
數碼貨幣 (Part 3)

Recap: 數碼貨幣可以是由現實世界的中央銀行發行(Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC),直接受政府監管。虛擬貨幣 (Virtual Currency) 是數碼貨幣的分類,是由私人機構發行因此不受政府監管的數碼貨幣 (Digital Currency),可以在虛擬世界中用作支付工具。而運用區塊鏈 (Blockchain) 技術的加密貨幣 (Cryptocurrency) 是虛擬貨幣 (Virtual Currency) 的其中一種(例如:Bitcoin)。由於加密貨幣的買賣活動在網上世界進行,即是跨越國界和不受政府監管,有助避開資金管制 (Capital control),於是成為大陸人的洗黑錢工具,詳情見 (Part 1)

由於加密貨幣 (Cryptocurrency) 的買賣活動無須經過美元結算體系,另一個常見用途是用來繞過美國的貿易制裁,那是伊朗和北韓的做法。好處是讓受到國際社會孤立的政權可以(透過進行對外貿易或犯罪活動)賺取收入,繼續生存以及發展武器自保,詳情請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的英文材料。對,獨裁者也要想辦法賺錢,然後把剝削老百姓所得的錢轉移(洗黑錢),以便在海外建立小金庫,萬一他日被推翻,老婆情婦和兒孫也有錢用(提示:螞蟻搬家)。至於中國發展數碼人民幣(英語傳媒叫 Digital Yuan)是否也有類似的考慮(繞過美國的貿易制裁),偉大祖國是否跟伊朗和北韓學習(又或者互相抄襲),還是已經被國際社會歸入同一個類別 (Category),這些大逆不道的殺頭問題,自己想。

[免責聲明:這個系列並非推廣比特幣(Bitcoin)及其他「加密貨幣」(Cryptocurrency),相關的投資風險請參考<延伸閱讀>部份由投資者及理財教育委員會(IFEC)和證監會(SFC)所提供的中文資料,如有損失與 Auntie 無關。]



Iran Has a Bitcoin Strategy to Beat Trump

As the United States expands its sanctions, Iran has been ramping up its use of cryptocurrencies to get around them.


Foreign Policy (JANUARY 24, 2020)


Extract: In narrow terms, the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran in the last two years have been effective, shrinking the Iranian economy by 10 to 20 percent. But they have also accelerated Iran’s use of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, which are increasingly used by the Iranian government and public to evade legal barriers. This has led to an attempted crackdown on bitcoin by international regulators — but the cryptocurrency industry is proving more nimble than the enforcers of sanctions. Iran has clearly understood that cryptocurrencies are among the ways to challenge and subvert the U.S.-dominated financial architecture. In the meantime, as long as holes in regulation exist, they are sure to be exploited by the Iranian regime and people.

The Iranian government has long had an interest in using cryptocurrencies to support international trade outside of the traditional banking system. Multiple blockchain projects — developing the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies — were revealed by the central bank at a digital payments conference last year, one of which is reportedly already being tested by four Iranian banks (three of which are under sanctions). Cryptocurrency transactions are already popular with the Iranian public, according to various reports. In some interviews, people have described bitcoin as the only way to get money out of Iran. Cryptocurrency mining activity, which is a heavy computational process that generates, or “mines,” new cryptocurrency, is also significant in Iran. Interestingly, Iran also appears to have attracted interest from other countries willing to collaborate via blockchain platforms. In November 2018, Iranian and Russian blockchain industry personnel signed an agreement for cooperation in developing Iran’s blockchain industry, with a stated aim to address challenges arising from sanctions.

Despite these challenges, there are new developments in the world of cryptocurrency that may open up new possibilities for the Iranian government and people to evade sanctions. One significant development is the rise of central bank digital currencies, which are the governmental take on cryptocurrencies — central banks issuing natively digital money. China and Russia have notably been working on these projects for some time, and the Chinese sovereign coin, or “digital yuan,” is expected to be launched this year. The implications for international sanctions are vast. First, these projects inevitably run on private blockchains that provide no traceability to outside countries the way a bitcoin network does. The second is that these instruments are completely outside the purview of current U.S.-led global financial architecture. Countries that are still open to cooperating with Iran could easily explore avenues through the use of such sovereign coins.

North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they launder it into real cash?

by Patrick Howell O'Neillarchive, September 10, 2020, published on MIT Technology Review


Extract: For years, North Korea’s Kim dynasty has made money through criminal schemes like drug trafficking and counterfeiting cash. In the last decade, Pyongyang has increasingly turned to cybercrime — using armies of hackers to conduct billion-dollar heists against banks and cryptocurrency exchanges, such as an attack in 2018 that netted $250 million in one fell swoop. The United Nations says these actions bring in vast sums which the regime uses to develop nuclear weapons that can guarantee its long-term survival. 

