲入其中的銀行和傳媒都是歷史悠久的百年老店,同樣淪為權鬥工具或棋子。故事還在發展中,牽涉重重黑幕,還有很多未解的疑團(例如:死於非命的德銀高層)。這是一齣真實版的 House of Cards,適合用來拍電影或長篇電視劇。故事情節非常國際化,人物場景跨越德國、俄國、美國、中國和香港,展現人性黑暗和複雜的一面,是陰謀電影的格局。已經有美國人用找得到的黑材料寫書,書名叫 Dark Towers,即是 White House 的黑暗版。

回頭說德意志銀行。上述故事說明,性格嚴謹的雅利安民族面對金錢誘惑或權力遊戲,一樣會把持不定,所以德國歷史才有「第三帝國」的黑暗章節(原因:三十年代的經濟蕭條有助擅長操控民意以及仇視猶太人的希特拉上台)。從這個角度切入,你會明白為何德國政府對於應否禁止華為參與建設 5G 網絡似乎舉棋不定,至今還沒有明確的立場,甚至有中文傳媒用「親華」來形容德國總理默克爾。中文傳媒的說法,是德國政府害怕禁用華為會招致中共的報復,令德國的汽車業失去中國市場。即是被中共用中國市場要脅?

這種事情我們香港人見識過。過去幾個月,老牌英資例如匯豐、渣打和國泰都因為商業利益向中共下跪(證據:支持港版國安法),同一時間又欺負生財工具(例如:國泰和港龍解僱在社交媒體上發言支持反送中運動的黃絲員工),都是非常卑鄙的右翼奸商,跟形左實右的中共結盟,物以類聚,同氣連枝,合力瓜分(打工仔女的)勞動果實,然後用完即棄。當老牌英資向中共下跪,英國政府在首相約翰遜 (Boris Johnson) 感染武漢肺炎死過翻生以及中共頒布港版國安法之後,對華政策卻開始強硬起來(證據:英國宣布即時及無限期暫停執行跟香港的逃犯引渡協議,即是對香港的司法制度投下不信任票,同時停止出口防暴武器到香港,令港警可能要光顧解放軍)。官府強硬,商界下跪,是英國的情況。

中共頒布港版<國安法>之後,德意志銀行把亞太區的 CEO 從香港搬到新加坡,德國商界及官府對中國市場的看法是否會改變,有待觀察。同一時間,德國民間卻有越來越強大的聲音,要求德國跟中國切割。英國的猶太人團體近日發表給中國駐英大使劉曉明的公開信,直指新疆的再教育營是納粹德國所建立的奧斯維辛 (Auschwitz) 集中營的翻版,要求中共立即停止迫害維吾爾族穆斯林。如果德國政府因為商業利益而拒絕跟一個令集中營和種族滅絕政策重現以及被香港示威者和西方政客形容為 Chinazi 的政權切割,二戰結束之後數十年德國為了修補形象所付出的努力可能付諸東流,那段黑暗歷史所帶來的罪孽和枷鎖會重新降臨在年輕一代的德國人身上,在可見未來也會影響德國作為歐盟龍頭的領導地位。那是用錢也買不到的東西,所牽涉的代價不菲。德國政府也許還在考慮中,還是想等德國總理默克爾下台,然後趁換屆或換人的時候調整對華政策?



Deutsche Bank

節錄:德意志銀行股份公司(英語:Deutsche Bank AG,FWB:DBK,NYSE:DB,簡稱德銀)是一家跨國銀行,總部位於德國法蘭克福,並在紐約證券交易所及法蘭克福證券交易所上市,由克里斯蒂安.索溫任首席執行長,保羅.阿赫萊特納任監事長。德意志銀行股份公司是全世界最大的投資銀行之一。全球十大外匯交易商之首,市佔率為 15.68%,截至 2012 年 12 月月底,德意志銀行的總資產高達 1000,653.307 億美元、第一級資本 532.76 億美元、於 2008 年虧損 65.43 億美元。 2011 年德意志銀行資產增加 14% 至 2.16 萬億歐元(2.88萬億美元),超過法國巴黎銀行,於五年來首次成為歐洲第一大行。

1870 年的普法戰爭結束後,法國向德國戰爭賠款 50 億法郎。新上任的德皇威廉利用法國賠款之後的充裕資金發行了和黃金掛鈎的德國金馬克。在這樣一個歷史契機下,德國成立了一批可以撐起跨境業務的國際性銀行,協助德國金馬克成為歐洲的主要結算貨幣。德意志銀行、德國商業銀行、德累斯頓銀行紛紛組建。德意志銀行對德國電氣工程行業的發展有着巨大的幫助,同時它靠着鋼鐵行業立穩腳跟。在德國的穩定的基礎使得德意志銀行能夠為其海外業務融資,最著名的例子是巴格達鐵路。德意志銀行在 19 世紀 90 年代後半期進行了新一輪的擴張。銀行與許多大的區域性銀行結成聯盟,並藉此進入了主要工業區。

1933 年,德意志銀行解僱了三名猶太董事會成員。隨後德意志銀行負責管理猶太人的商業機構並將其雅利安化,後來還參與成立新佔領地區的銀行組建。德意志銀行還參與了為蓋世太保提供金融支持,為奧斯維辛集中營的建立籌款。 1999 年 2 月德意志銀行承認其為奧斯維辛集中營籌款,並和其他德國公司一同應大屠殺倖存者的要求共同賠償 52 億美元。

1988 年,德銀開始啟動其歷史上最重要的收購之一, 1989 年 12 月以每股 550 便士的價格全資 15 億美元收購倫敦的老牌投資銀行摩根.葛瑞菲爾 (Morgan Grenfell),標誌着德意志銀行開始進入投資銀行領域。 1989 年 11 月 30 日德銀歷史上最重要的領導人之一,時任董事長的阿爾弗雷德.赫爾豪森,乘坐防彈奔馳車上班途中,被在一輛兒童自行車上安放的激光制導控制的高能穿甲彈擊穿了轎車的防彈鋼板,阿爾弗雷德.赫爾豪森當場身亡,此案一直未能破案。

2011 年 10 月,德意志銀行正式在紐交所掛牌上市。 2019 年 7 月 7 日,德意志銀行宣佈大規模重組,退出全球證券銷售及交易業務,並於 3 年內裁減 1.8 萬個職位。 2020 年 7 月 16 日,德銀發言人表示,下個月接任亞太區行政總裁的 Alexander von zur Muehlen,將從法蘭克福搬去新加坡。原先,該行將在 7 月底退休的亞太區行政總裁 Werner Steinmueller 駐地為香港。該行新任亞太區環境、社會和治理負責人 Kamran Khan 來自美國,亦將遷往新加坡。

