

收支平衡點 (Breakeven Point)


樓價租金高 港人難「躺平」

香港中產的生活方式其實是反面教材由於迷信四仔主義(據說是八十年代本地大學男生的人生目標,即是畢業之後要努力工作和儲錢,盡快購置屋仔+車仔+娶老婆仔+生細路仔),所以必須準時結婚生育和買樓,然後把家庭的各種功能外判給服務供應商:家務外判給輸入的外國勞工(外傭),教孩子做功課外判給補習社或補習老師,照顧年老父母的工作外判給醫院或老人院或日託中心結果把家庭的收支平衡點 (Breakeven Point) 推到很高,兩夫婦都必須出外工作,長工時變成無法避免,因為賺少個錢都不足以應付各種開支。由於夫妻或父母子女沒有時間相處,關係疏離甚至惡劣,但是所賺的錢足以供養很多條產業鏈,即是令生意人得益,而官府也樂見稅收增加,因為公務員用公帑出糧(支薪)。萬一夫婦的其中一方甚至雙方(都)失業,又無法大幅削減開支的話,後果可以很嚴重(例如:無法供樓,於是不敢向僱主說不,成為服從性高的奴隸,對官府來說有助維穩,因為特首只需要跟僱主打個招呼就可以(控制數目眾多的打工仔),便利施政(例如:用飯碗要脅僱員打防疫針)

網上世界的財經寫手說:港人很難「躺平」,原因是樓價或租金太高,打工仔賺得少隨時變「瞓街」(粵:淪為露宿者)。說得也是,香港的樓價太瘋狂,除非閣下擁有祖傳的物業或公屋單位,否則要實踐簡樸生活並不容易。任志剛說過,高樓價其實是香港的一種間接稅 (Indirect Tax)。換言之,所謂的低稅率不過是假像。當樓價或租金成為生活費中的固定成本 (Fixed Cost),令打工仔的收支平衡點難以降低,代價是影響健康或犧牲婚姻或生活質素欠佳,國產中文說得很白:「誰不是用命換錢?。簡單地說:無錢無自由。

但是長遠來說,香港的高地(樓)價政策未必可以維持下去,因為中共已經明白,香港的房屋問題嚴重到足以危害國家安全的地步。證據:年輕人用噴漆寫在街頭的留言:「監倉大過劏房,你以為我會怕坐監(牢)?」掌權的老人害怕上街的年輕人,所以中共透過改變特首選舉的方式(選委會由 1200 人擴展至 1500 人,而新增 300 人全部有紅色背景)削弱了地產商的做王能力。這是改變「地產霸權」的第一步,應該還有其他後著的(例如:如何改變香港的稅制令政府的收入減少依賴地產和相關的產業),所以你會見到香港的地產商捐錢或獻地,即是:罪己或求饒。是否足以令香港的樓價大幅回落,讓年輕人的生活擔子稍為減輕,還有待觀察,因為當中牽涉一些非常複雜的結構性問題(例如:土地發展的程序,新界鄉事派的利益,明日大嶼能否開展),三言兩語說不清。

「躺平主義」致力於降低個人的收支平衡點 (Breakeven point)

扯遠了,說回來。提倡「躺平主義」的大陸年輕人向相反的方向走,致力於降低個人的收支平衡點 (Breakeven point)。「躺平主義」的精神,是不戀愛,不結婚,不生育,不買樓(房),不消費,不追求名利,放棄向上爬,試圖用最低的物質水平生存。不必要的開支減少了,就可以降低收支平衡點,個人無須成為僱主的跑數機器(金錢奴隸),日子會過得比較輕鬆,幹得不高興就索性辭職(反正沒有向上爬的野心),讓自己有充份的時間休息思考做喜歡做的事(假設那些活動不需要花太多的錢)


