

Dr. Evil

Jeff Bezos = Dr. Evil

已經提過不止一次:Amazon 是 Auntie 的仇家,因為我的港大碩士論文被非法上載到十多種不同語言的 Amazon 網上書店發售。我曾經在 Amazon 創辦人 Jeff Bezos (圖右)的 LinkedIn 個人專頁貼投訴信,玩貼街招,要求對方立即把盜版下架,外國人看完我的留言之後給讚。那位外國網民用 Dr. Evil 稱呼 Jeff Bezos。咦,那裡聽過?上網搜尋,看見劇照,立即回魂,是搞笑間諜片 Austin Powers 系列裡面的奸角(圖左)。同樣是光頭和大細眼,哈哈,又真係幾似喎!

Amazon 顛覆了零售業的商業模式(提示:無人商店 AmazonGo ),打爛了收銀員的飯碗,零售商會覺得 Jeff Bezos 是敵人。萬一你不知道 Amazon 對零售業所帶來的衝擊,請上網。再早一點,他的網上書店 Amazon 以低價作招來,令作者和實體書出版社非常不滿,請參考 BBC 的相關報導。他習慣以本傷人,同時壓榨員工,是商業社會的典範,左翼視之為奸商。近期 Jeff Bezos 的新聞多多,包括:離婚、婚外情、情慾短訊、涉嫌被(親特朗普的)小報敲詐勒索。有陰謀論認為他是假離婚真沽貨,借老婆(前妻)之手減持 Amazon,那堆八卦新聞是用來轉移視線的煙幕,信不信由你,時間會證明一切。

回頭講搞笑間諜片 Austin Powers 系列,裡面的笑料、情節和造型來自六、七十年代的占士邦電影,很容易找到跟美蘇冷戰相關的元素。例如:奸角 Dr. Evil 穿疑似解放裝,用高科技複製自己(提示:Mini-Me),手抱貓咪則出自荷里活經典黑幫片<教父>(The Godfather) 第一集的開場。參考 YouTube 上面的外國網民留言,貓咪在片場外流連,Marlon Brando(港譯:馬龍白蘭度)休息時出外抽煙,跟牠遇上,貓咪向影帝撒嬌,大明星跟喵星人玩得高興,順手牽貓入行然後收編,成就經典一幕,背後其實是一個貓咪尋家的故事。壞男人抱貓議事同時散發邪氣,日後不斷被其他電影所複製,最新版本是香港的黃秋生。如果你熟悉占士邦電影,看 Austin Powers 系列的感覺,就好像熟悉粵語武俠片的香港人看周星馳電影<功夫>(2004),即是溫書、精華版。向占士邦電影致敬或偷橋的,還有周星馳電影<國產凌凌漆>(1994) ,英文片名叫 From Beijing with Love,脫胎自占士邦電影 From Russia with Love (1963)。

Dr. Eleven = Dr. Evil

說句老實話,香港人愛錢多過愛國,除了林鄭月娥、高官及建制派之外,應該沒有太多人感受到來自偉大祖國的愛(提示:粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要),本土派年輕人更不用說。至於西方世界,很大機會視國家主席習近平為 Dr. Evil,請參考國際金融大鱷索羅斯 (George Soros) 的最新評論。根據公開的資料,習近平的學歷有兩個版本:一個是清華大學法學博士,另一個是毛澤東前秘書李銳的說法,即是小學程度。真假莫問,欲知詳情,自己上網。在美國佬眼中,Dr. XI 可能會讀作 Dr. Eleven。對,洋人當你羅馬數字。換言之,Dr. Eleven = Dr. Evil。