Deutsche Bank pauses job cuts to give employees more certainty during virus outbreak
Reuters (MRCH 27, 2020)
Extract: German lender Deutsche Bank AG is pausing future job cuts to give employees additional certainty during the coronavirus outbreak, a company spokesman said on Thursday. “We have decided to defer new communications of individual restructuring actions to potentially affected employees. The pause will be in place until we see a return to greater stability in the world around us”, the spokesman said in an emailed statement. Deutsche Bank will continue restructuring talks and will not replace most of its voluntary leavers, according to the statement. The pause in the company’s future job cuts was reported earlier by Bloomberg News. The lender is for the first time also considering asking its German staffers to cut their hours and take government money instead as it tries to navigate the coronavirus crisis.

Deutsche restarts job cuts after six-week pandemic hiatus
Germany’s largest lender is pressing ahead with transformation plan announced in July
Stephen Morris in London and Olaf Storbeck in Frankfurt
Financial Times (MAY 13, 2020)
Extract: Deutsche Bank has restarted its job cuts programme, just six weeks after suspending redundancies during the coronavirus pandemic, as Germany’s largest bank tries to rein in costs and keep its restructuring on track. In an internal memo to staff late on Tuesday night, chief transformation officer Fabrizio Campelli and HR head Michael Ilgner said: “The uncertainties of the coronavirus crisis have made it even more of an imperative that we stick to our transformation plan announced last July.” Deutsche had “to save on compensation costs. Therefore we have to restart the individual restructuring conversations as originally planned, after temporarily suspending them in March”, the executives added.

Other large corporates and banks such as HSBC, which has pledged to cut 35,000 staff over three years, have also paused redundancies during the crisis. Last summer, Deutsche chief executive Christian Sewing unveiled a long-awaited overhaul, which saw it retreat from global investment banking and shrink its retail network in Germany. It will eventually result in 18,000 job losses — about 20 per cent of total headcount — and came alongside the creation of a €280bn bad bank to dispose of toxic or unwanted assets. However, the plan, which was showing some early signs of success this year, has been derailed by the economic fallout from Covid-19.

Deutsche Bank pays €15m in money laundering settlement
Frankfurt prosecutors drop probe into alleged tax evasion at Germany’s biggest lender
Olaf Storbeck in Frankfurt
Financial Times (DECEMBER 6, 2019)
Extract: Frankfurt prosecutors have forced Deutsche Bank to pay out €15m for shortcomings in money-laundering controls but have dropped a criminal investigation into suspected tax evasion at Germany’s biggest lender. The decision, which was announced by the prosecution on Friday, puts an end to a high-profile criminal probe that rocked investors’ confidence and undermined the bank’s assurances that it had addressed past misconduct and improved its control functions. The investigation centred on potential misconduct at a former Deutsche unit in the British Virgin Islands, an offshore tax haven.

In November 2018, Deutsche’s headquarters and a number of the bank’s other premises were raided for two days by 170 armed police looking for evidence of suspected wrongdoing. In the wake of last year’s raid, which included the offices of management board members, Deutsche shares fell to new all-time lows and its funding costs spiralled. As a result, in December 2018 the bank’s chief executive Christian Sewing started to prepare a radical strategic revamp, which was announced this summer and included culling 18,000 jobs.

The now-dropped criminal probe zeroed in on a small BVI-based subsidiary of Deutsche called Regula that came to attention in the so-called Panama Papers, a huge leak of private documents from a Panamanian law firm exposing a web of secret offshore companies. In 2018 Deutsche sold the Regula division to Bermuda-based lender NT Butterfield & Son. German law enforcement authorities suspected that Deutsche Bank clients transferred money linked to illegal activities to offshore accounts and that the bank failed in its legal duty to flag those transactions as suspicious between 2013 and 2018.

朱鎔基前翻譯朱彤 任外資銀行中國總經理
蘋果日報 2011 年 7 月 2 日
節錄:因擔任前國務院總理朱鎔基身邊翻譯而一炮而紅、有中國「第一翻譯」之稱的朱彤,在媒體上消失多年,原來已悄然轉行,由國家領導人身邊的翻譯搖身一變,將成為德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)中國區總經理。朱彤畢業於北京外交學院,其後考入北京外國語大學聯合國議員培訓班, 1990 年加入外交部翻譯室,為多位國家領導人做過翻譯。

《紐約時報》中文網(2017 年 5 月 4 日)
節錄:海航集團是一家行事隱祕的中國企業集團,至本周三,它成了德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank) 的第一大股東。海航集團最近幾年一直不停地進行收購,其範圍超出航空公司,擴展到對旅遊、物流和金融服務領域的投資。海航的董事長陳峰曾擔任中國共產黨全國代表大會委員十多年,那是一個 2000 多人的組織,每五年舉行一次會議,參與決定黨的下一屆領導層人選。海航的所有權十分模糊 ―― 其中一位重要股東的登記地址是北京一座破敗的公寓樓。

海航減持德意志銀行股權,套現 3 億歐元
(台灣)工商時報 (2018 年 2 月 21 日)
節錄:過去海航集團累計已購入德意志銀行 2.047 億股,以近 10% 的持股比重成為該行最大股東。路透報導,本次售股後,海航對德意志銀行的持股比重將由原先的約 10% 減少至 8.8% 左右。分析人士認為,這次售股的意義重大,意味著海航集團的持股將不再能夠與卡達王室比肩,卡達王室現在是德銀第一大股東。英國金融時報報導,今年春節前夕,為籌集資金應急,市場已傳出海航將出售部分德意志銀行股票的消息。並稱海航在售股後,其在德銀的持股比重將從 9.9% 降至 9.2%。今年以來,德銀股價累計下跌已逾 20%,引發一些分析師擔憂海航的融資行動,可能會觸發保證金追繳。報導指出,最近幾個月以來,海航集團日益顯示出其遭到了流動性問題的跡象。 2018 年伊始,海航開始尋求出售資產或透過抵押資產來進行融資,這一舉動和其過去 3 年以金融槓桿舉債 400 億美元,在中國境內外大舉收購資產呈現鮮明的對比。另外,稍早前海航集團已與香港新鴻基地產(港股編號:0016)所領軍的幾家開發商和一些投資者談判,海航希望以其在香港前啟德機場地塊所持的地皮作為抵押,拿到 15 億至 20 億美元的貸款,這筆資金可能被用來為海航未來幾個月到期的債務進行再融資。

