




Groovy Kind of Love

六十年代的英國,發生過一宗郵政火車劫案。盜賊團隊總共有十五人,打劫一列由格拉斯哥前往倫敦的皇家郵政火車,搶走 260 萬英鎊,打傷火車司機後逃去。其中一名盜賊 Ronnie Biggs(中譯:碧斯)最近去世,據報導,他不但至死不悔,而且引以為傲。這宗轟動一時的火車劫案,曾經被改編成電影。電影中,流行歌手 Phil Collins(提示:Genesis)飾演盜賊團隊的另一位成員 Buster Edwards ,有愛情線。電影的插曲,是六十年代流行曲 Groovy Kind of Love 。原裝版青春活潑,感覺年輕。電影中由 Phil Collins 唱出,配合主角亡命天涯的命運,歌曲的節奏放慢了,感覺滄桑與無奈,中年心事似酒濃。旋律出自古典音樂,作曲家 Muzio Clementi (1752-1832) 是移居英國的意大利人。這首歌有廣東話版的,歌手是林姍姍(提示:鄭伊健)。對, Auntie 年紀大,輩份高,聽過 DJ 林姍姍唱歌。

All by Myself

這首七十年代流行曲,是單身人士的悲歌。如果閣下是高齡剩女宅男,非常之害怕孤獨終老,擔心他日無人收屍,聽之前,請準備足夠的紙巾。旋律出自古典音樂,作曲的 Rachmaninoff (中譯:拉赫曼尼諾夫)是俄國鋼琴家,他的作品浪漫、詩意、精緻,經常被用於文藝愛情片(例如:四十年代電影 Brief Encounter ,中譯:相見恨晚)。這首歌,最近一次於電影中出現,是 Bridget Jones’ Diary (港譯:BJ 單身日記)。電影開頭,女主角 Renée Zellweger (港譯:雲妮絲穎嘉)是辦公室女郎,沒有拖拍,發悶在家,一邊聽這歌,一邊跟著唱,唱到典床典席,非常誇張。電影中採用的,是女歌手 Jamie O'Neal 的翻唱版本。這部電影改編自流行小說,情節脫胎自英國文學名著 Pride and Prejudice (中譯:傲慢與偏見)。簡單地說:女主角周旋於兩個男人之間,一個好,一個壞,不知如何抉擇。這種電影,跟愛情小說一樣,是女人的鴉片。除非你是石塘嘴如花,否則無須深究真偽。


YouTube 精選:

Phil Collins - Groovy Kind of Love (Paris 2004) HD (3:37)
這是電影中 Phil Collins 所唱的版本。

The Mindbenders - A Groovy Kind Of Love (1:58)

林姍姍:<突然> (3:28)

Muzio Clementi (1752-1832)
- Progressive Piano Sonatina in G major, Op. 36, No. 5 III. Rondo: Allegro di molto (2:28)
Groovy Kind of Love 的旋律出自這首古典音樂,作曲家是移居英國的意大利人。

Eric Carmen - All by Myself (1976) (4:26)

Bridget Jones’ Diary Soundtrack - All By Myself - Jamie O'Neal (4:49)
這是電影中採用的女歌手翻唱版本。電影的香港譯名是<BJ 單身日記>。

Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor, Op. 18 - HD (34:03)
All by Myself 的旋律出自這首鋼琴協奏曲的第二樂章 (11:14 - 22:10) 。


Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs dies aged 84
BBC (Dec 18, 2013)
Extract: British criminal Ronnie Biggs, who took part in the 1963 Great Train Robbery, has died aged 84, his spokeswoman has confirmed. Biggs was part of the gang which escaped with £2.6m from the Glasgow to London mail train on 8 August 1963. He was given a 30-year sentence but escaped from Wandsworth prison in 1965. In 2001, he returned to the UK seeking medical help but was sent to prison. He was released on compassionate grounds in 2009 after contracting pneumonia. Train driver Jack Mills was struck over the head during the robbery and never worked again. He died in 1970. Biggs, who died early on Wednesday, was being cared for at the Carlton Court Care Home in East Barnet, north London. He could not speak and had difficulty walking after a series of strokes.

Great Train Robbery (1963)
Extract: The Great Train Robbery was the robbery of a Royal Mail train heading between Glasgow and London in the early hours of Thursday 8 August 1963 at Bridego Railway Bridge, Ledburn near Mentmore in Buckinghamshire, England. After tampering with line signals, a 15-strong gang of robbers led by Bruce Reynolds attacked the train. Other gang members included Gordon Goody, Buster Edwards, Charlie Wilson, Roy James, John Daly, Jimmy White, Ronnie Biggs, Tommy Wisbey, Jim Hussey, Bob Welch and Roger Courdrey as well as three men known only as numbers '1', '2' and '3'. A 16th man, an unnamed retired train driver, was also present at the time of robbery.