「躺平」背後的思路,跟「港式佛系」(萬事隨緣)或「台式小確幸」(開咖啡店或書店)一脈相承,同樣是年輕人對保守右翼(官府或商界)進行消極反抗。毛主席的名句:「那裡有壓迫,那裡就有反抗。」社會動盪不安,是因為舊的經濟發展模式導致利益分配不均,也不能滿足年輕人的要求,於是小朋友用不同的方法反抗制度。消極的「躺平」,跟利益集團鬥長命。積極的「攬炒」,即是起來翻桌子。容許 Auntie 再次借用毛主席的名句:「青年人好像早晨八九點鐘的太陽,我已是下午四五點鐘的太陽。現在世界正在大變,不是西風壓倒東風,就是東風壓倒西風。」(出處:<毛澤東對留蘇學生的演講>,時間:1957 年底)偉大領袖的智慧源於辯證法 (Dialectics),也符合中國傳統文化的陰陽五行論(不同的元素既相生也相剋)。正因為不同勢力之間失去了微妙的均衡,所以顛倒錯亂,場面失控。這種事情,廣東話叫「倒瀉籮蟹」。



Napkin Finance - Break-Even Point


Summary: A company is at its break-even point when its revenue equals its expenses. It is neither making nor losing money at this point. Companies use their break-even points to figure out how easy or hard it will be to turn a profit. The lower the break-even point is, the lower a company’s hurdle to becoming financially successful.

Companies can even use their break-even points to decide whether or not to stay in business. If a company is consistently operating below its break-even point, then it may not make sense to keep running the business.

Expenses come in two main types: fixed and variable costs. A fixed cost is the same whether the business sells one item or 100. A variable cost, on the other hand, changes as the number of items it sells goes up or down.

A company might also use this number to:

  • Set the right price on products and services
  • Highlight which expenses are too high and could be reduced
  • Decide when to launch a new product or service
  • Set long-term goals 

Wikipedia - Break-even (economics)


Summary: The break-even point is one of the most commonly used concepts of financial analysis, and is not only limited to economic use, but can also be used by entrepreneurs, accountants, financial planners, managers and even marketers. Break-even points can be useful to all avenues of a business, as it allows employees to identify required outputs and work towards meeting these.

If the business does not think that they can sell the required number of units, they could consider the following options:

1. Reduce the fixed costs. This could be done through a number or negotiations, such as reductions in rent payments, or through better management of bills or other costs.

2. Reduce the variable costs, (which could be done by finding a new supplier that sells tables for less).

Either option can reduce the break-even point so the business need not sell as many tables as before, and could still pay fixed costs.

Investopedia - What Is the Breakeven Point (BEP)?


Summary: In accounting, the breakeven point formula is determined by dividing the total fixed costs associated with production by the revenue per individual unit minus the variable costs per unit. In this case, fixed costs refer to those which do not change depending upon the number of units sold. Put differently, the breakeven point is the production level at which total revenues for a product equal total expenses.

In accounting, the breakeven point is calculated by dividing the fixed costs of production by the price per unit minus the variable costs of production. The breakeven point is the level of production at which the costs of production equal the revenues for a product. In investing, the breakeven point is said to be achieved when the market price of an asset is the same as its original cost.

Investopedia - What Is a Break-Even Analysis?


Summary: Break-even analysis entails calculating and examining the margin of safety for an entity based on the revenues collected and associated costs. In other words, the analysis shows how many sales it takes to pay for the cost of doing business.

The break-even point is calculated by dividing the total fixed costs of production by the price per individual unit less the variable costs of production. Fixed costs are costs that remain the same regardless of how many units are sold.

Break-even analysis looks at the level of fixed costs relative to the profit earned by each additional unit produced and sold. In general, a company with lower fixed costs will have a lower break-even point of sale.

Hong Kong’s tax system explained: why levies are so low, how it competes with Singapore, and why it’s ‘both out of date and ahead of its time’ 

The pairing of low income tax and high property values has been successful for the city, but experts warn it might not last.