持續賣產還債 海航又砍德意志銀行持股
(台灣)自由時報 2019/02/16
節錄:中國海南航空所屬的「海航集團」曾經大肆收購及入主國內外企業,不過隨著海航集團高昂的債務問題及美中兩國施壓下,海航集團不斷拋售國內外資產, 15 日美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的文件披露,海航集團已在 12 日將德國最大銀行,德意志銀行(Deutche Bank)持股從 7.64% 降為 6.3%。《路透》報導,海航集團在 2017 年初收購德意志銀行近 10% 的股份,入主德銀之後持股逐漸減少,但即使如此,目前海航集團仍然是德銀最大股東。《路透》在 1 月 8 日就已宣稱海航集團將拋售旗下至少 20 筆資產,海航雖然當下否認,但隔日就宣佈賤賣紐約川普大廈附近的 1 棟大樓。香港的《東方日報》亦報導,海航集團 2 月初時已拋售多筆香港啟德發展區的地產。

Luxury Homes Tie Chinese Communist Elite to Hong Kong’s Fate
Three top leaders of China’s Communist Party have relatives who own assets in Hong Kong, including more than $51 million in luxury real estate, a New York Times investigation shows.
By Alexandra Stevenson and Michael Forsythe
The New York Times (Aug. 12, 2020)
Extract: Li Qianxin(栗潛心), the elder daughter of the Chinese Communist Party’s No. 3 leader, has quietly crafted a life in Hong Kong that traverses the city’s financial elite and the secretive world of Chinese politics. As the party now takes a stronger hand in running Hong Kong, the top leadership in Beijing has a vested interest, politically and personally. Ms. Li’s father, Li Zhanshu(栗戰書), oversaw the swift passage of the new national security law for Hong Kong that handed the party a powerful new weapon to quash dissent.

One of the leadership’s biggest exposures to Hong Kong is in real estate. Including Ms. Li, relatives of three of the top four members of China’s Communist Party have in recent years bought luxury homes in Hong Kong worth more than $51 million combined, a New York Times investigation shows. Qi Qiaoqiao(齊橋橋), the older sister of Xi Jinping(習近平), China’s president, started buying properties in Hong Kong as early as 1991, Hong Kong property records show. Her daughter, Zhang Yannan(張燕南), owns a villa in Repulse Bay, which she bought in 2009 for $19.3 million, and at least five other apartments, the city’s property and company records indicate. Wang Xisha(汪溪沙), a former Deutsche Bank executive who is the daughter of Wang Yang(汪洋), the No. 4 party leader, bought a $2 million home in Hong Kong in 2010, according to city property records.

In the mainland, there are few mentions of Mr. Li’s family in the party-controlled news media, and searches for his daughter’s name on social media sites yield minimal results. A trip to Nangoucun, his ancestral village in northern Hebei Province, offered little insight about his children. But internal documents from Deutsche Bank obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and reviewed by The New York Times late last year referred to a woman with the same name in English and Chinese as the elder daughter of Li Zhanshu(栗戰書), now the No. 3 leader in China. Those documents were part of an internal inquiry stemming from an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into the bank’s politically connected hires.

Ms. Li is now the chairwoman of China Construction Bank International, the investment arm of a major state lender, according to corporate records in Beijing. She bought the waterfront townhouse overlooking Stanley Beach through Century Joy Holdings Ltd., a company registered in Hong Kong and incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, for $15 million in 2013, according to a document filed with the city’s land registry. Ms. Li, then 30, was the Hong Kong entity’s sole director. That entity was dissolved in October, hours after The Times contacted Ms. Li for comment ahead of the publication of the article about Deutsche Bank’s hires in China. Her partner, a 35-year-old Chinese-born Singaporean businessman, Chua Hwa Por(蔡華波), has used a similar strategy.

Complyadvantage.com -
Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs): What They Are And Why They Matter
Extract: What is Politically Exposed Person (PEP)? A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual with a high profile political role, or who has been entrusted with a prominent public function. PEPs represent a higher risk for financial institutions and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) because they are more likely to become involved in financial crimes like money laundering or the financing of terrorism than other clients. PEP status does not predict criminal behavior, but the additional risk exposure it brings means that financial institutions must apply additional AML/CFT measures when establishing a business relationship. It also means that these institutions must conduct ongoing monitoring to ensure that they don’t miss a change in a PEP’s risk profile. PEP monitoring requirements are preventative in nature and should not be considered indicative of criminal behavior.

Defining Politically Exposed Persons. Although there is no universal definition of a PEP, most countries base their definitions on the guidance issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Following that guidance, financial institutions may categorize PEPs as:

Government Officials: Current or former officials appointed to domestic government positions, or positions in a foreign government. This may include heads of state or individuals working in executive, legislative, administrative, military, or judicial branches, in elected and unelected roles.

Political Party Officials: Senior officials appointed to roles in major political parties at home or in foreign countries.

Senior Executives: Individuals serving in senior executive roles, such as directors or board members, in government-owned commercial enterprises or international organizations – that is corporations, businesses, or other entities formed by or for the benefit of any such individuals.

Family Members: An immediate family member of a government or political official, or senior executive – meaning spouses, parents, siblings, children, and spouses’ parents and siblings.

RTHK 2020-07-20
節錄:路透社引述消息人士報道,全球多間財富管理機構正審查他們的香港客戶,是否與民主運動有關,以免成為港區國安法下,被北京打擊的目標。報道說,瑞士信貸、滙控、瑞士寶盛集團及瑞銀集團等銀行業界,計劃擴大審查客戶的政治背景,以及與政府的關係,包括過往的評論、在社交網站的貼文,如果客戶被認定為政治人物,可能較難或完全無法獲得銀行服務。有國際大行銀行家表示,調查或追溯至 2014 年佔領中環行動。滙控拒絕評論報道內容,但就說已經制定一套適用於全球的嚴格政策及流程。瑞信、瑞士寶盛及瑞銀拒絕置評。金管局回覆路透社說,香港是基於國際標準實施反洗黑錢法規,包括與政治相關人士,相關國際標準及金管局的指引都沒改變。

Measures for Politically Exposed Persons
Stewart McGlynn,
Senior Manager, Anti-Money laundering, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)

Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State-Owned Bank, Whistleblower Told FBI
Forensicnews.net (January 3, 2020)
By Scott Stedman, Eric Levai and Robert J. DeNault
Extract: Deutsche Bank’s loans to Donald Trump were underwritten by Russian state-owned VTB Bank, according to the whistleblower whose collection of thousands of bank documents and internal communications have captured the recent attention of federal investigators.