過去一年,西方世界開始對中國的海外間諜活動提高警覺,採取行動封殺(提示:中興通訊+華為)與圍堵(提示:五眼聯盟)。西方學者說:A New Cold War Has Begun。你以為改革開放四十年,已經取得一定成就?西方人卻把你放回幾十年前的理論框架當中。這是前進還是後退?自己想。很多上了岸的香港人及海外華人開始擔心,這是新一輪排華浪潮的前奏,害怕在外國讀書或工作的兒孫會受到牽連。華人的宿命,是不管你走得幾遠,拿甚麼護照,永遠受制於一個可怕的政權,也永遠死得不明不白,同時又不斷生育繁殖,讓下一代承受上一代的罪孽,惡性循環,沒完沒了。華人的繁殖能力實在太強,所過之處,盡成焦土,當地人不死也脫層皮。走出去的大陸人在西方世界自我複製(提示:Mini-Me),令迷你版的中國共產黨滲透西方國家的政府部門和商業機構,還打進大學和傳媒。大陸人的殺傷力,看看香港就知道了。電影中的搞笑配角,走進了現實世界,效果變成驚嚇,令西方國家醒覺及反擊。眼前這一齣間諜電影,並非喜劇版,而是驚慄版。


YouTube 精選:

25 Great Dr Evil Quotes (7:02)
其中一句:"There's nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster."

- JAMES BOND 007 (3:56)

Stephen Chow - From Beijing with Love (2:38)

The Godfather I - Opening scene HD (6:20)


Wikipedia - Austin Powers
Extract: Austin Powers is a series of American spy action comedy films: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997), Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) and Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002). The films were directed by Jay Roach; produced, written by and starring Mike Myers as both the title character and Dr. Evil; and distributed by New Line Cinema. The general theme of the films is that the arch villain Dr. Evil plots to extort large sums of money from governments or international bodies but is constantly thwarted by Powers, and (to a degree) his own inexperience with life and culture in the 1990s.

Wikipedia - Dr. Evil
Extract: Dr. Evil (Douglas "Dougie" Powers) is a fictional character played by Mike Myers in the Austin Powers film series. He is the antagonist of the movies, and Austin Powers' nemesis. He is a parody of James Bond villains, primarily Ernst Stavro Blofeld (as played by Donald Pleasence in You Only Live Twice). Dr. Evil routinely hatches schemes to terrorize and take over the world, and is usually accompanied by Number 2, an eye-patch wearing goon who fronts his evil corporation Virtucon Industries, his cat Mr. Bigglesworth and his sidekick Mini-Me, a dwarf clone of himself. Myers revived the character for a brief appearance on a 2018 episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in a sketch where Dr. Evil has been fired from President Trump's cabinet, and again on Election Day to announce his run for Congress.

Wikipedia - From Russia with Love (film)
Extract: From Russia with Love is a 1963 British spy film and the second in the James Bond film series produced by Eon Productions, as well as Sean Connery's second role as MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by Terence Young, produced by Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, and written by Richard Maibaum and Johanna Harwood, based on Ian Fleming's similarly named 1957 novel. In the film, Bond is sent to assist in the defection of Soviet consulate clerk Tatiana Romanova in Turkey, where SPECTRE plans to avenge Bond's killing of Dr. No. From Russia with Love was a critical and commercial success. It took more than $78 million in worldwide box office receipts, far more than its $2 million budget and more than its predecessor Dr. No, thereby becoming a blockbuster in 1960s cinema.

Wikipedia - From Beijing with Love
Extract: From Beijing With Love (Chinese: 國產凌凌漆) is a 1994 Hong Kong action spy comedy film directed by Stephen Chow and Lee Lik-chi. The film is a very direct spoof of James Bond films. Golden Gun steals the cranium of China's only dinosaur fossil. Chow, starring as a hawker-secret-agent 007, is sent to Hong Kong by a high-ranking government official to recapture the cranium. When he arrives in Hong Kong, he meets Lee Heung-kam (Anita Yuen), who proposes to help him in his endeavor. However, Heung-kam turns out to be a subordinate of Golden Gun. Golden Gun is in actuality the government official who directs 007 to find the cranium. Heung-kam shoots 007 several times, including once in the leg with 007 thinking another assassin has shot him. 007 (who is wearing a bulletproof vest but not bulletproof trousers) escapes, grabbing three white roses on the way out. Heung-kam is touched by this gesture and saves his life. She decides to defect from Golden Gun. Together, the two destroy the organization that is behind the theft of the cranium. 007 eventually wins the hand of Heung-kam and is rewarded with a meat cleaver emblazoned with the calligraphy of Deng Xiaoping.