But there is a big difference between hacking a cryptocurrency exchange and actually getting your hands on all the cash. Doing that requires moving the stolen cryptocurrency, laundering it so no one can trace it, and then exchanging it for dollars, euros, or yuan that can buy the weapons, luxuries, and necessities even bitcoins cannot. “I’d say the laundering is more sophisticated than the hacks themselves,” says Christopher Janczewski, a lead case agent at the IRS who specializes in cryptocurrency cases. Janczewski was most recently the lead investigator in a case to trace and seize $250 million in cryptocurrency from an unprecedented streak of multimillion-dollar hacks allegedly carried out by the North Korean hacking team known as Lazarus Group.

And, he says, Lazarus’s tactics are continuously evolving. Once Lazarus has successfully hacked a target and taken control of the money, the group attempts to cover up its trail to throw off investigators. These tactics typically involve moving coins to different wallets and currencies  for example, switching from ether to Bitcoin. The so-called Lazarus group has used elaborate phishing schemes and cutting-edge money-laundering tools to steal money for Kim Jong-un’s regime. The Lazarus laundering operation, says Janczewski, involves creating and maintaining hundreds of false accounts and identities, a consistent level of sophistication and effort that underlines just how important the operation is for Pyongyang. It’s extremely difficult to name a precise amount, but experts have estimated that North Korea relies on criminal activity for up to 15% of its income, with a significant portion of that driven by cyberattacks.

No matter how many peels and hops a hacker might throw the stolen cryptocurrency through, the effort usually comes up against an undeniable fact: if you’re trying to exchange a huge amount of cryptocurrency for US dollars, you’ll almost inevitably have to bring it all back to Bitcoin. No other cryptocurrency is so widely accepted or so easily converted to cash. Though new coins and privacy technologies have been emerging for years, Bitcoin and its public ledger remain “the backbone of the cryptocurrency economy,” says Janczewski. That means the ultimate destination of the coin is often an over-the-counter trader — a bespoke operation in a country like China that can turn coin into cash, sometimes with no strings attached. “Now there are a lot more currencies involved. They are able to move through obscure currencies, but eventually they end in the same spot, which is moving it back to Bitcoin and through the over-the-counter market.” Over-the-counter operations are the preferred way for Lazarus to move millions in Bitcoin into cash.

The United States Department of Justice -

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Publication of Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework

(October 8, 2020)


Extract: Attorney General William P. Barr announced today the release of “Cryptocurrency: An Enforcement Framework,” a publication produced by the Attorney General’s Cyber-Digital Task Force.  The Framework provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging threats and enforcement challenges associated with the increasing prevalence and use of cryptocurrency; details the important relationships that the Department of Justice has built with regulatory and enforcement partners both within the United States government and around the world; and outlines the Department’s response strategies. 

In Part I, the Framework provides a detailed threat overview, cataloging the three categories into which most illicit uses of cryptocurrency typically fall: (1) financial transactions associated with the commission of crimes; (2) money laundering and the shielding of legitimate activity from tax, reporting, or other legal requirements; and (3) crimes, such as theft, directly implicating the cryptocurrency marketplace itself. 

Part II explores the various legal and regulatory tools at the government’s disposal to confront the threats posed by cryptocurrency’s illicit uses, and highlights the strong and growing partnership between the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Commission, and agencies within the Department of the Treasury, among others, to enforce federal law in the cryptocurrency space. 

Finally, the Enforcement Framework concludes in Part III with a discussion of the ongoing challenges the government faces in cryptocurrency enforcement—particularly with respect to business models (employed by certain cryptocurrency exchanges, platforms, kiosks, and casinos), and to activity (like “mixing” and “tumbling,” “chain hopping,” and certain instances of jurisdictional arbitrage) that may facilitate criminal activity.    

“At the FBI, we see first-hand the dangers posed when criminals bend the important technological promise of cryptocurrency to illicit ends," said FBI Director Christopher Wray.   “As this Enforcement Framework describes, we see criminals using cryptocurrency to try to prevent us from 'following the money’ across a wide range of investigations, as well as to trade in illicit goods like criminal tools on the dark web. For example, the cyber criminals behind ransomware attacks often use cryptocurrency to try to hide their true identities when acquiring malware and infrastructure, and receiving ransom payments. The men and women of the FBI are constantly innovating to keep pace with the evolution of criminals' use of cryptocurrency."


