香港 = 烏坎村?
香港 = 烏坎村 = 由強行徵地衍生的群眾事件?然後年輕人找幾個外國媒體去鬧一鬧?證據:充滿黑色幽默的鄭雁雄被委任為中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區維護國家安全公署署長。萬一你太年輕,不知道烏坎村事件,未聽過鄭雁雄的名字,請上網。他在鏡頭前的發言,簡直是中共版的<官經>,說是國產的「棟督笑」或「脫口秀」(英文:Stand-up comedy)也未嘗不可,名句:
派這種人來管香港?請我們看男裝潮州版的<表叔,你好嘢!>?哈哈。廣東話:「大檸樂!」文藝腔:「現實比小說更離奇。」(英文:Real life is stranger than fiction)對, Auntie 怕死。
YouTube 精選:
汕尾書記鄭雁雄講話 (2:10)
有線電視(i-cable)2011 年 12 月 22 日
香港乜乜乜 -
[XX 靠得住,豬乸都會上樹]
節錄:以前就會用「男人靠得住,豬乸(母豬)都會上樹。」不過依家(現在),女人都未必信得過,所以用 XX 表示算啦。費事(以免)大家話我性別歧視啊。咁點解(為甚麼)會有呢(這)句呢? #XX 靠得住 #豬乸(母豬)都會上樹,就係因為以前 D(的)豬乸(母豬)又肥又重,大家都唔(不)信豬乸(母豬)可以爬樹,所以以前 D(的)女人比(給)負心(的)的男人呃左(騙了)之後,就會講呢(說這)句。不過依家(現在),基本上唔(不)會有性別之分嘅啦(的)。
節錄:<表姐,妳好嘢!>(英語:Her Fatal Ways)是一部於 1990 年 6 月 28 日上映的香港電影,由嘉禾電影(香港)有限公司、寶禾影業有限公司及二友電影製作有限公司製作,鄭裕玲、梁家輝、張堅庭及林蛟領銜主演,上映日數為 37 天,總票房排行於第 9 位。鄭裕玲獲得 1991 年香港電影金像獎最佳女主角獎。劇情:中國四川女公安鄭碩男(鄭大姐,鄭裕玲飾)和有特異功能之侄子小勝(張堅庭飾)奉命押解一名毒販阿牛到香港審訊,伍衛國(梁家輝飾)奉命接待,豈料阿牛越柙而去,鄭碩男不得不協助將之捕回。期間,鄭碩男和阿勝離奇遇襲,伍衛國遂將二人帶返家暫住,然伍衛國之父伍天賜(林蛟飾)昔日為中國國民黨幹部,對大陸任何事皆有成見,自然與鄭碩男水火不容;雙方經常發生衝突,夾在中間的伍衛國因而深感左右為難、難以做人。鄭碩男和阿勝因為對香港的風俗並不了解,因而於追捕毒販期間鬧出一連串笑話。但最終仍得以將毒梟繩之於法,一群人亦冰釋前嫌。
電影以黑色幽默手法為主,反映了在 1989 年北京六四事件後,香港民眾在面對 1997 年主權移交時的恐懼和迷茫,台灣和中國大陸的政治分歧,兩岸三地間的政治隔膜和民眾生活方式不同。到 2013 年,張堅庭在北京與電影局人員吃飯,宴席間他才知道自己執導的 1990 年<表姐,你好嘢>後,遭中共當局列入黑名單,「他們說,當時國家主席楊尚昆打電話召見當時的電影局長,指<表姐>嘲笑公安,於是以造成『人民內部矛盾』為由,把我放入黑名單。」張堅庭指該電影反映港人對中國共產黨的恐懼,「從共產黨搞政治運動開始,到改革開放,我們已經聽過太多家破人亡的真實故事,加上九七回歸問題,更加深了港人的恐懼。當時市場並沒有這類型電影,於是我們便開拓這市場。」張表示「如今重看,原來當時所擔心的,是真的,只是他不會在這裡查,但會劫了你回去。」
RTHK 2020-07-03
節錄:國務院任命鄭雁雄為中央駐港國安公署署長。今年 57 歲的鄭雁雄是廣東汕頭人,2005 年至 2013 年期間在汕尾市任職,曾經擔任市委副書記、政法委書記、市委書記等多個職務。鄭雁雄 2011 年擔任汕尾市委書記期間,烏坎村村民曾發生土地維權事件,當時一名村民被當局拘留期間猝死,觸發大規模抗爭。鄭雁雄其後指,村民表達訴求有好的初衷,但用了錯誤方法,有境外勢力更推波助瀾,導致已經平息的事件再趨嚴重。網上曾流傳片段,他在一次内部會議上,形容「境外媒體信得過,母豬都會上樹」,批評村民找境外傳媒出頭。鄭雁雄在 2013 年 6 月調任廣東省委工作,曾經出任省委宣傳部副部長、省委秘書長,去年 1 月晉升為廣東省常委。根據<港區國安法>相關規定,公署除了監督指導特區履行維護國家安全的職責,亦會在三種情形下辦理危害國安案件,而公署人員執行職務時,不受香港特區管轄。