上報 2019-01-29
節錄:擅長計算的索羅斯選擇公開批評習近平,有一千萬份之一的機會是因為他突然醒覺,重新認識中國的本質;或者有另一個較現實和合理的可能:他洞察到中國經濟已經爆破,整個國家能夠提供的漁利將會減少,但它養肥的政治體制,卻可以顛覆他們來自的「開放世界」。本來中國對他們來說,可能是一個有利有弊的綜合體,但現在「事情正在起變化」,利弊的比重或已開始變動。索羅斯認為自由世界應該結盟,並且呼籲將希望放在有良心的官員和商界。這就是他們預期中國內部可以收拾殘局,大概的想像是黨內的商界和軍政高層可以聯合起來左右習近平路線,甚至推翻之。索羅斯也談中國文化,不論是真心還是假意。他推舉黨內還有「儒家精神」(Confucian tradition) 的人,也就是士大夫在不同意君主決策時,會群起抗議阻止的傳統。問題是在中國共產黨之下,不會有這種事情。如果中國內部有反抗,也只會是因為習政府已經無能維持經濟增長,而分配不公水深火熱,觸發原始的地方暴動,或者統治集團內部的宮廷政變,這是純粹的血氣生存之爭,而不會是因為任何名義的傳統氣節。

Soros says China's Xi is the 'most dangerous' opponent of those who believe in open society
CNBC (Jan 24, 2019)
Extract: Billionaire investor and liberal political activist George Soros launched a blistering attack on Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday, describing him as the "most dangerous" opponent to those who believe in open society. Speaking at the World Economic Forum during a private dinner event in Davos, Switzerland, Soros lambasted Xi's proposed social credit rating system. His comments come as the Chinese state continues to set up a broad ranking system to monitor its citizens, giving them a social credit score. "I want to call attention to the mortal danger facing open societies from the instruments of control that machine learning and artificial intelligence can put in the hands of repressive regimes," Soros said. "The social credit system is not yet fully operational, but it's clear where it's heading. It will subordinate the fate of the individual to the interests of the one-party state in ways unprecedented in history."

First announced in 2014, the government-run system will track elements of individual people's behavior and determine some personal privileges for them based on a score. China is piloting the system in various locations, and it is not clear how it will work after it fully rolls out nationally. So, for example, if a person were to get a traffic violation or criticize the government, their personal score may decline. People with lower scores may face penalties, such as being banned from traveling on certain train lines or getting their children into prestigious schools. The system, which is due to be fully operational in 2020, is expected to be mandatory. The head of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations said the system was "frightening" and "abhorrent."

A New Cold War Has Begun
Foreign Policy (JAN 7, 2019)
Extract: There is also the ideological aspect of this new cold war. For several decades, China’s breakneck development was seen positively in the United States, and the relatively enlightened authoritarianism of Deng Xiaoping and his successors was easily tolerated, especially by the American business community. But under Xi Jinping, China has evolved from a soft to a hard authoritarianism. Rather than a collegial group of uncharismatic technocrats constrained by retirement rules, there is now a president-for-life with a budding personality cult, overseeing thought control by digital means — including facial recognition and following the internet searches of its citizens. It is becoming rather creepy, and American leaders of both parties are increasingly repelled by it.

What we really have to fear is not a rising China but a declining one. A China whose economy is slowing, on the heels of the creation of a sizable middle class with a whole new category of needs and demands, is a China that may experience more social and political tensions in the following decade. A theme of the late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington’s 1968 book, Political Order in Changing Societies, is that as states develop large middle classes, the greater the possibility is for political unrest. This will encourage China’s leadership to stoke nationalism even further as a means of social cohesion.

Passion becomes the real enemy in this competition, because in the megaphone world of global social media, passion stirs the impulse to assert status, which has often been a principal source of wars. And it means most of all stealing a concept from the American diplomat George Kennan’s playbook on containment: Be vigilant, but be always willing to compromise on individual issues and in crises. Wait them out. Because, in a very different way than the old Soviet system, the Chinese system — the more authoritarian it gets — is over time more prone to crack up than America’s.