數碼貨幣 (Part 2)

2020 10 7


節錄:在中美關係惡化的背景下,中國央行與其被動地回應,被(國際社會)邊緣化,倒不如採取主動,爭取成為設定行業標準的先行者 (First Mover),順便把法定貨幣(人民幣)數碼化(提示:化粧+喬裝+黃子華),一來保住中國央行的地位,二來保障國家主權及金融安全,三來讓中國可以繼續進行對外貿易(即:對抗美元霸權或繞過貿易制裁),一舉數得。

數碼貨幣 (Part 1)

2020 10 7


節錄:中美關係惡化又同時牽動了中共內部的派系鬥爭,令局內人覺得危在旦夕,有急切需要尋找新的走資渠道,安排後路及安頓家人。同一時間,疫症蔓延令經濟活動或停頓或半停擺,很多人無法出門,被迫長時間留在家中,透過互聯網跟外面的世界保持聯繫。在這種情況下,不受監管的加密貨幣 (Cryptocurrency) 正好符合大陸貪官的走資需求。


2019 11 16

節錄:然後用真金白銀(或信用卡)購買虛擬武器,或累積了虛擬貨幣 (Virtual currencies) 或虛擬資產 (Virtual assets),提供了儲存價值 (Store value) 的功能,作用等同現實世界中的貨幣,但沒有官方認證也不受監管。參與者可以透過交出戶口,或透過網上交易平台或社交媒體帳戶買賣虛擬貨幣或虛擬資產或虛擬武器,從而達到轉移犯罪收入的真正目的。


2020 8 13



The Frontman of Rocket Man

2017 9 28

節錄:中國四大國有銀行在美國有分行,如果任何一間被美國的金融監管機構抓到替北韓提供服務的把柄,又或者是替金家成員清洗黑錢的證據,後果可以很嚴重(例如:被美國凍結資產、被迫切斷跟美國金融系統的聯繫、客戶逃亡引發擠提、在香港的股價立即下跌),澳門滙業銀行的擠提風波(2005 9 月中)是好例子,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的資料。


2017 4 26

節錄:異曲同工的做法,是二戰期間的納粹德國。德軍除了掠奪猶太人的財富,然後把他們送入毒氣室之外,還使用偽做的英鎊和美元,以支付龐大的軍費開支,同時擾亂英美兩國的金融系統,試圖削弱對方的作戰能力。德國電影 The Counterfeiters (2007) 紀錄了這一筆。故事改編自真人真事,讓你明白金錢在戰爭中所起的作用。


For DINGLE: I have deleted your comment beneath the specified article.




勢色不對,立即撤退,止蝕離場,是外資的一貫做法,袋鼠幫也是這樣澳洲第二大銀行西太平洋銀行 (Westpac Bank) 撤出香港和中國,有幾個原因:

第一:因為違反反洗黑錢和反恐怖活動的金融法規,九月底 Westpac 與澳洲交易報告分析中心(AUSTRAC)達成和解,同意支付破紀錄(澳洲標準)的 13 億澳元(72 億港元)罰款。因為要繳交巨額罰款,於是拿員工開刀,是跨國金融機構的慣技,匯豐和渣打也是這樣,而且首先拿香港的員工開刀(因為本地的銀行業打工仔女沒有工會也沒有集體談判權亦即是得罪你們沒有手尾跟)。根據英語傳媒的報導,Westpac 違規行為還牽涉東南亞國家的兒童賣淫,違反商業道德,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的英語材料。








為削減開支 西太平洋銀行撤出中港等亞洲市場

香港經濟日報 2020/10/14


節錄:澳洲西太平洋銀行(Westpac Bank)表示,評估全球業務後,決定退出包括本港及內地在內的多個亞洲市場,聚焦澳洲和紐西蘭業務。《路透社》報導,作為澳洲第二大銀行的西太平洋銀行,因疫情期間壞帳增加,加上須向澳洲當局支付鉅額和解罰款,該行周三(14 日)宣布將撤出香港、北京、上海、孟買和雅加達,並將國際業務併入新加坡、倫敦和紐約分支。知情人士向《路透社》表示,西太平洋銀行估計需要 1 2 年時間完成上述工作,預計會影響 150 名至 200 名員工,大部分來自香港和上海。該行表示,上述調整有助削減逾 50 億澳元(逾 278 億港元)的風險權重資產,改善其資本效率。西太平洋銀行早前被指違反反洗錢及反恐金融法,上月與澳洲交易報告分析中心(AUSTRAC)達成和解,同意向 AUSTRAC 支付 13 億澳元(72 億港元)罰款,是澳洲歷來金額最高的民事罰款。

Westpac bank to pay record Australian fine over laundering breaches

BBC (24 September 2020)


Extract: Australia's Westpac bank has negotiated to pay a record A$1.3bn (£0.7bn; $0.9bn) fine for the nation's biggest breach of money laundering laws. Last year, Australia's financial crime watchdog said the bank had failed to adequately report over 19 million international transactions. Some payments were potentially linked to child exploitation, officials said. The nation's second-biggest lender has apologised for its "failings".

