
Don’t Cry for Che

路過香港演藝學院,看見 Andrew Lloyd Webber 音樂劇 Evita(港譯:貝隆夫人)的燈箱廣告,順手拿一份宣傳單張。打開來,看見 A 貨版的哲古華拉 (Che Guevara,1928-1967) (圖)在畫面中央,即是 Broadway 的版本。

那個角色叫 Che,是故事的敘述者 (Narrator),冷眼旁觀女主角如何利用男人向上爬,最後攀上權力的高峰,不時面向觀眾發表(唱出)對她的評論。音樂劇版的 Evita 於上世紀七十年代末在倫敦首演,當年飾演 Che 的演員叫 David Essex ,飾演 Eva 的是 Elaine Paige 。故事的結局,是貝隆夫人的葬禮,Che 唱出跟 Don’t Cry for Me Argentina 同一旋律的 Oh What A Circus,歌詞嘲諷 Eva 人生如戲,用三流演技欺騙阿根廷的老百姓。

電影版中, Che 這個角色由西班牙男星 Antonio Banderas(港譯:安東尼奧班達拉斯)飾演,他的外表氣質及服裝造型,切斷了跟哲古華拉的聯繫,淡化了政治色彩,令角色變得中立,只是一個旁觀者。對,革命英雄被拋棄了,觀眾的注意力集中於貝隆夫人身上,女主角起用意大利裔的流行歌手麥當娜 (Madonna)。電影的市場比音樂劇廣闊,背後是否牽涉一些政治上或商業上的考慮,自己想。那部電影由 Alan Parker 執導,歌曲一首接一首,似看 MV,商業味濃。

Antonio Banderas 不止一次被用來吸引西班牙語系的觀眾。他曾經聲演動畫電影 Shrek (港譯:史力加)的貓劍客 (Puss in Boots),用性感的西班牙口音 Meow,令愛貓的女觀眾樂透。貓咪型男二合一,說明電影是夢工場(提示:DreamWorks)
,讓女人脫離沉悶的現實。貓劍客起舞的時候,背景音樂是西班牙結他,充滿異國風情。從大老闆的角度看, Antonio Banderas 不但可以唱歌、跳舞和演戲,還可以替電影的西班牙語版配音,非常化算。對,電影是一盤生意,必須計算準確。

至於革命英雄的真身,電影版有 The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)。故事講述二十出頭還是醫科生的哲古華拉跟朋友用電動摩托車浪遊南美洲,看見低下階層的老百姓及原住民(印加王國的後人)生活艱苦,認定此乃美帝(帝國主義)所幹的好事,覺得必須改革政治和經濟制度,才能救黎民百姓於水火,從此走上革命英雄之路。電影根據哲古華拉的著作改編,主題是自我發現與醒覺之旅。現實世界中,革命英雄是因為輸出革命而死的。南美洲是美國佬的後花園,中情局 (CIA) 不想見到後園被赤化,於是協助哲古華拉的仇家把他了斷。冷戰思維,不難理解。

哲古華拉從此成為人所共知的左翼英雄或文化符號。英年早逝,方可封神,因為沒有機會出錯、衰老或走下坡,不會令粉絲失望、流失或移情別戀。人世間的一切,都敵不過時間。哲古華拉的香港粉絲是立法會議員長毛(梁國雄),如果你是三十歲以下的小朋友,很大機會是透過長毛身上的那款 Tee 認識這位革命英雄。長毛作為社運常客,也敵不過時間。他跟美國中情局有沒有關係(提示:黎智英+Mark Simon+捐款),是否一如本土派健筆所言,已經落後於形勢(證據:懷緬昔日光輝),又或者跟其他的民主派議員一樣,面臨被淘汰的命運(即:放棄議會政治),自己想。左翼高唱的<國際歌>,中文歌詞出自瞿秋白 (1899-1935):「英特納雄奈爾(俄文音譯:國際共產主義的理想),就一定會實現。」理想還沒有實現,但是人已經老了。永遠不老的,是英年早逝的那一位,即是哲古華拉或瞿秋白,他們在走下坡之前被殺,被封印於某個時空,不會變成老而不(提示:老而不死是為賊)。結局是雖死猶生,還是雖生猶死,視乎命運的安排。革命英雄相信人定勝天,不會承認這一點。革命是一個賭命的遊戲,革命英雄其實是賭徒,賭自己的命,也賭國家的命。而捲入權力鬥爭的黎民百姓,則成為他們的棋子或籌碼。天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗(出處:道德經),所以哭也沒用。