2018 年 1 月 11 日

2017 年 5 月 31 日

Online Form
2018 年 9 月 13 日
節錄:Amazon 的股價和市值創新高,無人商店越開越多(提示:AmazonGo),但是它跟其他的美國科網巨擎(即是:Facebook、Alphabet)一樣,已經成為特朗普(川普)的打擊對象(原因:Amazon 的罪名是逃稅、濫用美國的公共郵政系統以及打爛零售業員工的飯碗),即是有政治風險,所以 Jeff Bezos 要投資太空旅遊計劃(提示:Blue Origin)以及收購 Washington Post,作用是儲備政治籌碼以防萬一。是否「亢龍有悔」(出處:易經),自己想。

2018 年 4 月 5 日
節錄:美國五大科網股的負面新聞陸續有來,例如:Facebook 涉嫌販賣用戶私隱圖利、Facebook 跟 Apple 的高層隔空對罵、YouTube 總部槍擊案、特朗普多次發表針對 Amazon 的言論、英國和歐洲多國考慮動用反壟斷法迫使五大科網股分拆。凡此種種,令到投資市場對科網股的看法改變,再加上中美爆發貿易戰,導致美股和港股向下,對於有計畫在香港或大陸上市的國產科網股(例如:小米)來說,絕對是壞消息。

2010 年 2 月 27 日
節錄:有錢有權的中國男人,一般都不願意跟老婆分享。但是凡事總有例外,有時男人會主動把資產轉到老婆的名下,動機是避債。有些做生意的男人,明知公司遲早資不抵債,將會被債權人入稟清盤,而自己由於為生意提供了私人擔保 (Personal Guarantee),將會破產,於是早一兩年就開始部署,陸續把名下的資產轉到老婆名下,然後跟老婆離婚。

2008 年 9 月 1 日

2015 年 5 月 22 日
節錄:北韓的金正恩又開創「炮決」死刑,用來對付國防部長(玄永哲)。這一招,充滿黑色幽默,令港人想起周星馳電影<國產凌凌漆>(1994) 中的經典場面:苦練輕功三十年的「鐵腿水上飄」(演員:李力持)被大陸公安用高射炮處決,男主角周星馳靠賄賂保命脫身。古今中外,用酷刑虐殺下屬,甚至自己動手,是暴君的特徵、共通點、必經之路,看來金正恩有潛質成為另一位燕山君。

2018 Top 10
2018 年 12 月 16 日

2018 年 8 月 4 日
節錄:如果是牽涉國家安全的行業,事情更加複雜,所以你會見到以美國為首的西方國家(例如:德國)開始對中資的海外收購活動設置障礙,以免被盜竊高新科技,避免戰略產業被中資控制以及國家經濟被人民幣主宰,又或者被捲入中共內部的派系鬥爭,令企業的商譽或財政受損。而中資的回應方法,是動用港商、台商、南洋華僑、海外華人甚至是西方人當人頭或 Frontman,於是離岸公司的機密文件會被外國間諜放上網,否則無法進行有效的盡職審查 (Due diligence)。

2016 年 4 月 22 日
節錄:根據 Washington Post 的報導,負責分析文件的國際調查記者聯盟 (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ) 背後的美國公共誠信中心 (Center for Public Integrity),金主是國際大鱷索羅斯 (George Soros)。他較早前表示會「沽空亞洲貨幣」,令偉大祖國非常緊張,官媒輪流開炮。索羅斯戰績彪炳,利用在金融市場賺來的錢,資助共產黨的對頭人。中國和俄羅斯的領導人首當其衝,被爆陰毒,理所當然。

2019 年 1 月 25 日

2017 年 9 月 20 日

2011 年 8 月 24 日

2010 年 11 月 21 日
節錄:香港的跨國商業調查公司,其管理層通常是香港的前高級警務人員,又或者是前外國特工。當中有出身香港警隊商業罪案調查科 (Commercial Crime Bureau, CCB) 或者刑事情報科 (Criminal Intelligence Bureau, CIB) 的英國佬,也有出身於西方國家情報機關的前外國特工。此外,也有擅長情報工作的日本忍者,其中一間跨國商業調查公司的香港區調查組主管便是日本人,他是一位前記者。




日本人說的:Mr. Bean arrested?

