


當港人為數不清的問題而煩惱,港產經濟學家卻忙於打筆戰之際,英語傳媒的焦點,是疫症受控或退卻之後,經濟復甦何時出現,以及屬於那一種形態(衡量的指標: GDP +失業率+工業生產+私人消費)。稍為讀過經濟學或熟悉財經新聞的讀者,都應該聽過以下四個英文字母:V、U、W、L。簡述如下:



W-Shape:又名「雙底衰退」 (Double-dip recession),這種情況可以玩死賭仔。如果賭仔在經濟首次見底時入市,以為可以趁低吸納(股票或物業),然後經濟再次衰退,賭仔可能會輸清光(假設賭仔借錢入市於是缺乏持貨的能力)。

L-Shape:這是日本在九十年代初資產泡沫爆破之後的情況,史稱「迷失十年」(The lost decade)。政府用盡了財政和貨幣政策工具,但是都無法刺激經濟(提示:Liquidity Trap)。經濟衰退彷彿沒有盡頭,看不見希望,年輕人失去向上流動的機會或收入不穩,沒有建立家庭的物質基礎,不婚不育,勞動人口減少,令官府非常頭痛。

V、U、W、L 是較常用的英文字母。其他較少用的英文形容詞還有:Tick-Shape or Nike Swoosh,即是經濟復甦的勢頭似 Nike 的商標。也有外國人用 J-Shape 的。港人心邪(或性壓抑),說 J 只會想起男人的要害,我是女人不便評論得太過仔細,自己想。想聽 J 系笑話,請參考<相關的文章>。


V-Shape 可以 Rule-out。原因:疫情反覆,從今年一月底武漢封城計起持續了超過半年,從去年六月開始的社會運動也沒有停止(因為問題的根源仍在),經濟活動受雙重打擊,再加上中美關係惡化,香港失去美國給予的特殊待遇,今年下半年<港區國安法>通過之後,國際社會對香港的司法制度失去信心(證據:德國、法國、英國、加拿大、澳洲和紐西蘭都暫停跟香港的逃犯引渡協議),令香港被孤立,連串負面因素都不可能在三幾個月之內消失或解決。其實無須講理論,往商業區走一轉,觀察市面上的情況,數一數親友間有幾多人失業,已經知道結業和裁員潮未完,Deep V 無望。想要 Deep V?美女寫真應該有。

就算沒有上述問題(即:疫情反覆+社會運動),香港經濟也需要轉型(因為不可以再扮演中國的門戶或引進外資的中間人即是買辦角色)。要在中美夾擊之下尋找新的動力和發展方向,才能提供就業機會給年輕人以及需要轉行的中年人,然後帶動私人消費。這是一個結構性問題,短期內難以解決。政治經濟一局棋,畸形的政治制度令特首缺乏認受性(於是施政困難),制度向既得利益者傾斜,再加上中共控制香港的手段(例如:令各行各業依賴中國市場,於是僱主傾向聘請大陸人,又或者對員工進行政治審查即是趕走年輕黃絲),成為經濟轉型的最大障礙。要實現經濟轉型(減少對中國市場的依賴),就要在政治上爭取話事權,否則一邊失業一邊抗爭,非常困難。革命需要資金,這個道理官府懂,所以設法打破反對派的飯碗(例如:DQ 反對派議員),令他或她失業或破產,然後被迫離開香港即是流亡海外。這一招,是跟李光耀學的。對,抄襲香港的宿敵。

老毛病一日不解決,又沒有新的發展機遇,失去增長的動力,再加上人才和資金流失,香港經濟會變成「吊鹽水」(粵語:長期住院打點滴的老病人)狀態,又或者是一潭死水。至於建制派所倡議的融入大灣區或「內循環」(國產官腔:刺激內需),又或者研究如何運用互聯網改變工作或消費模式(即: Work from Home 或網購),只不過是打嘴炮或(利用傳媒)隔空表忠,實際作用有限,無須太認真。

結論:12-18 個月內能夠出現 U-Shape or W-Shape 的經濟復甦已經是非常樂觀的預測。如果疫情繼續反覆,官府依舊是抗疫無方,令經濟活動無法重啟,上述的結構性因素又繼續困擾香港,最壞的情況,便是日本的那一款,即是 L-Shape 。



Alphabet soup: How will post-virus economic recovery shape up?
Dhara Ranasinghe, Ritvik Carvalho
Reuters (Apr 9, 2020)

Extract: Will be it a U? A V? Maybe a W? Predictions for economic recovery after coronavirus-linked lockdowns are throwing up a medley of letters to indicate whether we can expect a bounceback, a slow-burn recovery or relapse.