鄭雁雄(1963 年 8 月-),廣東汕頭潮南區人,1984 年 7 月參加工作,1986 年 5 月加入中國共產黨。獲廣州中醫學院中醫醫療專業醫學學士學位;中山大學嶺南學院在職研究生學歷、經濟學碩士學位。現任中共廣東省委常委、省委秘書長、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區維護國家安全公署署長。1979 年 9 月,考上廣州中醫學院。 1984 年 7 月,廣州中醫學院中醫醫療專業本科畢業,獲醫學學士學位; 1984 年 7 月參加工作,1986 年 5 月加入中國共產黨。
1984 年 7 月,任廣州中醫學院政治輔導員。 1986 年 5 月,升任廣州中醫學院團委副書記(正科級)。1990 年 5 月,任廣州中醫學院團委書記(副處級)、黨委學生工作部副部長(主持工作)。 1992 年 9 月,調任共青團廣東省委青年工作部部長。1993 年 12 月,任共青團廣東省委常委、城鄉部部長。 1995 年,獲中山大學嶺南學院世界經濟專業在職研究生學歷、碩士學位。 1998 年 3 月,任人民日報社華南分社副秘書長。 1998 年 12 月,升任人民日報社華南分社秘書長,晉升副廳級。 2002 年 1 月,調任中共廣東省委政策研究室副主任。
2005 年 1 月,中共汕尾市委副書記、汕尾市紀委書記。 2009 年 1 月 11 日,任汕尾市人民政府市長。 2011 年 8 月,任中共汕尾市委書記。鄭氏任汕尾市市委書記期間,曾處理烏坎村事件。 2013 年 7 月,任中共廣東省委宣傳部常務副部長。2018 年 5 月 任中共廣東省委常務副秘書長、省委政研室主任。2018 年 10 月,任中共廣東省委秘書長、省委政策研究室主任。2019 年 1 月 29 日 任中共廣東省委委員、常委。
節錄:烏坎事件,又稱烏坎村事件,是發生在中華人民共和國廣東省汕尾市所屬陸豐市烏坎村的一宗群體(眾)事件,被視為是中國大陸群體(眾)事件的里程碑。第一次抗爭發生於 2011 年,肇因於土地被村委會成員私下變賣,村民代表兩年內十數次上訪仍未能解決問題。過程中,村民薛錦波被刑事拘留時突然死亡,激起村民對於政府的不信任,爆發對抗,最後由中共廣東省委副書記朱明國牽頭成立工作組介入結束雙方對峙局面。
第二次抗爭肇因於村民一直到 2016 年為止,都未能討回被侵佔的土地,烏坎村民原計劃召開村民大會商討相關事宜,村民委員會主任林祖戀(原名:林祖鑾)被警方帶走,於是村民遊行聲援林祖戀。警方清晨突襲烏坎村,抓捕多名村民代表,爆發警民衝突,造成中國近年來規模最大的群體(眾)事件。面對地方政府強大的壓力,甚至付出性命為代價,烏坎村村民堅持要求返還土地,因而引起國內外媒體的關注。過程中村民一人一票選舉出了自己的村民委員會,而被讚譽為「中國基層民主選舉典範」、「社會管理創新」,將其與中國小崗村相類比。事件凸顯社會深層次矛盾,農民、投資者、政府三方都存在不滿和利益衝突。據調查顯示,中國每年的群體(眾)事件多達十餘萬宗,其中強行徵地與補償不足引發的群體(眾)事件佔 6 成左右。
日媒:北京擬派 200 至 300 武警常駐香港
RTHK 2020-07-05
節錄: 日本共同社引述中國消息人士報道,因應實施<港區國安法>,北京計劃派遣隸屬解放軍的武警部隊,以「觀察員」名義常駐香港,人數約 200 至 300 人。報導指,根據<基本法>,香港特區政府在必要時,可向中央人民政府請求駐軍協助維持社會治安。但若派武警常駐香港,將削弱<基本法>,對港人構成更大心理壓力。
德更新旅遊警示 籲在港公民避免觸犯「港區國安法」
RTHK 2020-07-06
RTHK 2020-07-06
港區國安法火速生效 66 條全文一次看
(台灣)中央通訊社 2020/07/01
中國全國人民代表大會常務委員會 6 月 30 日通過「香港特別行政區維護國家安全法」草案,並於當日生效,引發國際高度關注。多國譴責中國威脅港人的自由及人權,削弱香港的自治權,美國更祭出制裁,決定撤銷香港特殊地位。港區國安法管了什麼?效力範圍為何?香港政府公布港區國安法內容,全文如下:
In full: English translation of the Hong Kong national security law
Hong Kong Free Press (July 1, 2020)
Below is the full text of Hong Kong’s controversial new national security law.