車迷一定認得貌似 Mr. Bean 的 Carlos Ghosn(圖右),因為他是汽車行業的英雄。他是企業醫生,專醫車廠,先後令法資的雷諾 (Renault) 和日資的日產 (Nissan) 扭虧為盈,過程中不免牽涉大規模的裁員以及翻天覆地的流程改造 (Re-engineering) 。他幹出成績,日本人用漫畫歌頌他(提示:戈恩物語),把他捧上半天高。日本人向來排外,外國人能夠成為日資企業舵手,得到發揮的機會,成就被肯定的,寥寥可數,Carlos Ghosn(港譯:戈恩)是少見的例子。

Carlos Ghosn 生於巴西,擁有法國和黎巴嫩雙重國籍,而巴西是日本以外最多日本人聚居的國家。日本人移民巴西始於 1908 年,最初是為咖啡園提供勞動力,是由日本政府安排的。對,官辦的「賣豬仔」。巴西也是日本汽車行業的海外生產基地和極具潛力的新興市場,所以日本汽車品牌例如 Toyota、Honda 和 Nissan 都在巴西設有生產線,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份所提供的資料。在當地出生和成長的日本僑民後代,因為懂得葡語,成為日本跟葡語世界的聯繫。

換言之,異族能夠成為跨國企業的高層,跟公司的策略有密切的關係,看看生產基地和新興市場在那裡,你自然明白過來。所以 Google 有位印度裔 CEO,說明少數族裔在跨國企業中的用途。對,CEO 也不過是棋子,用完即棄。去到中高層,你估重係靠面試技巧咩?別傻了,背誦標準答案是沒有用的。英雄要問出處,CEO 也要懂得投胎。今日洗廁所,明日 CEO ?那是騙小朋友的鬼話。

然後日本人讓他重重地摔下來。表面上的理由,是 Carlos Ghosn 涉嫌挪用公司的資金(即是穿櫃桶)以及漏報收入(即是逃稅)。有評論認為,背後牽涉日產內部的權力鬥爭,甚至是提升至外交層面(日本和法國爭奪汽車行業的龍頭之位)。證據:他在機場被捕之後的數小時內,日產的社長西川廣人召開記者會,力數 Carlos Ghosn 多項罪名。有評論認為,日本人高層不希望日產被法資的雷諾所吞併,又或者車廠長期被外國人所控制,即是企業醫生的任務已經完成,於是把黑材料引爆。對,過橋抽板,空降部隊被地面的炮火炸死。職業刀手裁減低級員工,執靚盤數,然後自己也被裁。剃人頭者,人亦剃其頭。今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同。因果報應,果然不爽,阿彌陀佛。

這是一個鳥盡弓藏的故事,也是捧殺的好例子(出處:魯迅+罵殺與捧殺)。證明中國人的權謀詐術或軍事策略(提示:風林火山),日本人學得很到家,甚至青出於藍。汽車是男人的大玩具,男人可以是幕後玩家的棋子。世途險惡,今天捧你的,跟明日踩你的,可以是同一群人。Carlos Ghosn 也許貌似 Mr. Bean,但他的故事並非喜劇,而是商業社會的悲劇,或商戰劇也可以,劇名是<CEO 之死>。 Nissan 這個日本品牌,從此記載了一位商界精英從高峰殞落的故事。男人力爭上游,結果被用完即棄。鳥盡弓藏,就是這樣。Carlos Ghosn 的座駕,應該不是 Mr. Bean 開的綠色 Mini Cooper。

圖左:Mr. Bean(演員:Rowan Atkinson)

圖右:Carlos Ghosn(港譯:戈恩)


YouTube 精選:

Pop culture car reviews | Mr Bean's mini (1:46)
In this episode, Telegraph Film Critic Tim Robey discusses the small but powerful Mini 100, driven by British TV sitcom star, Mr Bean.

Mr Bean - Fahrt auf dem Autodach (In English: Ride on the car roof) (4:58)
Mr Bean wants to transport his newly purchased armchair on the car roof. Since he does not fit in the car anymore, he has to drive his Mini from the roof. From episode 10: "The Handyman".