Val Broeksmit acquired the emails and files of his late father, Deutsche Bank executive William S. Broeksmit, after Broeksmit tragically took his own life in 2014. Val informed the FBI in late 2019 about his knowledge of VTB’s underwriting of Trump’s loans, information he attributed to a network of sources connected to the bank he cultivated over the past five-plus years. Underwriting is the process where financial institutions assess the ability of potential customers to fulfill their obligations. Underwriters have access to “credit and financial information, as well as the state of the [property],”according to US News, though underwriters can sometimes be unknown to the person seeking the loan.

Forensic News is not confirming the underlying claim that VTB, or a high-profile client of VTB, underwrote Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank. Forensic News can, however, confirm that at least some of Trump’s loans were issued by a bank subsidiary with business ties to VTB. That subsidiary owed more than $48 million to VTB in 2013 and documents suggest the subsidiary continued doing business with VTB even after the bank was sanctioned in 2014. One federal agent working on the Deutsche Bank investigation indicated that VTB is under scrutiny in the FBI criminal probe. “We know VTB very well,” the investigator said on background. That person did not comment directly on the Trump loans.

Val Broeksmit’s full statement is below: The Russian state bank VTB underwrote loans to Donald Trump via Deutsche Bank. Over the course of Trump’s relationship with DB, an inordinate amount of questionable, mismanaged & risky loans approved by Deutsche Bank to Trump required his Personal Guarantee which, over time, also lost its value. Trump’s team at DB sought out creative ways to circumvent the varied protections DB’s compliance team institutionally implemented, & whether by happenstance or by design Trump’s loans became underwritten by Russia’s own VTB.

The Money Behind Trump’s Money
The inside story of the president and Deutsche Bank, his lender of last resort.
By David Enrich
The New York Times Magazine (Feb 4, 2020)
Extract: One reason all these files could be so illuminating is that the bank’s relationship with Trump extended well beyond making simple loans. Deutsche Bank managed tens of millions of dollars of Trump’s personal assets. The bank also furnished him with other services that have not previously been reported: providing sophisticated financial instruments that shielded him from risks and outside scrutiny, and making introductions to wealthy Russians who were interested in investing in Western real estate. If Trump cheated on his taxes, Deutsche Bank would probably know. If his net worth is measured in millions, not billions, Deutsche Bank would probably know. If he secretly got money from the Kremlin, Deutsche Bank would probably know.

Until the 1990s, Deutsche Bank was a provincial German company with a limited presence outside Europe. Today it is a $1.5 trillion colossus, one of the world’s largest banks, with offices in 59 countries — and, thanks to its well documented pattern of violating laws, an international symbol of greed, recklessness and hubris. Founded in 1870, Deutsche Bank spent most of its first 12 decades helping mighty German companies like Siemens expand internationally, as well as bankrolling infrastructure projects — primarily railroads — in Europe, Asia and North America. (Before and during World War II, the bank was a leading financier of the Nazis, helping to pay for projects including the construction of Auschwitz.) As the Iron Curtain fell, Deutsche Bank executives saw an opportunity to surf the tide of globalization and become a truly global institution.

Deutsche Bank’s relationship with Trump, rather than being an odd outlier, is a kind of object lesson in how the bank lost its way. The company was hungry for growth, especially in the United States, and it was happy to cozy up to clients that better -established players viewed as too damaged or dangerous. I have spent the past two years interviewing dozens of Deutsche Bank executives about the Trump relationship, among other subjects. In fact, the Trump relationship was repeatedly blessed by executives up and down the bank’s organizational ladder. The cumulative effect of those decisions is that a German company — one that most Americans have probably never heard of — played a large role in positioning a strapped businessman to become president of the United States.

Opinion Deutsche Bank AG
Deutsche Bank’s ties to Donald Trump
The US president defends his biggest creditor, but the relationship is under fresh scrutiny
Financial Times (MAY 20, 2020)
Extract: Donald Trump’s relationship with Deutsche Bank has lasted longer than any of his marriages and is cloaked in more secrecy. Now the US Supreme Court is considering whether to shed light on the links between the American president and Germany’s largest bank. Manhattan prosecutors and Washington lawmakers want tax and financial records related to Mr Trump, his family and businesses. Mr Trump has sued to block them. In the absence of hard data, speculation swirls: is Mr Trump really a billionaire? Are his business dealings above board?

Deutsche backed Mr Trump in 1998 despite his history of defaults, and continued to finance his companies even after 2008 when he refused to pay back a loan and sued the bank. Today, Mr Trump’s empire is reeling from the impact of coronavirus. His golf courses in Scotland remain closed by government order. The Trump Hotel in Hawaii is deprived of tourists after the state imposed a 14-day quarantine on arrivals. Even resorts that have reopened, such as in Los Angeles and Miami, face a hard slog to tempt back customers. This has only compounded festering problems.

The Trump Organization went cap in hand to Deutsche asking for forbearance on some loan payments. Nonetheless, people close to Deutsche say they have not lost money on loans to Mr Trump. Past squabbles forgotten, Mr Trump defends his biggest creditor as “badly written about and maligned”. “That was the Rolls-Royce bank! That was Germany you were dealing with! That was the strongest, the biggest, that was one of the great banks of the world! They were the AAA standard!” he said last year.

We do not know how this tempestuous relationship affects Deutsche Bank’s standing in the US. On a day-to-day basis, it continues to be regarded by the Federal Reserve as a badly managed lender with weak money-laundering controls. But somehow the bank has escaped serious sanctions over offences that it has admitted. Three years ago it accepted guilt over a “mirror trading” scheme, which allowed clients to move $10bn from Russia while circumventing anti-money laundering rules. Investigators interviewed Deutsche staff in a criminal probe. Then: nothing.

One theory is that the justice department is busy bundling together charges, including over Deutsche’s role in the €200bn Danske Bank money-laundering scandal, into one mega-settlement. If so, that augurs ill for the bank’s beleaguered shareholders, who might face another large fine. A more convincing scenario is that a department where the president has steadily increased his grip is unlikely to punish his main creditor, especially over any Russian offences. In that view, Deutsche Bank’s unfathomable loyalty to Mr Trump is finally paying off.