1. “V”. The best case outcome: when a growth plunge is followed by an equally sharp recovery.

2. “U”. When recovery takes more than a couple of quarters.

3. “W”. Double-dip - if the easing of lockdown restrictions initially boosts activity but the effects of unemployment and corporate bankruptcies then start to filter through.

4. “L”. When growth plunges and does not recover for some time. For this to occur, the global coronavirus tally needs to continue rising, forcing protracted lockdowns.

5. SWOOSH. That implies a sharp downturn, then gradual recovery as lockdowns are eased more gently than they were imposed. AXA Investment Managers group chief economist Gilles Moec pictures a “swoosh” shape akin to the Nike sports brand logo.

V, U, W, L or Nike Swoosh?
Economists are trying to figure out shape of global recovery
ThePrint (2 April, 2020)
Extract: Economists are serving up a menu of alphabet soup in trying to forecast the world economy’s recovery from what is set to be the deepest recession since at least 2009 and perhaps since World War II. A V-shape in which the rebound is as swift as the slump was the favored trajectory early on, but now more are starting to worry about a U-shape. The most pessimistic are looking at global growth tracing an L or a W — or a more mangled path that bears little resemblance to Roman letters. “There is a complex relationship between the path of the virus, the effectiveness of virus containment and economic support policies, and the behavior of the private sector,” JPMorgan Chase & Co. economists led by Bruce Kasman said in a report to clients this week. Here’s how the recovery would look under each scenario:

Investopedia - W-Shaped Recovery
Updated Aug 5, 2020
Extract: What Is a W-Shaped Recovery? A W-shaped recovery refers to an economic cycle of recession and recovery that resembles the letter W in charting. A W-shaped recovery represents the shape of the chart of certain economic measures such as employment, gross domestic product (GDP), industrial output, and others.

A W-shaped recovery involves a sharp decline in these metrics followed by a sharp rise back upward, followed again by a sharp decline and ending with another sharp rise. The middle section of the W can represent a significant bear market rally or a recovery that was stifled by an additional economic crisis. W-shaped recessions are also called "double-dip recessions" because the economy drops twice before the full recovery is achieved. A W-shaped recession is painful because many investors who jump back into the markets after they believe the economy has found a bottom end up getting burned twice---once on the way down and then once again after the false recovery.

W-Shaped Recovery vs. Other Shapes.

A V-shaped economic recession describes the shape of the market's performance. This type of recession starts off with a sharp decline, followed by a strong recovery that is generally fairly quick. This is opposed to the double-dip of a W-shaped recession and recovery. A V-shaped recovery is always mentioned as the best-case scenario, given that a recession has occurred. Two notable recessions in history that are considered to be V-shaped are the ones from 1920-21 and 1953-54.2 1 Most recession/recovery cycles before the Great Depression and the advent of modern monetary and fiscal policy tended to be V-shaped.

A U-shaped recession is charted like the letter u in visualizations. Unlike the V-shaped recession, this kind of recession may starts off with a more gradual drop. Once it hits bottom, it stays there for some time prior to turning around toward recovery. The normal period for this type of recession runs anywhere between 12 and 24 months. One example of a U-shaped recession is the one between 1990 and 1991. GDP rebounded relatively quickly, but the jobs market got stuck in recession. Total employment did not recover until 1993, leading this to be dubbed the Jobless Recovery.

An L-shaped recession, on the other hand, is the worst and most dramatic kind of recession. It is characterized by a sharp, steep decline in economic activity followed by a very slow recovery period—often a decade or more. This is why the L-shaped recession is also referred to as a depression, because it takes so long to recover. Japan underwent a recession in the 1990s after the central bank raised interest rates because of concerns over large asset bubbles in real estate and the stock market. After raising the rates, these bubbles burst, debt deflation set in, and economic growth plummeted. It took the country over ten years to recover from the crash, which is why that period is called the lost decade.

Yahoo Finance
V, U, W, L? Why Those Recession Shapes Are Meaningless to You
Robin Hartill, CFP®
The Penny Hoarder (July 28, 2020)
Extract: Even before a recession was declared, an alphabet soup of letters was predicting what shape the coronavirus recession and eventual recovery would take. Everyone wants a V. But will it be more like a U or a W? Could it really become an L? But here’s the thing about all those recovery shapes: They’re pretty much useless to you. What the Recovery Shapes Mean… and Why We’re Not All in the Same Recession Together. The letters and shapes predict the general direction of the overall economy. But do you really care what the trends on some economist’s chart look like if you’ve lost your job? The truth is, the recession is going to feel very different based on the type of work you do, where you live and the resources you had pre-coronavirus. Ready to embrace your inner economist? Here’s what those recession and recovery shapes look like — and when they apply to you.