Mr. Bean arrested?
Twitter meme trends after scandal envelops Nissan chairman
The Japan Times News (NOV 19, 2018)

Extract: As news surrounding Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn’s arrest on suspicion of having understated his income dominated social media in Japan, a curious phenomenon was emerging on Twitter: Mr. Bean, the goofball lead character played by Rowan Atkinson in the namesake British sitcom, was trending on the social network. Why? Because of the embattled auto executive’s apparent resemblance to the character. Japanese-language Twitter seemed to be in on the joke, with the hashtag #Mrビーン (#MrBīn) exploding into the social network’s top trending hashtags, having been mentioned more than 33,000 times as of 9:45 p.m., just hours after news of the impending arrest had emerged.

Nissan said in a statement that it had been conducting an internal investigation based on a whistleblower report over the past several months regarding misconduct involving Ghosn and Representative Director Greg Kelly. The statement added that “numerous other significant acts of misconduct” by Ghosn had also been uncovered, including the personal use of company assets, and that Kelly’s “deep involvement” had also been confirmed.” Ghosn, a rare foreign top executive in Japan, has been favorably regarded for having turned Nissan’s business around from near bankruptcy, and is one of the best-paid executives among his peers at other Japanese companies. His looming removal was likely to severely impact not only the carmaker, but the auto industry as a whole.

Nissan dismisses its chairperson Carlos Ghosn for tax evasion
His annual dues amount to EGP 347.4m
Daily News Egypt (Nov 23, 2018)

Extract: This came after the Japanese authorities arrested the Chairperson of Nissan, Carlos Ghosn, in Tokyo to interrogate him. The company said that Ghosn has reduced the value of his income in official papers, noting that the company’s board of directors will work to terminate his contract. Nissan has issued a report about Ghosn – who was also the executive director of French Renault and Chairperson of Mitsubishi Motors – after reports showed that the Japanese authorities will arrest the chairperson. Nissan’s report came after the Japanese authorities announced that they plan on arresting Ghosn due to the allegations that he violated the international trade law in Japan. The sources said that there is a chance he intentionally reduced the value of his income on official financial records. The Japanese car manufacturer has carried out internal investigations over the past few months regarding the misbehaviour which included Ghosn and Greg Kelly. This came after Japanese “Asahi” newspaper (one of the five most famous newspapers in Japan) announced that the Chairperson of Nissan Motor, Carlos Ghosn, may get arrested in Tokyo due to his violations.

Wikipedia – Carlos Ghosn

Extract: Carlos Ghosn, KBE (born March 9, 1954) is a Brazilian-born businessman who also has French and Lebanese nationality. Ghosn formerly served as the CEO of Michelin North America, chairman and CEO of Renault, chairman of AvtoVAZ, chairman and CEO of Nissan, and chairman of Mitsubishi Motors. Ghosn was also chairman and CEO of the Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, a strategic partnership between those automotive manufacturers through a complex cross-shareholding agreement. The venture has held an approximately 10% market share since 2010, and as of 2017 was reckoned to be the third largest automobile group worldwide.

In 1996, Renault's CEO Louis Schweitzer hired Ghosn as his deputy and charged him with the task of turning the company around from near bankruptcy. Ghosn elaborated a plan to cut costs for the period 1998–2000, reducing the workforce, revising production processes, standardising vehicle parts and pushing the launch of new models. Ghosn became known as "Le Cost Killer". In the early 2000s, for orchestrating one of the auto industry's most aggressive downsizing campaigns and spearheading the turnaround of Nissan from its near bankruptcy in 1999, he earned the nickname "Mr. Fix It".

He quickly achieved celebrity status in Japan and in the business world, and his life has been chronicled in a Japanese manga comic book. Ghosn stepped down as CEO of Nissan on 1 April 2017, while remaining chairman of the company. He was arrested at Haneda Airport on 19 November 2018, on allegations of under-reporting his earnings and misuse of company assets. On 22 November 2018, Nissan's board made a unanimous decision to dismiss Ghosn as Nissan's chairman. It was followed by Mitsubishi Motors' board on 26 November 2018. Renault and the French government continued to support him, presuming him innocent until proven guilty. However, Ghosn resigned as chairman and CEO of Renault on 24 January 2019, ending his reign atop the automotive world.