Westpac is the second top Australian bank to pay huge fines for breaching anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws. If the billion-dollar fine is approved by a court, it will be the largest civil penalty in Australian corporate history. However, the fine could have been larger. The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (Austrac) said the transactions had amounted to 23 million law breaches, with each carrying a maximum penalty of A$21m. Concerns about child exploitation came after Austrac identified payments made to suspected operators in the Phillipines. Australian media has since linked the bank to individual cases, including an alleged paedophile's suspected use of Westpac's transfer system to pay for child sex overseas.

Westpac settles AUSTRAC money laundering case with $1.3 billion fine

By senior business correspondent Peter Ryan, business reporter Michael Janda and political reporter Matthew Doran

www.abc.net.au (Sept 24, 2020)


Extract: Westpac has reached a deal with financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC to settle more than 23 million alleged breaches of anti-money laundering laws by paying a record $1.3 billion penalty. The penalty is the biggest in Australian corporate history, and is almost double the previous record $700 million fine paid by the Commonwealth Bank for almost 54,000 money laundering breaches, revealed by the ABC in 2017. In a statement, AUSTRAC said Westpac had admitted to breaching the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act more than 23 million times. AUSTRAC said the breaches included suspicious transactions associated with possible child exploitation as well as failure to assess risks of money laundering and terrorism financing. AUSTRAC had initially identified a dozen specific customers who had made suspicious transactions to the Philippines that were indicative of child exploitation activities.

However, a further review of historical transactions by Westpac in conjunction with the regulator found a further 250 customers with suspicious transactions to the Philippines, South-East Asia or Mexico — all of which should have been picked up much earlier if Westpac had proper monitoring systems in place. In a statement, Westpac's chief executive Peter King once again apologised for the contraventions. "We are committed to fixing the issues to ensure that these mistakes do not happen again. This has been my number one priority," he said. The scandal, which erupted in late 2019, forced the resignation of then Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer and the retirement of chairman Lindsay Maxsted, along with other board and executive changes.

Westpac is expecting to fork out more than $1 billion as a result of its money laundering scandal. It would be the biggest corporate fine in Australian history.


Business Insider Australia (APR 14, 2020)


Extract: Westpac has revealed it expects the ongoing AUSTRAC investigation will cost it $1.03 billion. The investigation alleges the bank violated anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism laws some 23 million times in just five years, allowing money tied to child exploitation to flow unfettered. This would be the largest fine in Australian corporate history, with the current record standing at $700 million and paid by the Commonwealth Bank in 2018.

While it had been speculated the bank may have to pay the country’s first $1 billion corporate fine, its the first official admission by either the regulator or the bank that both were headed for that very large ballpark. When the penalty is handed down, it will obliterate the previous record of $700 million, currently held by the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) after its ‘intelligent deposit ATMs’ were found to have broken the same laws. It’s unenviable territory to find yourself in, particularly as the bank flagged a further $400 million profit hit to its bottom line from an unexpected surge in hardship cases related to the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent government shutdown. While Westpac may be comfortable with a billion-dollar fine, it’s worth noting CBA’s own penalty eventually came in at twice the amount it initially designated. Westpac’s then may still have some way to blow out.

Commonwealth Bank offers to pay record fine in laundering case

BBC (4 June 2018)


Extract: Australia's Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has said it will pay a $700m (£400m; $530m) fine for breaching anti-money laundering and counter-terror financing laws. The scandal relates to 53,000 suspect transactions that the bank did not immediately report to authorities. Last year, Australia's financial intelligence agency accused the lender of "serious and systemic" law breaches. If a court approves the fine, it will be the largest civil penalty in Australian corporate history.

Most of the breaches related to the bank's deposit machines, which could accept up to A$20,000 in cash at a time, anonymously if the person depositing was not a Commonwealth customer. The bank failed to meet deadlines for reporting transactions over the legal threshold of A$10,000, according to Austrac. Commonwealth Bank said the breaches were due to a coding error, which meant the machines failed to automatically report the transactions.

Australia's banking and financial services sector has been rocked by a series of scandals over the last decade. In December, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull established a royal commission inquiry to investigate the scale of wrongdoing. Among allegations to hit Commonwealth Bank, the inquiry heard that the lender had collected fees from customers it knew had died. In May, the bank also admitted to losing the bank records of almost 20 million people. The lender has also been investigated over whether it adequately informed shareholders about all potential liabilities related to the anti-money laundering case. Former chief executive Ian Narev brought forward his retirement last year as the bank faced pressure over the scandal.

Why is Australia investigating its banks?