YouTube 精選:

Elaine Paige - Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Lyrics) (1985) (5:08)
Elaine Paige 是音樂劇 Evita 的首演女主角,六年之後她在英國一個電視節目中,以貝隆夫人的造型唱出這首主題曲。我覺得 Elaine Paige 最似真實的貝隆夫人。

David Essex - Oh What A Circus (Original Promo) (1978) (HD) (3:53)
David Essex 是 Che 這個角色的首演者。這首歌跟 Don't Cry For Me Argentina 同一旋律,歌詞嘲諷貝隆夫人欺騙老百姓。

Don't Cry For Me Argentina √ Madonna √ Lyrics (5:29)
這是電影中麥當娜所唱的版本。看過電影版,麥當娜的演技比較表面。演貝隆的男演員 Jonathan Pryce 眼神銳利,演技內斂。二人同場的時候,他起到平衡作用。

Oh, What a Circus - Royal Albert Hall | Evita (4:15)
這是安東尼奧班達拉斯在一個向 Andrew Lloyd Webber 致敬的電視節目中所唱的現場版,他以 Che 的造型亮相,身後的舞蹈員扮演阿根廷的老百姓。想聽他唱西班牙語的版本,請上 YouTube 。

Madonna - Evita - 16. Waltz for Eva and Che (1996) (3:48)
這是電影版的片段,安東尼奧班達拉斯跟麥當娜合作跳 Tango 。看他唱歌、跳舞和演戲,你會明白何謂拉丁情人。

DreamWorks' Puss in Boots (2011) - Official Trailer (2:00)

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) Official Film Trailer (1:25)

Throwback Thursday: Che Guevara on U.S.-Cuba relations in 1964 (3:07)

Che Guevara in China - Extract (Spanish) (3:38)
哲古華拉訪問中國 (1960) 的片段,你會聽到他的聲音(西班牙語),見到他跟毛澤東和周恩來會面,到中國的工廠參觀,跟農民一起吃飯,與小孩玩遊戲。

江青(藍蘋):<王老五>(1937) (8:28)
窮家女殺入娛樂圈賭運氣,結果半紅不黑。轉頭搭上從政的男人,最後攀上權力高峰。江青的人生路跟貝隆夫人很相似,因此被西方傳媒形容為「中國的貝隆夫人」。這是她年輕時拍攝的電影片段,角色是潑辣村姑,姿色平庸,聲線單薄。難怪大陸網民看完之後感嘆:「(毛主席)怎麼會看上她?(延安)沒漂亮姑娘嗎?」編劇和導演是蔡楚生 (1906-1968),跟許多上海電影人一樣,他死於文革初期。是否被滅口,自己想。

<國際歌> (1:28)
<國際歌>是共產黨的校歌,中文歌詞出自瞿秋白 (1899-1935)。這是革命音樂劇<東方紅>(演出日期:1964 年底)的片段,浩劫前夕的精神面貌,無法複製。視乎閣下的政治立場,這首歌也許會令你熱血沸騰、唏噓感嘆、哭笑不得或莫名其妙。長毛(梁國雄)在示威遊行的時候唱過,網上也可以找到意大利裔的甘浩望神父(甘仔)用結他自彈自唱的版本。


Wikipedia - Evita (musical)
Extract: Evita opened at the Prince Edward Theatre on 21 June 1978 and closed on 18 February 1986, after 3,176 performances. Elaine Paige played Eva with David Essex as Che, Joss Ackland as Perón, and Siobhán McCarthy as Mistress.