Wikipedia - Buster (1988 film)
Extract: Buster is a 1988 British comedy-drama crime film based on characters and events from the Great Train Robbery (1963). It stars musician Phil Collins, Julie Walters, Larry Lamb and Sheila Hancock. The soundtrack featured two Phil Collins singles which eventually topped the Billboard 100 singles chart.

Wikipedia - Phil Collins
Extract: Collins's first film role since becoming a musician came in 1988 with Buster about the Great Train Robbery, which took place in England in August 1963. Reviews for the film were mixed but Collins's performance received good reviews and he contributed four songs to the film's soundtrack. His rendition of "Groovy Kind of Love", originally a 1966 single by the Mindbenders, with lyrics by Toni Wine and music by Carole Bayer Sager, but with the melody of the Rondo section of Muzio Clementi's "Sonatina in G major", op. 36 no. 5 reached number one.

Wikipedia - Muzio Clementi (1752-1832)
Extract: Muzio Clementi was an Italian composer, pianist, pedagogue, conductor, music publisher, editor, and piano manufacturer. Born in Rome, he spent most of his life in England.

Wikipedia - Groovy
Extract: Groovy (or, less common, "Groovie" or "Groovey") is a slang colloquialism popular during the 1960s and 1970s. It is roughly synonymous with words such as cool, excellent, fashionable, or amazing, depending on context.

Wikipedia - All by Myself
Extract: "All by Myself" is a power ballad written and performed by Eric Carmen in 1975. The verse is based on the second movement (Adagio Sostenuto) of Sergei Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Opus 18.

Wikipedia - Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)
Extract: Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff was a Russian-born composer, pianist, and conductor. Rachmaninoff is widely considered one of the finest pianists of his day and, as a composer, one of the last great representatives of Romanticism in Russian classical music.

Wikipedia - Brief Encounter (1945 film)
Extract: Brief Encounter is a 1945 British film directed by David Lean about the conventions of British suburban life, centering on a housewife for whom real love (as opposed to the polite arrangement of her marriage) brings unexpectedly violent emotions. The film stars Celia Johnson, Trevor Howard, Stanley Holloway and Joyce Carey. The screenplay is by Noël Coward, and is based on his 1936 one-act play Still Life. The soundtrack prominently features the Piano Concerto No. 2 by Sergei Rachmaninoff, played by Eileen Joyce.

Wikipedia - Bridget Jones's Diary (2001 film)
Extract: Bridget Jones's Diary is a 2001 British romantic comedy film based on Helen Fielding's novel of the same name which is a reinterpretation of Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The adaptation stars Renée Zellweger as Bridget, Hugh Grant as the caddish Daniel Cleaver and Colin Firth as Bridget's "true love", Mark Darcy. A sequel, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, was released in 2004.


V 煞、1812、RIC
2013 年 1 月 1 日
節錄:電影中最後一幕,老百姓上街以及大爆炸場面,其背景音樂,是柴可夫斯基 (Peter I Tachaikovsky, 1840-1893) 的<1812 序曲>(1812 Overture)。古典樂迷一定認得這首樂曲,因為它是柴可夫斯基的代表作之一。<1812 序曲>寫於 1880 年,首演於 1882 年,是為俄國救世主大教堂的祭典儀式而寫的。這座大教堂是為了紀念俄國於 1812 年擊敗拿破崙 (1769-1821) 而建造的,所以樂曲的結尾出現大砲的聲音、教堂的鐘聲以及俄國國歌的片段。

2013 年 10 月 28 日
節錄:Big Band 和 Swing 是三四十年代的美國流行音樂,因此,不少以第二次世界大戰為題材的電影,都會採用這兩種風格的爵士名曲做電影配樂,來營造那個年代的獨特氣氛。用顛覆傳統的爵士樂,來刻劃戰爭年代的紙醉金迷,以及亂世中的愛情故事,是荷里活電影的慣常做法。

2013 年 3 月 20 日
節錄:周璇、Edith Piaf、Judy Garland 既是同輩也是同行,三位歌姬的命運也大同小異:天涯歌女,身世飄零,渴求溫暖,但始終無依無靠。她們到人世間走一回,彷彿只是為了留下那堆寫盡人情冷暖的輓歌。歌衫淚影,星夜星塵。她們的故事,是典型的 Melodrama(通俗劇),於是順理成章地被拍成電視劇或者電影。香港有齣舞台劇<我和春天有個約會>,也是同一路數。