Top 20 Car Brands In Brazil
Brazilian Car Industry
Marcelo Possato (Staff Writer)
The Brazil Business (16 February 2015)

Extract: The average car price in Brazil is very high compared to prices in North America and many countries in Europe. However, the easy access to credit through loans managed by banks has boosted the sector in Brazil. Even though the country has the largest car industry in Latin America, Brazil still relies on imports. It is no coincidence that 7 of the 20 biggest importers in Brazil belong to the car business. The interest in cars and access to loans makes the country the 4th best-selling car nation. These factors make the industry dynamic, as car companies have the desire to bring products and factories to Brazil.

Top 20 Car Brands in Brazil
The following ranking is based entirely on the revenue and production rates of 2014.

2. Chevrolet
3. Volkswagen
4. Ford
5. Hyundai
6. Renault
7. Toyota
8. Honda
9. Nissan
10. Mitsubishi
11. Citröen
12. Peugeot
13. Kia
14. Mercedes-Benz
15. BMW
16. Audi
17. Chery
18. Land Rover
19. Jac Motors
20. Suzuki

From the list, you can see that almost all brands mentioned already have factories established in Brazil. The Brazilian government's relationship with multinational automotive car manufacturers is very good, since the car manufacturers enjoy very attractive incentives for setting up local plants.

Toyota's first production outside Japan at Toyota do Brasil

Extract: Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. requested approval from the Brazilian government for a 'Domestic Production Plan through the Establishment of Toyota do Brasil' on May 10, 1957. The government gave its approval on June 28, and Toyota do Brasil Industria e Comercio Limitada was established as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. on January 23, 1958.

Approval was received from the Japanese government to remit funds in July 1958, and parts including engines to assemble 800 vehicles were exported in October. On December 24, a plant was purchased from the local subsidiary of U.K.-based Rover, which had decided to withdraw from the Brazilian market, and production of the Model FJ25L Land Cruiser began in May 1959. This was different from the earlier spot CKD exports and was Toyota's first full-fledged overseas knockdown production. The initial local production rate (by weight) was 60 percent.

戈恩涉案被炒 日產否認政變
信報財經新聞 2018 年 11 月 21 日
節錄:日本貴為漫畫大國,汽車業巨子戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)把日本汽車巨擘日產(Nissan)起死回生,他的英雄事蹟當然成為漫畫題材。戈恩以超級英雄姿態穿梭漫畫,但主筆現在可能要把他「黑化」,戈恩涉嫌違反金融商品交易法,少報薪俸兼挪用公款,周一遭東京地區檢察院拘捕。

自由財經 2018-12-01
節錄:日本日產汽車前董事長,有「日產救世主」之稱的高恩(Carlos Ghosn)爆發醜聞被捕後,不但可能衝擊日產、三菱以及法國雷諾汽車之間的同盟關係,現在有外媒認為,高恩的醜聞不但有可能是日產內部策劃的「政變」,還有上升到外交層次的可能,代表日本與法國的關係甚至會因此事件而產生摩擦。《路透》昨(30)日報導,目前雷諾擁有日產 43% 的股權,日前,法國經濟財政部長 Bruno Le Maire 表示,他與日本經濟產業大臣世耕弘成都認為,目前的雷諾日產聯盟的資本結構是好的。對此,世耕弘成在昨日發表了罕見的抗議信,表示日本不同意法國的這種說法,認為日法之前唯一的共識是對雷諾日產聯盟的支持,但不及於資本結構。《彭博》今(1)日報導,在今天的 G20 峰會中,法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)向日本首相安倍晉三重申他對「維持雷諾日產聯盟穩定」的承諾,對此,安倍晉三表示,雷諾日產聯盟關係的走向,應當是由公司本身決定,而非政府。




魯迅:罵殺與捧殺(發表於 1934 年,原載:中華日報)
節錄:現在有些不滿於文學批評的,總說近幾年的所謂批評,不外乎捧與罵。 其實所謂捧與罵者,不過是將稱贊與攻擊,換了兩個不好看的字眼。指英雄為英雄,說娼婦是娼婦,表面上雖像捧與罵,實則說得剛剛合式,不能責備批評家的。批評家的錯處,是在亂罵與亂捧,例如說英雄是娼婦,舉娼婦為英雄。批評的失了威力,由於「亂」,甚而至於「亂」到和事實相反,這底細一被大家看出,那效果有時也就相反了。所以現在被罵殺的少,被捧殺的卻多。