The fall of Deutsche Bank:
Lies, greed, money laundering and Donald Trump
By Steven Pearlstein
The Washington Post (Feb 15, 2020)
Extract: But what about one that also has all the elements of a page-turning mystery novel: suspicious suicides, Russian money laundering, securities and tax fraud, price fixing, $100 million bonuses, whistleblowers who are ignored and fired, and a heroin junkie peddling stolen documents to journalists and FBI agents? Add to that a big client with a sketchy financial history who suddenly becomes president of the United States, and you’ve got the makings of a blockbuster. Indeed, it must have occurred to David Enrich, an enterprising business reporter for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, that he couldn’t have made up a more intriguing tale than the story he uncovered at Deutsche Bank. The result, “Dark Towers,” is a real-life account that will confirm every suspicion you have about the greed and incompetence at the heart of modern finance.

Enrich traces the history of Deutsche Bank, from its entrepreneurial roots in the 19th century through its years of Nazi collaboration to the postwar decades when it stood at the nexus of political and economic relationships known as Germany, Inc. But in the 1990s, with its purchase of investment banks in London (Morgan Grenfell) and New York (Bankers Trust), Deutsche Bank began to shed its conservative culture and rush headlong into the more risky and lucrative areas of Anglo-American finance: derivatives, asset-backed securities, junk bond underwriting and proprietary trading. Besides becoming the world’s largest bank, with $2 trillion in assets, Deutsche Bank also became one of the world’s most heavily indebted. And with a decentralized management model and few controls in place, the lure of even greater profits and bonuses quickly led to legal and financial disasters.

Emblematic of the bank’s problems has been its relationship with Donald Trump, who by the mid-1990s had stiffed so many lenders over the years as a real estate developer that no other bank would have anything to do with him. An initial loan of $125 million in 1998 to rehabilitate an office building at 40 Wall Street was followed by $900 million more for the GM Building on Fifth Avenue and a tower across from the United Nations. And when Trump was on the verge of defaulting on loans used to buy his failing hotels and casinos in Atlantic City, Deutsche Bank came to the rescue by peddling $484 million in junk bonds to investors — bonds on which Trump defaulted within a year. Normally, such a default would have been enough to scare away even the most risk-tolerant lenders. But within months, Deutsche Bank’s real estate division was again providing Trump with a $640 million loan needed to build a new Chicago hotel, while its team in Moscow was steering Russian investors to Trump projects in Hawaii and Mexico.

The relationship hit a low point in 2009 when Trump announced he had no intention of repaying his loan on the Chicago hotel, claiming that the unfolding financial crisis was an act of God that freed him of his obligation. When Deutsche Bank sued to get its money back, Trump countersued, preposterously accusing the bank of predatory lending practices. The matter was finally settled with a two-year extension on the loan — and a vow by the bank’s real estate lenders never to do business with Trump again. But two years later, Trump somehow sweet-talked his way into Deutsche’s private banking division, which over the next several years provided him with $350 million in personal loans to cover projects in Chicago, Miami and Washington.

The biggest shortcoming of “Dark Towers,” however, is that while it raises provocative questions about Deutsche Bank and Trump, it never quite answers them. Was it incompetence or corruption that caused American and European regulators to do nothing about the bank’s excessive leverage and mispricing of assets? Did Deutsche Bank help Russian oligarchs launder money through Trump’s projects? Why did the U.S. criminal investigation of the bank’s Russian money laundering suddenly go quiet after Trump’s election? Although it might have taken months of additional reporting to nail down the answers to these questions, “Dark Towers” would have been better for it. Instead, we are left to surmise that where there is smoke, there must also be fire.

五男子殺害卡舒吉判死刑 沙地王儲顧問判無罪
眾新聞 (2019-12-23)
節錄:英國《衛報》引述美國《華盛頓郵報》之前的報道指,美國中央情報局指沙地阿拉伯王儲穆罕默德是下令殺死卡舒吉的人。該報的報道並稱,穆罕默德企圖把自己描述為自由派改革者。沙地政府多次否認穆罕默德涉及此宗案件。卡舒吉曾任沙地阿拉伯王室顧問, 2017 年起住在美國,是《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家,經常批評沙地政府。去年 10 月 2 日,卡舒吉到土耳其伊斯坦布爾的沙地總領事館辦理與婚姻有關文件,之後下落不明。有報道指,卡舒吉在該建築物內遇害,之後被肢解及運走,至今仍未找到其殘骸。沙地阿拉伯當局起初否認政府官員與卡舒吉之死有關,但土耳其當局陸續把沙地高層人士涉及該案的證據曝光。今年九月曝光的一批錄音和調查報告顯示,卡舒吉在總領事館內遭沙地特工殺害前,多次高喊「我喘不過氣」。泄露出來的記錄並顯示卡舒吉屍體遭到鋸子肢解的聲音,指涉案特工接到指令開大音樂聲音,蓋過肢解過程的聲響。

RFI 05/07/2020
節錄:反修例運動一役令香港政府在國際眼中形象一落千丈,為此林鄭月娥政府搞了一個「香港重新出發」的形象運動,並且向多家國際公關公司招標,港府在 29 日宣布,計畫合約由 Consulum FZ LLC 投得,合約價值近 5000 萬港元。據稱,這家公司的客戶大多是獨裁政府,所負責的項目尤其棘手,例如過去曾經負責為沙特阿拉伯政權空襲也門,以及被指殺害沙特裔記者卡舒吉等聲名狼藉的事件進行「粉飾工程」。 政府新聞處周一公布,「香港重新出發」公關服務計畫共接獲 7 份標書,由 Consulum FZ LLC 投得,合約價值 628 萬美元,服務為期一年。新聞處指,Consulum 將為港府制訂傳訊策略及市場推廣等計畫,並會進行本地及國際研究,以制訂危機管理計畫,目的是要「重振外界對香港作為投資、營商和安居樂業之地的信心。」《蘋果日報》報導,根據資料顯示,該公司最知名的客戶,就是人權紀錄劣跡斑斑的沙地阿拉伯王儲穆罕默德(Mohammed bin Salman)。 2018 年 10 月 2 日,美國華盛頓郵報沙特裔記者卡舒吉進入沙特駐土耳其領事館後被勒死再遭分屍,聯合國特別調查小組報告認為,有充份可靠證據顯示穆罕默德與事件有關,並應為事件負責。

Saudis deny hacking phone of Amazon, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos
Extract: The Saudi embassy in Washington called it "absurd" to suggest their country was behind the hacking of billionaire Jeff Bezos. UN experts said they had information pointing to the possible involvement of the crown prince. Following media reports that Saudi Arabia stole information off Jeff Bezos's cellphone, two senior UN officials called for an "immediate investigation" on Wednesday. UN special rapporteurs, Agnes Callamard and David Kaye, said they had information pointing to the "possible involvement" of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the alleged 2018 cyberattack.