V: If This Barely Feels Like a Recession to You
U: If You’re Feeling Uncertain
W: If You’re Worried About Another Crash
L: Doomsday. Apocalypse. The Worst-Case Scenario.

Investopedia - What is a recession?
Extract: A recession is a macroeconomic term that refers to a significant decline in general economic activity in a designated region. It had been typically recognized as two consecutive quarters of economic decline, as reflected by GDP in conjunction with monthly indicators such as a rise in unemployment. However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), which officially declares recessions, says the two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP are not how it is defined anymore. The NBER defines a recession as a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.

香港第 2 季 GDP 跌 9% 全年經濟預測下調至收縮 6% 至 8%
東方日報 2020 年 8 月 14 日
節錄:新冠肺炎疫情大流行繼續嚴重衝擊全球和本地經濟活動,政府今日 (14 日) 公布,香港經濟在今年第二季仍然十分疲弱,實質本地生產總值 (GDP) 在上一季錄得 9.1% 的紀錄按年跌幅後,在第二季顯著下跌9%,並下調全年經濟預測至 -6% 至 -8%。政府指,鑑於香港的短期經濟前景仍然有高度的不確定性,考慮到今年上半年的實際表現和下半年困難和不明朗的經濟環境,同時計及政府紓緩措施的緩衝效應,今年全年實質本地生產總值增長預測,將由 4 月底時宣布的 -4% 至 -7%,向下修訂至今輪覆檢的 -6% 至 -8%。若疫情能在短時間內受控,而外圍環境無進一步急劇惡化,今年全年的經濟表現有望達至預測區間的上半部分。

失業率按月微跌 羅致光:疫情反覆失業情況難言樂觀
香港經濟日報 2020/08/20
節錄:昨日出爐的最新失業率稍有回落, 5 月至 7 月經季節性調整的失業率最新處 6.1%,按月收窄 0.1 個百分點。勞工及福利局局長羅致光表示, 7 月因應疫情而收緊社區防疫措施,食肆亦禁止晚市堂食,短期失業情況難言樂觀。羅致光今早出席電台節目時表示,最新失業率按月輕微回落,反映 7 月情況較 4 月份好,但疫情在 7 月份升溫,食肆禁晚市堂食、商場人流亦都減少,失業情況不容樂觀,期望新一輪保就業計劃可以發揮作用。

7 月香港零售銷售再挫 23% 連跌 18 個月
香港經濟日報 2020/09/01
節錄:政府統計處公布最新零售業銷貨額數字, 7 月份零售業總銷貨價值的臨時估計為 265 億元,較去年同期跌 23.1%,跌幅雖較市場預期溫和,但已經是連續第 18 個月錄得下跌。

香港 8 月 PMI 再跌 分析稱結業及裁員潮或陸續有來
RTHK 2020-09-03
節錄:香港營商環境持續轉弱, 8 月採購經理指數 (PMI) 由 7 月的 44.5 進一步跌至 44,產出及新訂單量跌幅擴大,零售及飲食等行業大受打擊。

RTHK 2020-09-02
節錄:金管局延長「預先批核還息不還本計劃」 6 個月,至明年 4 月,按證保險公司亦延長「中小企融資擔保計劃」下的八成及九成信貸擔保產品償還本金措施 6 個月,延遲償還本金期亦由最長 12 個月增至 18 個月。多家銀行歡迎延長有關措施。滙豐表示,已先後推出多項紓困措施,自 2 月以來批出的企業「還息不還本」及其他延期還款等個案,涉及逾 1500 億港元貸款金額。恒生截至 7 月底,已批出逾 1000 億元涉及中小企紓緩措施相關金額。中銀指,疫情發生以來,已為企業客戶辦理各類貸款延期、還息不還本、利息及費用減免優惠等超過1萬宗,協助應對目前經濟環境及營商挑戰。

破產宗數回落 7 月破產呈請按月跌 18%
香港經濟日報 2020/08/21
節錄:破產管理署公布, 7 月提交破產呈請書錄 722 宗,按月跌 18.5% 或 164 宗,連跌兩個月,按年則減少 6 宗。如以今年高位、 5 月份的 2079 宗計, 7 月份宗數已回落 65.2%。今年首 7 個月,合共有 5219 宗破產呈請,按年增加 13.8%。發出接管或破產令 466 宗,較上月減少逾 26%,按年減少 38%。

Investopedia - What Is a Liquidity Trap?
Updated Apr 6, 2020
Extract: A liquidity trap is a contradictory economic situation in which interest rates are very low and savings rates are high, rendering monetary policy ineffective. First described by economist John Maynard Keynes, during a liquidity trap, consumers choose to avoid bonds and keep their funds in cash savings because of the prevailing belief that interest rates could soon rise (which would push bond prices down). Because bonds have an inverse relationship to interest rates, many consumers do not want to hold an asset with a price that is expected to decline. At the same time, central bank efforts to spur economic activity are hampered as they are unable to lower interest rates further to incentivize investors and consumers.