BBC (12 February 2018)


Extract: Finance is Australia's biggest industry, and its banks are some of the most profitable in the world. But now the nation's highest form of public inquiry is examining misconduct by the nation's banks and financial institutions. The royal commission follows a decade of scandals that have rocked the sector. How dominant are Australia's banks? Australia's "Big Four" - Commonwealth Bank (CBA), ANZ, National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac - collectively have about 80% of the country's banking market. A recent government-funded report found the sector was "unquestionably strong", but criticised levels of competition and transparency. What have been the scandals? All four major banks have faced misconduct allegations. They include:

  • Risky financial advice: Commonwealth Bank customers lost millions of dollars due to inappropriate advice from financial planners.
  • Dodgy mortgages: About 20 NAB bankers were sacked after issuing home loans based on incorrect or incomplete documentation.
  • Rate-rigging lawsuits: All four banks were accused of manipulating a key interest rate benchmark.
  • Alleged breaches of anti money laundering laws: Commonwealth Bank admitted it was late to disclose 53,000 suspect ATM transactions.

Analysts estimate that Australian banks have paid more than A$1bn (£550m; $780m) in penalties and compensation since the 2008 financial crisis. Despite this, the banking giants have continued to post large profits, sometimes at record levels.

Westpac - Our history


Extract: Westpac has a long and proud history as Australia's first and oldest bank. It was established in 1817 as the Bank of New South Wales under a charter of incorporation provided by Governor Lachlan Macquarie. In October 1982 it changed its name to Westpac Banking Corporation following the acquisition of the Commercial Bank of Australia. When we opened our doors for business the first employee was Joseph Hyde Potts. As a porter and servant, he received a weekly ration from the King's stores and an annual salary of 25 pounds.

Westpac - Our businesses


Extract: Westpac is Australia’s oldest bank and company, one of four major banking organisations in Australia and one of the largest banks in New Zealand. We provide a broad range of banking and financial services in these markets, including consumer, business and institutional banking and wealth management services. Our business comprises four key customer-facing divisions which operate a unique portfolio of brands including Westpac, St.George, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA, BT and RAMS. Through these brands we serve over 13 million customers. The Group’s four customer-facing divisions are:

Consumer – responsible for sales and service to consumer customers in Australia under the Westpac, St.George, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA, BT and RAMS brands.

Business – responsible for sales and service to micro, small-to-medium enterprises, commercial business and Private Wealth clients in Australia under the Westpac, St.George, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA, BT brands and Capital Finance. The division also provides specialist services for cash flow finance, trade finance, automotive and equipment finance, property finance, treasury and auto finance loans.

Westpac Institutional Bank (WIB) – delivers a broad range of financial products and services to commercial, corporate, institutional and government customers with connections to Australia and New Zealand. Customers are supported through branches and subsidiaries located in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the United States and the United Kingdom. WIB is also responsible for the Group’s Pacific Banking operations providing a full range of banking services in Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

Westpac New Zealand – responsible for sales and service of banking, wealth, and insurance products for consumer, business and institutional customers in New Zealand, operating under the Westpac New Zealand, Westpac Life and BT Funds Management (NZ) brands.

China Learns the Hard Way That Money Can’t Buy You Love

Few countries have soured more rapidly against China than Australia, as decades of influence-building by Beijing come to naught.

By Salvatore Babones

Foreign Policy (October 14, 2020)


Extract: China has long had Australia in its sights, and money is its favored weapon. China accounts for roughly a third of Australia’s export earnings. Until recently, it was also a big investor in Australia. Chinese international students occupy 10 percent of all university places in Australia, and Beijing has funded Confucius Institutes at 13 of Australia’s 37 public universities. China-linked donors fund several Australian think tanks advancing China-friendly policies. Nearly every major public institution in Australia has a “China strategy.” China’s presence looms even larger in Australia’s much smaller neighbor, New Zealand. If there’s one region of the (notionally) Western world where China has staked its claim to the future, it’s in the Antipodes.

Yet the proportion of Australians who hold a favorable view of China has plummeted from 64 percent to just 15 percent over the last three years, according to a Pew Global Attitudes poll released last week. (New Zealand wasn’t surveyed.) The proportion of Australians who view China unfavorably has risen to 81 percent, with only 3 percent undecided. Australia’s changing mood on China is part of a global shift, but it’s the most extreme reversal among the 12 countries Pew regularly surveys and started before the coronavirus. Despite a widespread and long-standing perception in Australia that its economic future depends on China, it turns out that — at least when it comes to public diplomacy — money can’t buy you love.

China has certainly spent the money. Australian ethics professor Clive Hamilton’s 2018 book “Silent Invasion”(無聲的入侵)traced the many paths through which Chinese and China-linked money has informed and potentially influenced Australia’s public debates, from massive donations to political parties to the takeover of local Chinese-language media to luxury junkets for journalists and politicians to visit China. The controversial China-born and based businessman (and Australian citizen) Chau Chak Wing has given tens of millions of dollars to Australian universities — and has made a series of donations to patriotic Australian causes like veterans’ charities and the Australian War Memorial. A confidant of Chinese President Xi Jinping, he has fought — and won — repeated lawsuits against Australian media that accused him of bribery and spying for China.