Sources cited by the UK Guardian newspaper said that billionaire Jeff Bezos was hacked via a video sent to him on WhatsApp from an account apparently used by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The prince and the US businessman were engaged in a seemingly friendly exchange when the video was sent in May 2018, the sources said. They added it was "highly probable" that the video contained a malicious file that became active on Bezos' cellphone. Large amounts of data were then siphoned off the device, according to the article. Bezos is the owner of online shopping giant Amazon and the prestigious US daily Washington Post, which employed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered. The dissident wrote columns critical of Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi operatives ambushed Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018 and dismembered him.

Jeff Bezos and the Real Cost of the Washington Post
Nick Wingfield (Jan. 25, 2020)
Extract: This week’s blockbuster revelations about the possible role of Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the hacking of Jeff Bezos’ phone was a literal eye-popper of a story. It raised so many troubling questions about technology, politics and business. For me though, it was a moment for reflection on a tangential story: how differently the Amazon CEO’s purchase of the Washington Post has played out than many expected.

'Washington Post' To Be Sold To Amazon's Jeff Bezos
August 6, 2013
Extract: The Washington Post Co. will sell its flagship newspaper and one of the most respected news organizations in the country to Amazon.com founder Jeffrey P. Bezos, the company announced in a press release. The Post has been a family-owned business for four generations. Amazon, the company said, will play no role in the purchase. Bezos is making the purchase personally. Bezos will pay $250 million in cash "for The Post and affiliated publications to the Washington Post Co., which owns the newspaper and other businesses," The Washington Post reports.

The paper adds: "The deal represents a sudden and stunning turn of events for The Post, Washington's leading newspaper for decades and a powerful force in shaping the nation's politics and policy. Few people were aware that a sale was in the works for the paper, whose reporters have broken such stories as the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate scandals and disclosures about the National Security Administration's surveillance program in May."

"For much of the past decade, however, the paper has been unable to escape the financial turmoil that has engulfed newspapers and other 'legacy' media organizations. The rise of the Internet and the epochal change from print to digital technology have created a massive wave of competition for traditional news companies, scattering readers and advertisers across a radically altered news and information landscape and triggering mergers, bankruptcies and consolidation among the owners of print and broadcasting properties."

Donald E. Graham, chairman and CEO of The Washington Post Company, said in a statement. "I, along with Katharine Weymouth and our board of directors, decided to sell only after years of familiar newspaper-industry challenges made us wonder if there might be another owner who would be better for the Post (after a transaction that would be in the best interest of our shareholders). Jeff Bezos' proven technology and business genius, his long-term approach and his personal decency make him a uniquely good new owner for the Post."

Wikipedia - The Washington Post
Extract: The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It is the most widely circulated newspaper within the Washington metropolitan area. The newspaper has won 69 Pulitzer Prizes. In the early 1970s, in the best-known episode in the newspaper's history, reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein led the American press's investigation into what became known as the Watergate scandal. Their reporting in The Washington Post greatly contributed to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. In years since, the Post's investigations have led to increased review of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. In October 2013, the paper's longtime controlling family, the Graham family, sold the newspaper to Nash Holdings, a holding company established by Jeff Bezos, for $250 million in cash. President Donald Trump has repeatedly railed against the Washington Post on his Twitter account, having "tweeted or retweeted criticism of the paper, tying it to Amazon more than 20 times since his campaign for president" by August 2018. In addition to often attacking the paper itself, Trump has used Twitter to blast various Post journalists and columnists.

美國制裁名單據報原本包括韓正及林鄭月娥 特朗普叫停
RTHK 2020-07-16

RTHK 2020-07-17
節錄:路透社引述知情人士報道,特朗普政府正考慮禁止所有中國共產黨黨員及其家屬入境美國。知情人士說,華府高層已經開始蘊釀一份總統令草案,多個聯邦機構的官員都有參與討論,其中一個選項是透過移民法,暫停向相關人士發出簽證,情況類似特朗普 2017 年禁止部分穆斯林國家民眾前往美國一樣,特朗普亦有權向某些個人或類別作出豁免。知情人士又指,除了禁止中共黨員入境,當局亦考慮是否阻止中共黨員的子女入讀美國的大學。知情人士說,有關討論仍處於初步階段,暫時未提交到特朗普的檯上,而要實施有關禁令,最大難處是如何確認哪些中國公民是中共黨員,因為美國當局無法獲得黨員名單。

BBC 中文網 2020 年 7 月 17 日
節錄:美國《紐約時報》7 月 15 日的一則有關「白宮正在考慮推出針對中共黨員及家屬簽證禁令」的獨家報道引發的輿論波瀾漣漪未盡。已經有華盛頓方面的觀察人士指出,白宮在宣佈重大決策前透過媒體吹風或試探民意的做法是很常見的,而《紐約時報》這樣的嚴肅媒體能夠有這方面的報道,基本可以肯定是得到了具體內線消息。據中國媒體估算,現有 9300 萬中共黨員如果外加配偶、子女和父母,總人數可能超過 3 億;如果再加上親屬,可能「超過中國人口半數」。話雖如此,近日也有不少觀察人士注意到,在谷歌的中文搜索中,過去兩天「退黨」一詞的搜索度飆升,認為這可能從一定層面反映民間的心態。

人民日報:對美國關閉總領館不感意外 已做好應對準備
RTHK 2020-07-23
節錄:美國要求中國駐休斯敦總領事館,在當地星期五下午 4 時關閉。內地《人民日報》發表評論文章,形容中方對美國突然要求中方關閉駐休斯敦總領館,形容既是意外,但亦不意外。意外是說對正常建交國而言,這事很嚴重;不意外是因為美國政客近來種種出格的惡行,這也只是其中最新一件。對此,中國政府和中國人民已做好應對準備。