Hana Davis

South China Morning Post (Mar 2, 2019)


Extract: In Taxation without Representation, a book by former Hong Kong resident Michael Littlewood, the city’s system is described as “both seriously out of date and ahead of its time”.

If taxes are so low, how does the government make money? The government has other, lucrative sources of revenue. It directly owns much of the city’s land, and sells sites to private developers only when population growth projections require it. In the 2017-18 financial year, 27 per cent of Hong Kong’s HK$612 billion revenue came from land sales. The government also makes money by leasing land.

Hong Kong’s pairing of low income tax with high property values has been successful for the city. However, higher property values mean greater property tax, which some say is making the city less attractive. Last year former Monetary Authority chief executive Joseph Yam Chi-kwong (任志剛) called the city’s policy on land a de facto tax imposed upon its residents. He warned that sky-high land and property values would stunt economic development in what was already the world’s least affordable market.

Littlewood says the system’s historical success has come from concentrating the tax burden on the highest incomes while sparing the poor. However, there are doubts about whether this system can meet the demands of the 21st century. There is a strong case for the introduction of a progressive consumption tax, he says, but the idea is new and politically difficult. But Littlewood argues the system already indirectly discourages consumption by being generous in its treatment of savings, which effectively puts it ahead of its time. Ultimately, the critical factor is popular support, he believes, and the only way to determine whether Hongkongers truly approve of the tax regime is by establishing a democratic system of government.

中環街市:香港人難「躺平」 隨時變瞓街

2021 5 31


節錄:內地熱議年輕人流行「躺平主義」,對資本社會現狀的「遊戲規則」不屑與不滿,為了控訴社會,年輕人決定做「躺平族」,有點像早年日本興起的「低慾望社會」,凡打工仔不再力爭上游,索性有時間就「躺平」在家中沙發,「不買房、不買車、不結婚、不生娃、不消費」,維持生存最低標準就可以了;「躺平族」也會工作,但除了基本生活外,拒絕更多的成為他人賺錢的奴隸。「躺平主義」一出,立即遭批評生存消極,年輕人躺平可恥云云。事實上,「躺平主義」不是新鮮事,內地年輕人所面對的社會難題,香港人早已面對多年,只是香港人即使自己不願意奮鬥,也無從選擇,難以參考內地「躺平」,原因如下:躺平需要空間,但香港的空間成本太貴,樓價至今依然是全球最難負擔,香港家庭要不吃不喝 20.7 年才買到樓。



節錄:2019 年香港出現了「攬炒」,中國則有「躺平」。後者是指既然年輕窮人無法階級流動,不如過極低慾望生活,離開勞動市場,不為老闆打工,有網民直接總結躺平戰略思想:「躺平的韭菜不好割」。「躺平」有「攬炒」情緒。躺平派中國年輕人說,自己躺平,老闆就過不上想要的生活,報復老闆。至於香港,新世紀以來年輕人就十分卑微,具體數字是樓價物價大幅上漲,而大學生起薪點往往維持大致不變。人力資源顧問年年在報紙上說,年輕人求職要肯吃苦,要肯放低身價。政府則多數表示,年輕人不如北上工作,前途可能更好。有社會賢達直情等於講,年輕人咁多爹是因為害怕與中國學生競爭,你不競爭都沒用,可以用中國移民取代你的,多多都有。




節錄:躺平並不是中國獨有的現象,而是整個經濟發達東亞地區 (to a lesser extent,西、意、希臘等南歐國家)的現象和趨勢。它燒到中國和香港,代表已經進入晚期。日本的「尼特族」(NEET) 就是躺平主義的先行者。