研究所所長 陳文鴻
東方日報 2020-09-02
節錄:香港未來仍然面對不少挑戰。一是社會裏反對回歸、心存英美的人還是為數不少。其中有不少是高學歷的專業人士,乃至大學教授。對付他們,社會只能強制壓迫,國安法屬於亂世要用重典,最好是讓他們移民他去,讓香港社會有新的移民來更新換血。二是宗教的異己傾向。香港社會已布滿基督教各教派的勢力,滲透到各個階層,尤其是精英階層,要清理極其困難。但在政治方面,教士和教會的待遇不能再特殊,犯法者必拘;教會組織等同於 NGO(非政府組織),一視同仁,依法管理,更不能讓香港成為一些教派滲透顛覆內地的基地,要嚴控走私。三當然是美國為首外部政治勢力的威脅。香港除了依靠內地國安系統打擊、抑制外部勢力在香港的行動外,一方面,香港與內地要更緊密合作,至少形成大灣區的區域體系,擴大基礎來抵禦外來打擊;另一方面,是在英美以外,擴大國際化的空間,減輕受美國等制裁的衝擊。依傍內地,面向世界,發憤圖強,香港還有大機會。(Auntie 的補白:萬一閣下太年輕,不知道陳文鴻在 1989 年的言論,請上網搜尋:陳文鴻+擠提+中國銀行。)

BBC 中文網 2020 年 8 月 10 日
節錄:中國經濟的「內循環」突然成為一個熱詞,再聯繫到中國目前面臨著幾乎墜入冰點的地緣政治環境,外界有聲音認為這是中國應對外部壓力「閉關鎖國」之舉。「內循環」在中國官方語境中的全稱是「國內大循環」,這個詞第一次出現在公開報道中是今年 5 月,彼時中國剛剛從疫情中緩過氣,經濟逐步開始復蘇,但外部環境從政治到經濟都開始全面惡化。 5 月 23 日,中國兩會期間,習近平在出席政協的一次會議時稱:「我們要把滿足國內需求作為發展的出發點和落腳點......逐步形成以國內大循環為主體,國內國際雙循環相互促進的新發展格局」。 6 月,習近平和副總理劉鶴分別在兩次會議上重覆了這一表述。此時,輿論還未形成對「內循環」的討論。直到 7 月的兩個比較重磅的會議上都出現這一表述 —— 兩個會議分別是 7 月 21 日的企業家座談會和 7 月 30 日的中共政治局會議,後者不僅是中國下半年經濟政策的風向標,還為 10 月份中共十九屆五中全會制定「十四五」規劃鋪路。因此有分析人士認為,即將結束的中國「十三五」規劃以「供給側結構性改革」為主線,「十四五」的主線則可能就是「建設國內大循環為主體,國內國際雙循環相互促進的新發展格局」。

中國刺激內需 家電業受惠
東方日報 2020-09-05
節錄:傳統銷售旺季「金九銀十」拉開序幕,國家商務部為促消費推動商業秩序全面恢復,將於下周三起舉辦為期一個月的消費促進月活動,更揚言消費增長在九月份掀起「新高潮」。國際評級機構惠譽指,內地經濟推動「內循環」,對家電行業尤其白色家電如雪櫃、洗衣機等帶來正面影響。今年消費促進月的活動跨越中秋及「十一」假期,商務部消費促進司副司長王斌昨日指,目前共逾 30 個省區市的 179 個重點城市計劃參與, 10 萬多家企業積極參與,涉及商戶更超過 200 萬家,在汽車、家電等商品消費在內的重點板塊展開消費活動,形成百城萬企促消費的格局。當中,有關金融機構將推行收據手續費減免等惠民措施,重點企業亦會發放消費券等加大促銷。王斌又指,新冠肺炎疫情對內地消費市場產生很大衝擊,七月餐飲住宿等行業復甦較預期慢,消費潛力有待進一步釋放,透過今次活動冀取得積極成效,為消費升級持續推進,延續消費市場平穩回升的情況。


