我並非唸會計出身,但是因緣際會,曾經在四大 (Big Four) 會計師行的非核數部門 (Non-Audit) 混飯吃。我工作的部門早已消失,既然無回頭草可吃,對我來說,四大生涯已成往事。
話雖如此,得知舊公司開始「勸退」表現「欠佳」的中層及前線員工,我還是立即上網看行內人的直擊報導。想起核數部門那群初出茅廬的大學生,為了完專業人士夢而狂 OT ,每日靠快餐充飢,男男女女面無人色,過著行屍走肉般的奴隸生涯,如今未達目標就被資深奴隸掃地出門,思之黯然。
如今向上爬的美夢破滅,未取得專業資格的大學生一旦轉行,被迫 Mark to the Market(按市值入帳),心理打擊不可謂不少。專業人士轉行,比一般人困難。原因是他們花了不少時間、精力和成本考專業試,放棄執業的機會成本 (Opportunity Cost) 較其他行業高。再加上香港社會僵化的階級觀念,就算當事人願意放低身段,轉行從頭做起,其他行業的僱主也未必敢接收。
「做會計師好」不過是外行人的誤解,絕對不是 True and Fair View。金融海嘯之後,會計師的飯碗也不再是 Going Concern (會計師準備公司帳目的時候,是假設該公司於未來十二個月之內會繼續營運),而是 Serious Doubt 。
這個行業最弔詭的地方是,數豆者 (Bean Counter) 每日與公司帳目為伍,卻由於職業訓練以致目光如豆,迷失於由會計法則所建造的迷宮當中,眼中只見一塊樹葉的其中一段葉脈,卻無視整片森林的榮枯。數豆者無法掌握經濟週期,尤其是對轉角位欠缺敏感度,結果是初入行者遭殃。英國金融時報 (Financial Times) 的專欄作者 Robert Bruce 形容英國會計行業的週期性波動:
Traditionally, larger accounting firms have always been slow to adapt. As the world enters a slowdown, firms suddenly realize – and usually much too late – that they have a stream of graduate trainees entering the workforce, many more than is actually needed. So there are sudden offloads of talented individuals who, having been wooed assiduously, are somewhat shocked by this and kick up a fuss. As a result, the much-touted awards for top 100 employers start to look a bit misjudged.
And the same usually goes at the other end of the cycle. Work takes off like a rocket, but there is now no one in the career stream to do it. Once upon a time this mean disguised scheme in Australia and South Africa to encourage people to come and work in the London office. The shiny-faced arrivals would discover much too late that this was not so much a chance to experience a new environment, but a chance to work until midnight at clients in unlikely parts of London’s industrial hinterland.
...The huge rabble of newly qualified accountants were mostly hell bent on the idea of becoming a finance director. And it was only after several years in the profession that the realization slowly dawned. There were an inexhaustible number of people with the same career goals and only a relatively static number of finance director posts. Many careers became diverted at that point.
Now we are at the game again. We will shortly be seeing smaller generation coming through, and there will be fierce competition for a smaller pool of talent.
若果此路不通,又無法回頭做奴隸獸,不少人被裁之後會創業、轉行又或者回歸家庭。我的舊同事當中,男的有自立門戶或者北上,女的有開花店、賣餅或者專心湊仔。我也見過被裁的初級會計師轉行做獵頭族 (Headhunter)。
而香港跟英國的分別是,本地的四大會計師行不會擔心人才斷層的問題。從管理層的角度看,只要家長和學生繼續迷戀專業光環,只要(來自本地和內地的)奴隸獸供應充足,公司自會有足夠的 Cheap Young Blood(廉價新血),可以用數量取代質素。保得住邊際利潤,遊戲自然會繼續。至於上一代的知識和經驗是否可以傳承下去,那並非最重要的問題,因為回歸之後,香港已不再是追求質素的地方,反正客戶的質素亦同樣在下降中,將貨就價,是應該的。
小圖:插圖來自 www.istockphoto.com
Swings and Roundabouts
Robert Bruce
Accounting and Business (Sept 2008) p. 72