年輕人「躺平」對整個東亞最致命的打擊,就是不婚不育,長遠最終導致人口全滅,經濟、文明全部崩潰。如果東亞經濟,甚至整個文明體系要生存下來,必須針對最根本的基礎問題進行改革。這是非常困難,因為會觸動到這些國家整個既得利益集團的核心利益,但是是必須。否則導致東亞很多年輕人集體意志執行「安樂死計劃」的基本因素不解除,出生率是根本不可能出現有意義的回升(例如日本 2000 年代末到 2010 年代初的出生率回升結果只是迴光反照),東亞人口、經濟、文明全滅只是時間問題。「成也蕭何,敗也蕭何」這就是近現代東亞大歷史的真實寫照。

Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects

He Huifeng in Guangdong and Tracy Qu

SCMP (9 Jun, 2021)


Extract: Young Chinese fed up with what they see as limited prospects in the face of gruelling work hours, a trend of conspicuous consumption and skyrocketing house prices are choosing to do the bare minimum. Instead of striving to buy a house, car, or even start a family, they are rejecting it all to “lie flat”(躺平).From white-collar workers in China’s bustling cities to university students, an army of frustrated young people are taking to social media and internet message boards to declare themselves “‘lying flat youth”.

Across the country, T-shirts printed with “Do nothing lie flat youth” have become hot selling items, and authorities are scrambling to suppress the phenomenon, fearful about a challenge to the established social and economic order. The movement’s roots can be traced back to an obscure internet post called “lying flat is justice”, in which a user called Kind-Hearted Traveller combined references to Greek philosophers with his experience living on 200 yuan (US$31) a month, two meals a day and not working for two years.

China's new 'tang ping' trend aims to highlight pressures of work culture

BBC (June 3, 2021)


Extract: Young people in China exhausted by a culture of hard work with seemingly little reward are highlighting the need for a lifestyle change by "lying flat". The new trend, known as "tang ping"(躺平), is described as an antidote to society's pressures to find jobs and perform well while working long shifts. China has a shrinking labour market and young people often work more hours.

The term "tang ping" is believed to have originated in a post on a popular Chinese social media site. "Lying flat is my wise movement," a user wrote in a since-deleted post on the discussion forum Tieba, adding: "Only by lying down can humans become the measure of all things." The comments were later discussed on Sina Weibo, another popular Chinese microblogging site, and the term soon became a buzzword.

The idea behind "tang ping" - not overworking, being content with more attainable achievements and allowing time to unwind - has been praised by many and inspired numerous memes. It has been described as a spiritual movement. However, along with the original Tieba post, the Douban group has since been deleted, and searches for the hashtag #TangPing have been banned on Sina Weibo in an apparent effort by censors to prevent people seeing the scale of the new trend.



定義:在股票市場,散戶被形容為韭菜,長高了,便被割掉。意指股票被大戶舞高後,散戶高追入市,大戶便高位套利離場,仍持貨的散戶便蒙受損失。大戶之後再舞高弄低,新一批散戶又淪為韭菜,遭人收割。知多啲:散戶除被向上炒式割韭菜,也會被向下炒式割韭菜,股價甚至可下跌 99%。有些股份會透過「供股」,不斷掏空股民的金錢;如不供股,除權後,股民手中的股票被攤薄,每股價值立即縮水。如供股多來數次,股價愈供愈跌,股票價值可蒸發逾 9 成,損失慘重。




話你知:「倒瀉」指從上向下傾瀉,「籮」就是籮筐,一種用竹子編的農具。「倒瀉籮蟹」的意思是裝螃蟹的籮筐被打翻,螃蟹滿地爬,人們驚慌失措,四處躲避,形容場面混亂、無法控制或者手忙腳亂的情形。點造句:1.(廣東話)街口爆水管,成條街浸曬,好似倒瀉籮蟹咁。(書面語:街口的水管爆了,整條街都被水浸泡,場面很混亂。)2. (廣東話)今日鋪頭人手唔夠,一到食飯時間就忙到倒瀉籮蟹。(書面語:今天店鋪人手不夠,一到吃飯時候就手忙腳亂。)