逆周期 (Counter cyclical)?
2020 年 3 月 2 日
節錄:所謂的「逆周期」政策 (Counter cyclical policy) 是指官府透過適當的貨幣或財政政策工具(圖)去減輕經濟周期波動所帶來的負面影響(例如:失業或通脹),政府嘗試扮演一個穩定因素 (Stabilizing factor),稍為減輕一下老百姓的痛苦,好讓奴隸繼續當奴隸,跟隨既定的遊戲規則玩下去,而非起來造反。

2020 年 6 月 7 日
節錄:大國相爭,買辦死先,是香港的命運。金融中心地位受損,是最低消費 (Minimum charge) 或附帶傷害 (Collateral damage)。中美兩國處於半戰爭狀態,局部開火,平民百姓被誤傷或誤殺,私人財產被破壞或充公,也很常見,無法避免。至於美軍空投炸彈的命中率,請參考二戰時期的紅磡觀音廟幾乎被誤炸事件,阿彌陀佛!所以香港人又開始移民和撤資了。

2020 年 1 月 15 日

OPM (Part 1)
2012 年 7 月 6 日
節錄:OPM 即是 Other People’s Money ,意思是投資或者做生意的時候,部份資金來自借貸。舉債的好處:由於有槓桿 (Leverage) 作用,可以把蠅頭小利放大好幾倍,但是利潤要扣除借貸成本以及交易費用。舉債的壞處:槓桿作用令風險增加,萬一資產價格不升反跌,虧損會被放大好幾倍,缺乏財政實力的投資者,可能因此而破產。如果是企業的話,過份借貸,週轉不靈,資不抵債,一樣死得。

2018 年 3 月 28 日

2015 年 6 月 5 日
節錄:過去兩、三年,中國的 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) 和 ODI (Overseas Direct Investment) 的金額接近持平。外資大行經濟師的看法:前者降,後者升,趨勢持續的話,幾年之後 ODI 將會超越 FDI ,走出去的會超過引進來的。對西方國家的跨國企業來說,中國的實體經濟早已不再吸引,下一輪的投資熱點可能是跟美國關係改善的緬甸或古巴。因應形勢轉變,偉大祖國試圖透過香港,引導外資進入金融市場,透過另一管道,讓洋鬼子繼續為中國的經濟增長提供動力。

No more panda hugger
2019 年 9 月 13 日

2017 年 2 月 14 日

2012 年 12 月 7 日
節錄:分析行業前景的五力模式 (Porter’s five forces) 中,有幾種常見的入行障礙 (Entry barriers / Barriers to entry)。其中一種,叫資本要求 (Capital requirements),意思是:進軍某個行業,需要龐大的起動資金,並非普通人或者中小企能夠負擔,於是入行者稀,容易形成壟斷。香港人的婚姻,物質門檻高,是個好例子。網上的電車男慨嘆,香港的戀愛婚姻市場貧富懸殊,有錢的老男人一拖幾,窮小子則只能打飛機(高射砲)。

2016 年 4 月 1 日
節錄:打得飛機多會盲,是壞男人 6 號教我的。他幼承庭訓,然後向小妹轉述中國特色的性教育。老一輩的華人父母擔心兒子血氣方剛,濫發高射砲(提示:那些年我們一起追的女孩),把子孫根弄壞,無法傳宗接代,於是提倡手淫或梅毒會致盲的說法,用來唬嚇男孩,要求他們潔身自愛。

2016 年 12 月 28 日
節錄:中史科被廢的那一天,7 號心情鬱悶,不知道應該何去何從。男人心情欠佳的時候,就容易沉迷酒色或賭博,7 號也一樣。下課之後不想回家,迷迷糊糊,遊遊蕩蕩,結果蕩進一間新界區的電影院,買了一張門票,可以在同一日之內,無限制地觀看多部日本色情電影。你可以由早看到晚不出來,在淫聲浪語中徹底忘記殘酷現實,又或者讓下半身發揮原始本能,亦即是關掉腦袋的思考功能。

2018 年 6 月 1 日
節錄:港式粵語:「信佢一成,雙目失明!」原來有下文,就是:「信你兩成,鳩都變形!」不但有下文,而且出了貼紙(圖)。某日外出購物,看見路邊停泊了一部淺色家用版 Toyota,車門把手位置上面,貼了這款貼紙,笑了。開舊款 Toyota 的,應該是住家男或週末司機,也許是希望親友拋卻煩惱笑住上車,又或者不滿官府的施政,但是沒有時間抗爭,於是用貼紙表態。

Revised 05/09/2020