—— 專訪《無聲的入侵》作者漢密爾頓



節錄:澳洲為什麼在短短不到 15 年間,徹底被中國滲透?澳洲學者克萊夫.漢密爾頓(Clive Hamilton)描繪了被中國無聲無息入侵的原因:「因為澳洲和紐西蘭環境開放,有大量中國移民,又堅守多元文化主義,是中共黨國撬動美國同盟、用以測試各種滲透與顛覆手法的練兵場。」當澳洲最大的獨立出版社 Allen & Unwin 打電話來說要延遲出版他的新書,漢密爾頓十分震驚。「我相信,這是第一次,西方聲譽卓著的出版社,必須在自己的國家審查批評中國的書籍。當然,這件事本身就證實了我整本書的論點。」現任澳洲查爾斯史都華大學(Charles Sturt University)公共倫理中心哲學教授的漢密爾頓說。

漢密爾頓去年(2018)在澳洲出版的新書《無聲的入侵》,詳細羅列了超過一千名中共的耳目、內線、間諜,全面滲透澳洲的真實事件。從政界到媒體,從大學到小學,從房地產到農牧業,澳洲的民主在中共「銳實力」入侵之下,顯得天真脆弱,「簡直就像童子軍要對抗教父柯里昂。」漢密爾頓比喻。所謂的銳實力(sharp power)是指一個國家透過操縱性外交政策,企圖影響及控制另一國家政治制度的行為,通常發生在威權國家想要影響他國的內政。漢密爾頓說,銳實力和軟實力不同,中共發展的銳實力並非要贏得認同和好感,而是利用華僑社團與新移民介入澳洲政治,擴大社會對立,讓澳洲自亂陣腳。

延遲出版的消息,早讓此書引發國際媒體注目,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)和 BBC 都報導澳洲異議之聲被遏制。新書 2018 2 月一上市,更引發熱切討論,激化澳中關係;3月,中國外交部發言人華春瑩稱這本書「惡意炒作」和「抹黑攻擊」。批評中國的書不少,但漢密爾頓在過去親中的澳洲,大膽指出中國正企圖將澳洲變為傀儡國家,短短 15 年間,攏絡澳洲前總理鮑勃.霍克( Robert James Lee "Bob" Hawke)、保羅.基廷(Paul Keating)、陸克文(Kevin Rudd),將前政要變成中共的新買辦,中國資金同時大筆湧入澳洲的農地、房地產、大學。無聲無息間,中國搖身一變成為澳洲官界、學界、產業的最大金主,也成為澳洲第二大地主。漢密爾頓大鳴澳洲自由與法治的警鐘。澳洲是目前全球主要經濟體中,最依賴中國的國家。中國是澳洲最大貿易夥伴, 2018 年中國佔澳洲出口高達 34.1%。根據 KPMG 的報告,澳洲自 2007 年已成為中國對外投資第二大國,累計投資達 900 億美元,僅次於美國的 1,000 多億美元。中國目前在澳洲擁有的農地,也僅次於英國,是澳洲第二大地主。

Confucius Institutes: The growth of China's controversial cultural branch

By Pratik Jakhar

BBC (6 Sept 2019)


Extract: According to China, its Confucius Institute (CI) is "a bridge reinforcing friendship" between it and the world. But to its critics the government-run body - which offers language and cultural programmes overseas - is a way for Beijing to spread propaganda under the guise of teaching, interfere with free speech on campuses and even to spy on students. In recent weeks, a flurry of universities around the world have shut down programmes operated by the institute. And in Australia, an investigation is even under way into whether agreements between universities and the institute have broken anti-foreign interference laws.

Foreign influence in Australia? In July, Australian media reported that local universities hosting CIs had signed agreements which gave China decision-making authority over teaching at the facilities. Then in late August, New South Wales announced it was scrapping programmes run by the CI in its schools altogether. An education department review in the Australian state said that while there was no evidence of "actual political influence", a number of factors "could give rise to the perception that the Confucius Institute is or could be facilitating inappropriate foreign influence in the department".

China's 'hybrid war': Beijing's mass surveillance of Australia and the world for secrets and scandal

By political editor Andrew Probyn and political reporter Matthew Doran

www.abc.net.au (Sept 14, 2020)


Extract: A Chinese company with links to Beijing's military and intelligence networks has been amassing a vast database of detailed personal information on thousands of Australians, including prominent and influential figures. A database of 2.4 million people, including more than 35,000 Australians, has been leaked from the Shenzhen company Zhenhua Data which is believed to be used by China's intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security.

Zhenhua has the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party among its main clients. Information collected includes dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives and social media IDs. It collates Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and even TikTok accounts, as well as news stories, criminal records and corporate misdemeanours. While much of the information has been "scraped" from open-source material, some profiles have information which appears to have been sourced from confidential bank records, job applications and psychological profiles. The company is believed to have sourced some of its information from the so-called "dark web".