2013 年 11 月 8 日
節錄:電影中的例子,有 Up in the Air (港譯:寡佬飛行日記)裡面的 George Clooney (港譯:佐治古尼)。戲中他是管理顧問,專門幫企業客戶裁員,代價是飛來飛去,沒有家庭生活。他早已習慣孤獨,但報應已在眼前 ―― 老闆安排新人接替他。剃人頭者,人亦剃其頭。今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同。如果你是中年打工仔女,經歷過裁員之苦,這部電影肯定會令你感觸良多。

2013 年 11 月 28 日

2016 年 11 月 30 日
節錄:Google 在中國市場吃過苦頭,轉戰亞洲最大的民主國家,不難理解。對美國人來說,印度再髒再亂政府再官僚,也是個真正的民主國家。FB 教主有個華裔老婆, Google 有位印度裔 CEO,說明少數族裔在跨國企業中的用途。既然是見頂的生意,就沒有必要作出重大的改動或者增加投資,只需要做一些應酬式的表面功夫(例如:把 Fact-checking 的工作交給外判商),又或者進行某程度上的本地化(例如:把自我審查的工作交給中方的合作夥伴)就可以了。

2015 年 1 月 8 日

Bossa Nova
2016 年 8 月 10 日
節錄:近年有一位亞洲女歌手走 Bossa Nova 路線,她是巴西長大的日本僑民小野麗莎 (Lisa Ono) ,生於巴西的聖保羅,從小浸淫於南美音樂之中。巴西是日本以外最多日本人聚居的國家。日本人移民巴西始於 1908 年,最初是為咖啡園提供勞動力,請參考<延伸閱讀>部份提供的資料。在巴西長大的日本僑民後代因而懂得葡萄牙文,成為日本跟葡語世界之間的聯繫。

2014 年 3 月 24 日
節錄:論政治智慧,李登輝比馬英九高很多。他自言 22 歲之前是日本人,所以這位百年難得一見的政治奇才,沒有中國人的心理包袱,卻有東洋人的冷靜與克制,以及精密計算的頭腦。用兵之道,風林火山。即是:其疾如風,其徐如林,侵略如火,不動如山。這幾句,出自<孫子兵法>,後來被日本名將武田信玄 (1521-1573) 發揚光大。這一套,李登輝懂。

Top Gear
2010 年 1 月 1 日
節錄:我不懂車,但是我會看 Top Gear。作為女人,Top Gear 讓我看見男人面對大玩具的狂態,有助我了解雄性動物。這個節目可以令港女戒除「公主病」,因為它讓你明白,女人在男人的心目中,不可能排第一位,排第二或者第三,已經很不錯了。同樣原理,如果男人見識過女人面對手袋、時裝和珠寶的狂態,也會明白「我愛你」的真義。

The Boxer
2016 年 7 月 8 日
節錄:那是男人的辛酸淚,讓你明白拳王阿里如何用拳頭殺出一條血路。這首歌很難唱,旋律有如滔滔流水奔赴前方,但是有份跳躍與浮動的感覺,有如拳手的步法。拳王阿里的說法:Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. 如果你掌握得不好,會聽見自己在喃喃自語,不信你試試看。

Made in Myanmar
2017 年 10 月 24 日
節錄:緬甸已經融入西方主導的國際經濟秩序,正處於食物鏈的底層,即是被剝削的勞動人民。這是一個尋找窮人,讓他們為發達國家服務的遊戲。某國的生產成本上升?立即把生產線轉移至另一個更窮的國家,只要窮人還沒有死盡,剝削窮人的遊戲就可以繼續,廉價的快速成衣 (Fast fashion) 供應源源不絕,多到可以送去回收箱,部份再回歸第三世界,今次據說是非洲國家。人與物資,不斷輪迴。背後的動力,是跨國的資本流動以及物流管理。