Hong Kong security law: What is it and is it worrying?
BBC (June 30, 2020)
Extract: Critics have called it "the end of Hong Kong" - so what do we know, and what do people fear the most? What is this law all about? Hong Kong was always meant to have a security law, but could never pass one because it was so unpopular. So this is about China stepping in to ensure the city has a legal framework to deal with what it sees as serious challenges to its authority. The details of the law's 66 articles were kept secret until after it was passed. It criminalises any act of: 1. secession - breaking away from the country. 2. subversion - undermining the power or authority of the central government. 3. terrorism - using violence or intimidation against people. 4. collusion with foreign or external forces.
The new law's key provisions include that:
- Crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces are punishable by a maximum sentence of life in prison
- Damaging public transport facilities can be considered terrorism
- Those found guilty will not be allowed to stand for public office
- Companies can be fined if convicted under the law
- Beijing will establish a new security office in Hong Kong, with its own law enforcement personnel - neither of which would come under the local authority's jurisdiction
- This office can send some cases to be tried in mainland China - but Beijing has said it will only have that power over a "tiny number" of cases
- In addition, Hong Kong will have to establish its own national security commission to enforce the laws, with a Beijing-appointed adviser
- Hong Kong's chief executive will have the power to appoint judges to hear national security cases, raising fears about judicial autonomy
- Importantly, Beijing will have power over how the law should be interpreted, not any Hong Kong judicial or policy body. If the law conflicts with any Hong Kong law, the Beijing law takes priority
- Some trials will be heard behind closed doors.
- People suspected of breaking the law can be wire-tapped and put under surveillance
- Management of foreign non-governmental organisations and news agencies will be strengthened
- The law will also apply to non-permanent residents and people "from outside [Hong Kong]... who are not permanent residents of Hong Kong".
【品讀國安法】第 38 條多國語言版本
For my non-Chinese readers - This on-line forum provides translation of Article 38 of the Hong Kong national security law in different languages. For examples:
In English:
This Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.
In Japanese:
In Korean:
홍콩보안법 제38조에 따라 홍콩 영주권자가 아닌 사람도 홍콩 외 지역에서 이 법을 위반하면 처벌받을 수 있다. 비영주권자는 추방될 수 있으며 기업에게는 벌금을 부여할 수 있는 근거가 된다.
In Vietnamese:
Những người không có tư cách thường trú tại Đặc khu hành chính Hong Kong, những người nằm ngoài Đặc khu hành chính Hong Kong nếu phạm tội theo Luật này đối với Đặc khu hành chính Hong Kong, sẽ áp dụng Luật này.
In French:
s’appliquera pour les infractions commises contre la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong (SAR) à l’extérieur de la région par une personne qui n’est pas résidente permanente de la région"
In German:
die Straftatbestände auch auf Personen zutreffen, die keine dauerhafte Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in Hongkong haben oder sich im Gebiet der Sonderverwaltungszone aufhalten.
In Italian:
La legge si può applicare ad atti commessi fuori dalla Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong da soggetti non residenti a Hong Kong.
In Spanish:
los extranjeros que apoyen la independencia de Hong Kong o hagan llamados a imponer sanciones al gobierno chino podrían ser enjuiciados al ingresar a China continental o a Hong Kong.