The company's chief executive Wang Xuefeng, a former IBM employee, has used Chinese social media app WeChat to endorse waging "hybrid warfare" through manipulation of public opinion and "psychological warfare". Of the 35,558 Australians on the database, there are state and federal politicians, military officers, diplomats, academics, civil servants, business executives, engineers, journalists, lawyers and accountants. The military sector appears to be of particular interest to the company. The database tracks promotion prospects of officers and political networks. Australia's fledgling space industry is also of some interest to Zhenhua. Zhenhua Data, established in 2018, is believed to be owned by China Zhenhua Electronics Group which in turn is owned by state-owned China Electronic Information Industry Group (CETC), a military research company which had an association with the University of Technology Sydney until 2019.

U.S. State Department issues sanctions warning to banks over Hong Kong crackdown

By David Brunnstrom, Matt Spetalnick, Patricia Zengerle

Reuters (OCTOBER 15, 2020)


Extract: The U.S. State Department on Wednesday warned international financial institutions doing business with individuals deemed responsible for China’s crackdown in Hong Kong that they could soon face tough sanctions. In a report to Congress, the State Department named 10 people, including Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam, all of whom have already been sanctioned, and said within 60 days it would identify financial institutions that conduct significant transactions with them.

Wednesday’s State Department document did not add any new individuals to the list nor did it name any banks or other financial institutions that might be at risk for penalties. But the report put the firms on notice that they could be subject to so-called secondary sanctions, including restrictions on U.S. loans, foreign exchange, property transactions, exports and transfers, in addition to measures against their executives. Senior British and U.S. politicians have recently criticized HSBC and Standard Chartered after the banks backed China's national security law for the territory.

The U.S. Hong Kong Autonomy Act that Trump signed into law on July 14, required the State Department to list those people deemed responsible for communist-ruled China’s failure to meet its obligations toward Hong Kong within 90 days and which makes them liable for sanctions. It also requires a list of any financial institutions that knowingly conduct significant financial transactions with such persons no more than 60 days after that. It allows the U.S. president to impose sanctions on individuals as soon as they are named and calls for sanctions on the financial institutions no later than a year after they are identified.

In June, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused HSBC of “corporate kowtows” to Beijing. HSBC has faced mounting pressure from China on one side and Britain and the United States on the other in recent months over its stance on Hong Kong. In June HSBC’s Asia-Pacific CEO, Peter Wong, signed a petition supporting Beijing’s plans to impose new security legislation on Hong Kong, prompting strong criticism from the U.S. and British governments. Hong Kong is HSBC’s most profitable market and expansion across China is central to its growth strategy, making a close relationship with Beijing critical.

Release of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act Report



US Department of State (OCTOBER 14, 2020)


Extract: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically dismantled the autonomy that Beijing promised to the Hong Kong people and the world in a UN-registered treaty. Through the imposition of the National Security Law, the CCP has crippled democratic institutions, human rights, judicial independence, and individual freedoms in Hong Kong. The United States has publicly condemned an increasing number of problematic actions taken by Beijing and Hong Kong authorities to stifle dissent and eviscerate Hong Kong’s autonomy. These include the installation of a mainland security agency, mass arrests of peaceful protestors, the politically motivated delay of the September 2020 Legislative Council elections, and the capture and detention of Hong Kong democratic activists attempting to leave Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Autonomy Act requires the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress identifying foreign persons who are materially contributing to, have materially contributed to, or attempt to materially contribute to the failure of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to meet its obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration or Hong Kong’s Basic Law. This year’s report includes ten PRC and Hong Kong officials whose actions have undermined freedoms of assembly, speech, press, or the rule of law, or whose actions have reduced the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong. On August 7, the United States imposed sanctions on these same individuals under Executive Order 13936. The release of this report underscores our ongoing objection to Beijing’s actions that are intentionally designed to erode the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong and impose the CCP’s oppressive policies.


RTHK 2020-10-15


節錄:美國國務院正式警告國際金融機構,切勿與被指打壓香港民主而被制裁的人進行業務往來,否則這些金融機構可能面對制裁。根據路透社取得華府向國會提交的報告,國務院列出 10 名因打壓香港民主而被美國制裁的人,包括行政長官林鄭月娥,又指華府會在 60 日內披露涉及與該批被制裁人士,有重要商業往來的金融機構名單。美國財政部是在 8 月宣布,制裁林鄭月娥等香港與內地官員及前官員,指他們破壞香港自治,限制公民言論及結社自由。

匯控及渣打憂遭制裁 匯控曾失 30

Infocast (2020 10 15 )