特朗普 VS 香港財團:咆哮狂人的商戰敗績(簡體字)
《紐約時報》中文網(2016 年 5 月 31 日)
節錄:他們的合作始於 1994 年。當時,房地產市場崩盤導致特朗普債台高築。他無力支付林肯中心 (Lincoln Center) 旁邊那個狹長地塊的銀行款項,更別說開發那個項目了。該地塊名為河濱南 (Riverside South),佔地 77 英畝。急需資金的特朗普同意的特朗普同意與一個由香港富豪組成的財團的中間人見面,財團包括鄭家純 (Henry Cheng Kar-Shun) 和羅康瑞 (Vincent Lo) 。

新華網(2016 年 6 月 5 日)

德國內政部長:沒有華為 5G 網絡建不了
RFI (19/01/2020)
節錄:據德國《明鏡》周刊報道,就中國電信巨頭華為是否允許參與德國 5G 網絡建設,德國多位政界人士持保留態度。但內政部長澤霍費爾現在表示,短期內別無選擇。德國多位政要出於安全顧慮,反對華為參與德國 5G。但內政部長澤霍菲爾(Horst Seehofer)現在明確反對將華為排除在外。這位基社盟政治家向《法蘭克福彙報》表示:「我反對全球和籠統的貿易限制。如果將中國供貨商排除在外,德國的網絡建設將要推延好幾年。」在這個話題上,他「和聯邦總理完全一致。」華為是領先的移動網絡設備供應商之一。自數月來,德國一直在討論是否要將華為排除在德國 5G 建設之外。德國總理默克爾尤其反對專為華為設立一個特殊規則。但默克爾所在的基民盟內,有多位議員要求將華為排除在 5G 市場之外。他們擔心,華為技術有可能幫助中國安全部門從事間諜和破壞活動。

《紐約時報》中文網(2020 年 1 月 17 日)

德國民意逆轉 愈來愈多國民要求與中國劃清界線
Jeromy-Yu von 寰雨膠事錄
July 20, 2020
節錄:中國近日外交動作頻頻,尤其針對香港的國安法,引來西方英文國家政府的反制。但德國政府遲遲未有動作,但民意對沈默開始愈來愈不滿。德國執政聯盟政黨,依然傾向對話,甚至言語上對中國強硬的政客都表示,德國太小,對中制裁無用。但德國媒體最新調查確實顯示,要求和中國明確劃清界線的國民愈來愈多,去到 22%。而連同純粹政策上保持距離的 24%,支持和中國分道揚鑣的人達到 46%。現在去到只有 30% 的國民認為,現時政策正確,只有 18% 的人認為,應該和中國有更緊密關係。數字明顯比起 3 年前是逆轉,2017 年只有 17% 的德國人認為要和中國保持更大距離,40% 要求和中國有更好關係,當時維持現狀的人則由 36%。根據長期做調查的媒體公布的圖表,黃金交叉發生在 2019 年 11 月,不難想像香港問題已經造成多少德國人開始厭惡中國。而趨勢持續的話,德國政界就再難對中國侵犯人權的事情視而不見。特別維吾爾遭受的厄運,已經被多國猶太人團體,指責為納粹大屠殺再現,德國政府面對的壓力只會愈來愈大。

Board of Deputies of British Jews for his Excellency Mr. Liu Xiaoming
(July 20, 2020)
Extract: Nobody could watch the segment of the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on which you appeared yesterday and fail to notice the similarities between what is alleged to be happening in the People’s Republic of China and what happened in Nazi Germany 75 years ago: people being forcibly loaded onto trains; breads of religious men being trimmed; women being sterilized; and the grim spectre of concentration camps. Germany has rightly paid a heavy price for its persecution of the Jewish people. Its historic guilt rests heavily on it and, 75 years on, its leaders and representatives continue to do all they can to amend for the sins of their forebears. Mr. Ambassador, we urge China to release the Uyghur people and other minorities from all ethnic and religious oppression; throw open the door of the concentration camp to a full and impartial international investigation; take action against perpetrators of any human right abuses; and ensure justice for the victims and their families. This must begin immediately. The world is watching. The land of history is poised. For its future, China has a choice between great glory and eternal shame. Let it choose the former.

沈榮欽:禁不禁華為 各國政府在想什麼
上報 2020-07-20
節錄:其實世界上真正禁華為 5G 的國家並不多,主要還是台灣、日本與五眼聯盟等國家。即使是五眼聯盟,紐西蘭政府在 2018 年否決了 Spark 使用華為 5G,但是去年底 Spark 依舊將華為列入供應商中。然後便是加拿大和新加坡等國,民間廠商主動宣布不採用華為,不過加國的 Bell (BCE) 電信商宣稱要是聯邦政府最後決定不禁,還是有可能用回華為。歐盟雖然口頭請成員國注意 5G 風險,主要當然是針對華為,但是並無強制力,而且領導歐盟的德國與法國都決定不禁華為,反而是與中國交好的義大利日前傳出有意禁華為。其實世界各國華為政策的考量因素大同小異,主要可以分為三類:首先,和歐盟一樣,是價格考量,因為華為的報價比 Ericsson、Nokia 或甚至三星更低,禁華為就意味著要多花錢。其次,因為技術是連續性的,禁華為可能意味著這些電信商要花較長的時間與 Ericsson 或 Nokia 磨合,延遲發展速度。最後才是國家安全的考量,放在最後並不是意味著國家安全並不重要,而是美國截至目前為止,並未提出能夠一刀斃命的證據,所以雖然各國國安單位都提出警告,但是並不足以作為主要決策依據。

英國禁華為參與 5G 建設 中國商務部稱將採必要措施
RTHK 2020-07-16
節錄:英國政府決定,禁止中國電訊設備商華為參與當地 5G 建設。在北京,商務部發言人高峰說,中方對此堅決反對,認為英方的歧視性做法,與英國一貫主張的自由貿易原則背道而馳,嚴重違反世貿組織規則,削弱中方在英國的投資信心,也嚴重影響中英經貿合作氛圍。高峰說,中方正就英方行為進行評估,將採取必要措施,維護中國企業的合法權益。

英國暫停執行與港引渡協議 中方保留進一步反應權利
RTHK 2020-07-21


2017 年 4 月 26 日
節錄:異曲同工的做法,是二戰期間的納粹德國。德軍除了掠奪猶太人的財富,然後把他們送入毒氣室之外,還使用偽做的英鎊和美元,以支付龐大的軍費開支,同時擾亂英美兩國的金融系統,試圖削弱對方的作戰能力。德國電影 The Counterfeiters (2007) 紀錄了這一筆。故事改編自真人真事,讓你明白金錢在戰爭中所起的作用。