2021 5 28




2017 2 14



Copy & Paste

20194 26




2016 3 25


節錄:由學校負責的洗腦工作,交由主流傳媒接力:必食、必遊、必消費、必買樓、必結婚、必生仔、必 Playgroup、必名校、必考試、必補習。傳媒的任務,是塑造閣下的生活模式,務求你所賺的每一分錢,都會落入商家的手裡。閣下的人生目標,只能是貢獻資本主義,而非為自己而活。你所生的孩子,將會經歷同一過程,繼續交數,一生為奴,千秋萬代,求脫無期。


2018 10 5




2016 6 11


節錄:也有些人,在多次轉工轉行之後,開始明白個人與組織之間的利害衝突(優先次序不一致)。有些僱主,不斷請人,同時又不停炒人,即是透過換血控制成本,以及利用對沖機制取回僱主部份的強積金供款,根本沒有打算讓員工向上爬,Performance appraisal 只不過是做個樣子。從僱主的角度看,只要不斷有新人入行,遊戲就可以繼續。新血的來源?大學畢業生。


2009 8 1


節錄:正如呂大樂所指出,九七之後,「第二代」就算受到勞動市場的衝擊,也有一定的自我保護能力,他們當中的高官或者高層,透過推行彈性僱佣制度、合約制和降低入職起薪點等各種措施,有效地肥上瘦下、成功自保。他們的下屬「第三代香港人」(即 1966-1975 年間出生)因此被合法地剝削和壓迫,無法規劃自己的事業與人生。第三代上位無望,只能眼巴巴地看著從小被灌輸的「香港夢」(不論出身只要努力就可以改善物質生活以及向上爬)破滅。


2011 11 20




2016 10 7


節錄:分期付款買樓,是由著名的愛國商人霍英東 (1923-2006) 於上世紀五十年代中推出,當年的買家需要支付五成的首期。霍英東帶領潮流,開創向消費者提供「售樓說明書」以及採用「賣樓花」的銷售策略(住宅樓宇還沒有落成已經開售),作用是加快(發展商的)資金的回籠速度以及吸引財力較弱的小市民置業,同時發展商亦把部份的市場風險轉嫁了給買家(提示:爛尾樓)。


2013 7 20


節錄:如果你已經不是小朋友,曾經不止一次轉工轉行,覺得天下烏鴉一樣黑,世間上根本沒有 Dream Job,那麼,你應該慎重考慮是否應該創業。另一條出路,是徹底改變生活模式,減少不必要的開支,嘗試過獨立自主的簡樸生活。背後的理念,是放棄向上爬,不再追名逐利。在香港要過簡樸生活,難度甚高,原因之一是樓價和租金高企。就算你想歸隱田園,務農種有機菜,也絕不容易,因為香港所餘無幾的農地已經被官府徵收得七七八八,然後送給地產商建屏風樓。


2016 4 8


節錄:香港人會告訴你,新界的丁屋政策和丁權制度,便是那些帶毒的野果,用來腐化新界的原居民子弟,令圍頭佬變成一群惡猴。至於老猴王,回歸之前跟英國人合作,回歸之後則靠攏親共的建制派,是政壇的牆頭草。政治勢力的轉移及相關的金權交易,令到青山綠水消失(提示:竊聽風雲 3)。如何拆解?傳說中的「朝三暮四」變「朝四暮三」掩眼法?


2021 1 21


節錄:行政、立法和司法系統脫胎換骨,港資能夠影響政府施政(及保障家族利益)的渠道將會大幅度縮小甚至是被封殺得八八九九,即是商界無法在政府政策出台之前跟官府討價還價或進行檯底交易,而只能接受既定事實 (Status quo)。當英式重商主義被紅色國家資本主義所取代,商人跟官府的關係要重新設定 (Re-configure),有人會因為被降格而適應不良。




2 則留言:

silkroad 說...

Facebook 每個帳戶有獨立網址,每個帖亦然
不論是用 browser 還是 fb 的 app,應該都可以拿到每帖的網址


silkroad 說...