A Harbour No More
The Economist (July 2, 2020)
Extract: China’s draconian security law for Hong Kong buries one country, two systems. The regime in Beijing would rather be feared than admired. China has imposed a draconian security law on Hong Kong. It represents one of the biggest assaults on a liberal society since the second world war. The law allows China’s Communist Party to rip up its promise of one country, two systems. National-security cases will be tried in courts with optional juries and government-appointed judges. Most worrying is that “complex” or “serious” crimes may be tried on the mainland. The first arrest under the new law, on July 1st, was of a man who was merely carrying a banner calling for an independent Hong Kong. The West must act.
Beijing’s New Security Law Is a Warning Sign
By silencing Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party shows it prioritizes ideology over pragmatism.
Foreign Policy (JULY 1, 2020)
Extract: One Country, One System. The full text of Beijing’s new national security law imposed on Hong Kong was published only as the law came into effect on Tuesday. It was an apt symbol of the secrecy and autocracy surrounding the move, which Hong Kongers see as the effective end of their autonomy and of freedom of speech and protest in the city. The law, which criminalizes “secession, subversion of state power, terrorism and collusion with foreign entities,” is worse than critics imagined. It sets out potential life imprisonment for any violation, a new security body set up within the city to handle arrests, and a provision for cases to be handled on the mainland rather than by Hong Kong courts. The response from Hong Kongers, who generally oppose the law, has been both fierce and despairing. Despite pandemic restrictions, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest today. The police arrested over 300 people and charged nine under the new law. Details of the cases are not clear yet, except for one man charged for waving a “Hong Kong Independence” flag.
Opinion Hong Kong
Beijing’s Hong Kong takeover is a masterclass in creating fear
If cash injections do not ease worries about the city’s financial future, coercion will
Financial Times (July 3, 2020)
Extract: Last week, though, was a masterclass in creating fear. Between the law’s announcement in May and its enactment on June 30, prominent Hong Kongers were “encouraged” to sing its praises, despite having no idea what it contained. When the details were revealed, they had little choice but to continue to praise the wisdom of the Chinese Communist party, or stay silent. For the party, either will do.
As important is the loss of freedom to conduct research, publish and access information without fear. If that seems irrelevant to Hong Kong’s financial future, recall what happened after President Xi Jinping encouraged citizens to invest in China’s stock markets in 2013. They responded with such enthusiasm that the Shanghai market more than doubled in a year. The People’s Daily reassured readers the bull market would continue. When the bubble burst, authorities halted trading and pumped in money. When that didn’t work, the collapse was labelled the work of “hostile foreign forces”. Censors banned the term “stock market crash”. They also instructed Chinese media not to “conduct in-depth analysis” or “speculate on or assess the direction of the market”. Chinese politicians may struggle to command markets, but they insist on commanding what investors know. This has become a trend.
How China can assume this role in a dollar-dominated global financial system that operates on free capital flows, open information and independent courts is unclear. Its own internal arrangements depend on censorship, capital controls and cronyism. Shanghai and Shenzhen are large financial centres, but lack the same international confidence that Hong Kong has had. For now, Beijing counts on having enough weight in the world to prove its critics wrong — or if that does not work, to enforce their silence.
2020 年 6 月 7 日
節錄:大國相爭,買辦死先,是香港的命運。金融中心地位受損,是最低消費 (Minimum charge) 或附帶傷害 (Collateral damage)。中美兩國處於半戰爭狀態,局部開火,平民百姓被誤傷或誤殺,私人財產被破壞或充公,也很常見,無法避免。至於美軍空投炸彈的命中率,請參考二戰時期的紅磡觀音廟幾乎被誤炸事件,阿彌陀佛!所以香港人又開始移民和撤資了。
2019 年 6 月 26 日
2009 年 12 月 15 日
節錄:那些只懂應酬阿爺(北京)和地產商的香港高官,應該好好反省,唔好以為小朋友無權無勢,就得罪得起,由得班細路係網上嘈到拆天,以為可以側側膊唔多覺,夠鐘就腳底抹油溜之大吉,把問題留給下一任。有一天足夠數量的小朋友從虛擬世界走上街頭,後果將會是爆炸性或者災難性的,到時就「大檸樂」(港式粵語:大件事)。互聯網的傳播和組織能力,實在不容低估,而香港的高官似乎還停留在 web 1.0 的時代,又或者他們以為小朋友未成氣候、不足為患。
2011 年 11 月 20 日
2019 年 10 月 20 日
2018 年 5 月 9 日
Know Your Customer
2019 年 11 月 2 日
2007 年 7 月 6 日
Revised 06/07/2020
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