2017 年 3 月 2 日

2010 年 11 月 21 日
節錄:德國電影<竊聽者>(2006):東德秘密警察良心發現,暗中保護異見人士。2006 年德國本土最賣座電影之一,2007 年奧斯卡最佳外語片。內地人看這部電影,感受尤深。類似事情應該不會在中國發生,因為國產的秘密警察忙於開拓灰色收入。根據香港傳媒的報導,廣州某公司提供竊聽服務,只要你能夠提供目標人物的廣州手機號碼,就可以提供該號碼的半年之內的通話紀錄,每個月的通話紀錄只收五百元人民幣,保證一日之內交貨。

2011 年 8 月 24 日

Dr. Evil
2019 年 2 月 19 日
節錄:Amazon 顛覆了零售業的商業模式(提示:無人商店 AmazonGo ),打爛了收銀員的飯碗,零售商會覺得 Jeff Bezos 是敵人。萬一你不知道 Amazon 對零售業所帶來的衝擊,請上網。再早一點,他的網上書店 Amazon 以低價作招來,令作者和實體書出版社非常不滿,請參考 BBC 的相關報導。他習慣以本傷人,同時壓榨員工,是商業社會的典範,左翼視之為奸商。

2012 年 11 月 2 日

2016 年 11 月 30 日

2016 年 4 月 22 日
節錄:根據 Washington Post 的報導,負責分析文件的國際調查記者聯盟 (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ) 背後的美國公共誠信中心 (Center for Public Integrity),金主是國際大鱷索羅斯 (George Soros)。他較早前表示會「沽空亞洲貨幣」,令偉大祖國非常緊張,官媒輪流開炮。索羅斯戰績彪炳,利用在金融市場賺來的錢,資助共產黨的對頭人。中國和俄羅斯的領導人首當其衝,被爆陰毒,理所當然。

2019 年 9 月 27 日
節錄:早於 2018 年初中美貿易戰爆發之前,紅色資本的海外併購活動已經遇到困難。西方國家基於國家安全考慮,對中資說不(提示:倫敦交易所),又或者設置障礙。中資的回應方式,是動用港人、台商、南洋華僑甚至親共洋人(Panda Hugger) 當人頭或Frontman,讓大股東可以退居幕後。這些雕蟲小技,曾經欺騙外資銀行的華為公主孟晚舟(提示:匯豐+Skycom)應該懂。

V 煞、1812、RIC
2013 年 1 月 1 日

2019 年 1 月 25 日

2018 年 8 月 15 日

2017 年 1 月 27 日
節錄:做慣老闆的特朗普也許是想借這首歌告訴全世界:我有我一套!I am going to re-write all the rules. 他是生意人,懂計算,而且有賭仔性格(證據:開賭場、娶嫩妻、喜歡打官司),是打落水狗的先頭部隊。舊媒體被新媒體搶走廣告收入和年輕客戶,影響力下降變成夕陽工業。中國經濟增長放緩,改革處於瓶頸階段,資產市場火燒連環船。共通點:掙扎求存。被他看中,隔空開火,展開罵戰。

2013 年 3 月 27 日
節錄:債仔惡過債主,是常見的事。江湖中,欠下巨債的「古惑仔」(小混混)跟有組織犯罪集團(黑社會)談判,要求打折還款,借一億還一百萬,又或者延長還款期,然後潛逃,也很常見。銀行業術語,打折還款,叫 Hair cut,港式翻譯叫「飛髮」或「削髮」。俄國佬的存款被凍結,日後變成新銀行的股票,價值只有原來的幾成,即是「被削髮」。

2018 年 8 月 4 日

2017 年 7 月 15 日

2017 年 8 月 17 日

2017 年 12 月 27 日
節錄:中資的收購合併活動,不但令港人難以翻身,也令到這個世界變得越來越複雜和脆弱(提示:海航、安邦、萬達、復星)。甚麼時候偉大祖國終於成為席捲全球同時禍及香港的金融風暴的源頭,天曉得。中國人集體「翻身」的日子,恐怕是地球人付出代價之時,而香港會首當其衝,率先陪葬。(原因:香港銀行業的內地相關貸款佔資產總額的比例升至接近兩成,而紅籌國企 H 股佔恒生指數的比重已經超過一半。)

OPM (Part 1)
2012 年 7 月 6 日
節錄:OPM 即是 Other People’s Money ,意思是投資或者做生意的時候,部份資金來自借貸。舉債的好處:由於有槓桿 (Leverage) 作用,可以把蠅頭小利放大好幾倍,但是利潤要扣除借貸成本以及交易費用。舉債的壞處:槓桿作用令風險增加,萬一資產價格不升反跌,虧損會被放大好幾倍,缺乏財政實力的投資者,可能因此而破產。如果是企業的話,過份借貸,週轉不靈,資不抵債,一樣死得。

2016 年 10 月 7 日
節錄:霍英東對香港的貢獻,並不止於引入西方國家的分期付款買樓方式。不少文字資料都指出, 1986 年董建華的家族生意東方海外出現財困,是霍英東注資令東方海外避過破產的命運。霍英東引入的是否(來自中資銀行的)紅色資金,是國家機密。霍家的生意沒有上市,所以無法查證。但是董家從此染紅,從親國民黨變成親共產黨,卻是事實。而中國共產黨得到的好處,是可以動用董家在台灣和美國政壇的人脈。至於老董做特首是否向中共報恩,自己想。

Copy & Paste
2019 年 4 月 26 日

2017 年 1 月 14 日

2009 年 1 月 11 日

2009 年 1 月 4 日
節錄:近年俄羅斯黑幫被英語傳媒冠名 The Communist Mafia(共產黨式黑手黨),他們在西方的影視作品中往往被描寫為十惡不赦的壞蛋。他們的影響力開始滲入國際體壇,例如:俄羅斯富豪、英超球隊車路士 (Chelsea) 的班主艾巴莫域治 (Roman Abramovich),他的財產據說就來自賤價收購國有資產。有評論認為,俄羅斯黑幫既擁有全球網絡,又掌握了國防技術,威脅程度比正牌恐怖份子更大,論實力絕不遜於恐怖大亨拉登 (Osama Bin Laden)。

2010 年 8 月 1 日

2018 年 4 月 14 日

2020 年 1 月 15 日

2010 年 11 月 2 日

2010 年 11 月 12 日

2010 年 10 月 8 日

2010 年 10 月 20 日

No more panda hugger
2019 年 9 月 13 日

Revised 15/08/2020