節錄:美國總統特朗普在 7 月中簽署香港自治法。華府到 8 月向包括行政長官林鄭月娥在內的 11 名內地及香港官員實施制裁,最新報告列出被制裁的個人名單中,前警務處長盧偉聰的名字未有列席,華府會在隨後的 60 日內,列明那些金融機構同被制裁的人進行重大交易,各間機構可在 30 日內結束同這 10 人的交易,否則會被制裁。英美政界人士早前批評匯豐控股(港股編號:0005)及渣打集團(港股編號:2888),支持實施港區國安法。外界注視兩行會否被華府制裁,今早股價受壓。匯控跟隨美國 ADR 失守 30 元(港幣)大關口,曾跌 2.23%。渣打報 35.6 元(港幣),挫 2.2%

特區不滿妖魔化港區國安法 促美避免損害國際金融體系

RTHK 2020-10-15




RTHK 2020-10-16





2020 7 23

節錄:金融罪案+國際政治+新舊媒體間諜戰,稱得上<驚天大陰謀>。捲入其中的銀行和傳媒都是歷史悠久的百年老店,同樣淪為權鬥工具或棋子。故事還在發展中,牽涉重重黑幕,還有很多未解的疑團(例如:死於非命的德銀高層)。這是一齣真實版的 House of Cards,適合用來拍電影或長篇電視劇。故事情節非常國際化,人物場景跨越德國、俄國、美國、中國和香港,展現人性黑暗和複雜的一面,是陰謀電影的格局。


2020 1 15

節錄:難怪小朋友在網上論壇這樣寫:「香港失去集資和走資的功能,令支共(中共)無法借錢還債,加速支爆 (China meltdown)。終極攬炒,玉石俱焚!香港失去最重要的戰略價值,但可以加快獨立的過程,那是我們唯一的出路!」從這個角度看,匯豐獅子遭逢火劫(提示:星火同盟),令藍絲大媽落淚,年輕黃絲卻處之泰然,當中的情緒落差,也就不難理解。


2019 9 27

節錄:早於 2018 年初中美貿易戰爆發之前,紅色資本的海外併購活動已經遇到困難。西方國家基於國家安全考慮,對中資說不(提示:倫敦交易所),又或者設置障礙。中資的回應方式,是動用港人、台商、南洋華僑甚至親共洋人(Panda Hugger) 當人頭或 Frontman,讓大股東可以退居幕後。這些雕蟲小技,曾經欺騙外資銀行的華為公主孟晚舟(提示:匯豐+Skycom)應該懂。


2011 8 1

節錄:2009 3 9 日,匯豐(港股編號:0005)的股價創下港幣 33 元的歷史低位,香港股市哀鴻遍野,股民損失慘重。有香港網民把匯豐的商標改成一隻蟹,英文名字則改成 The Hongkong & Shanghai Big Crab, HSBC (原名:The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, HSBC),寓意股民被綁,有如大閘蟹。


2018 3 28



2017 3 29



2009 1 18

節錄:翻查資料,1941-1953 年間的匯豐銀行大班叫 A Morse,此君在抗戰後期曾經透過英國駐重慶的辦事處與國民政府取得聯繫。中國歷史上,匯豐曾經先後為清廷和國民黨提供服務。以英國人的務實作風,跟國民黨打完交道之後,再應酬共產黨,左右逢源,從中取利,絕對有可能。


2020 6 7

節錄:大國相爭,買辦死先,是香港的命運。金融中心地位受損,是最低消費 (Minimum charge) 或附帶傷害 (Collateral damage)。中美兩國處於半戰爭狀態,局部開火,平民百姓被誤傷或誤殺,私人財產被破壞或充公,也很常見,無法避免。至於美軍空投炸彈的命中率,請參考二戰時期的紅磡觀音廟幾乎被誤炸事件,阿彌陀佛!所以香港人又開始移民和撤資了。

Know Your Customer

2019 11 2



2020 8 13



數碼貨幣 (Part 2)

2020 10 7


節錄:在中美關係惡化的背景下,中國央行與其被動地回應,被(國際社會)邊緣化,倒不如採取主動,爭取成為設定行業標準的先行者 (First Mover),順便把法定貨幣(人民幣)數碼化(提示:化粧+喬裝+黃子華),一來保住中國央行的地位,二來保障國家主權及金融安全,三來讓中國可以繼續進行對外貿易(即:對抗美元霸權或繞過貿易制裁),一舉數得。

No more panda hugger

2019 9 13



2015 6 5

節錄:過去兩、三年,中國的 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) ODI (Overseas Direct Investment) 的金額接近持平。外資大行經濟師的看法:前者降,後者升,趨勢持續的話,幾年之後 ODI 將會超越 FDI ,走出去的會超過引進來的。對西方國家的跨國企業來說,中國的實體經濟早已不再吸引,下一輪的投資熱點可能是跟美國關係改善的緬甸或古巴。因應形勢轉變,偉大祖國試圖透過香港,引導外資進入金融市場,透過另一管道,讓洋鬼子繼續為中國的經濟增長提供動力。