Wikipedia - Evita (1996 film)
Extract: Evita is a 1996 American musical drama film based on the 1976 concept album of the same name produced by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, which also inspired a 1978 musical. The film depicts the life of Eva Perón, detailing her beginnings, rise to fame, political career and death at the age of 33. Directed by Alan Parker, and written by Parker and Oliver Stone, Evita stars Madonna as Eva, Jonathan Pryce as Eva's husband Juan Perón, and Antonio Banderas as Ché, an everyman who acts as the film's narrator. Parker decided to keep Banderas in the supporting role of Ché after checking the actor's audition tape. While writing the script, the director chose not to reveal the character as Ernesto "Che" Guevara, which had been done in several versions of the musical. "In the movie Ché tells the story of Eva", Banderas said. "He takes a very critical view of her and he's sometimes cynical and aggressive but funny, too. At the same time he creates this problem for himself because, for all his principles, he gets struck by the charm of the woman." For the role of Juan Perón, Parker approached film and stage actor Jonathan Pryce, who secured the part after meeting with the director.

New Line Theatre -
Inside EVITA
Background and analysis by Scott Miller
Extract: The other part is Che, the never objective narrator, who continually tells us what a manipulator and liar Eva is. Originally, Che was intended to be an anonymous Everyman, not the revolutionary Che Guevara. But since Hal Prince’s Broadway production, he has been Che Guevara (although the film returned him to his original conception). The brilliance of Tim Rice’s lyrics and narrative structure lies in this dichotomy between the cold, political, Brechtian world of Che and the passionate, romantic, melodramatic world of Eva. With few exceptions, these two central figures exist in opposing styles and theatrical philosophies, as different as their political and social philosophies. And only when these two come together at last, in the Act II "Waltz for Eva and Che," does the lush romanticism of the music tangle together with the hard-edged Brechtian political debate of the lyrics. Though they probably never met in real life, in Evita, Eva and Che are linked by destiny, both wanting a populist revolution, though he wanted to discard the existing power structure while she worked inside it (despite the pervasive sexism there). Both were flawed and controversial leaders, both were considered saints by their followers, and both became cultural icons around the world.

How we made Evita: Tim Rice and Elaine Paige
Interview by: Laura Barnett
The Guardian (Sept 9, 2014)
‘In 1974, Eva was in an unmarked grave. Now she’s in a tomb engraved with the words: Don’t cry for me Argentina’
Extract: Tim Rice, Lyicist - Initially, I was planning to tell the story from the point of view of Eva’s hairdresser. But I had a lightbulb moment when I discovered that Che Guevara was from Argentina, and had been there when the Peróns were operating. I thought: “Hang on – Che would be much more interesting than some unknown hairdresser. That way, I get two icons for the price of one.” When Andrew’s Jeeves show finished, having not done that well, he said: “Let’s have a go at Eva Perón.” We made an album first to test the water and got a single out of Don’t Cry For Me Argentina – a very weird song to be a hit. There was huge press interest: hard as it may be to believe, back then we were vaguely cool. Andrew got [director] Hal Prince on board, but then Julie Covington, who’d sung Evita on the album, turned down the stage role. We auditioned hundreds of women, but Elaine Paige was the best. She was one of the few people who chose not to sing Don’t Cry. She sang Yesterday instead.

Puss in Boots (2011)
Extract: Puss in Boots is Shrek's sidekick. Loosely based on the fairytale character Puss in Boots as well as being a kind of parody of Zorro, he is a smooth-talking cat with a Spanish accent, usually wearing a cavalier's hat, a belt with a sword, a small black cape, and small Corinthian boots. Puss first appears as a minor character in Shrek 2, much like Dragon in the first film. He often overpowers his enemies by distracting them with his "cute kitten" looks. He also exhibits common cat behavior such as coughing up hairballs and chasing spotlights, usually resulting in his defeat or capture.

History.com - CHE GUEVARA
Extract: Revolutionary leader. Born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna on June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina. After completing his medical studies at the University of Buenos Aires, Guevara became political active first in his native Argentina and then in neighboring Bolivia and Guatemala. In 1954, he met Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and his brother Raul while in Mexico. Guevara became part of Fidel Castro’s efforts to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba. He served as a military advisor to Castro and led guerrilla troops in battles against Batista forces.

When Castro took power in 1959, Guevara became in charge of La Cabaña Fortress prison. It is estimated that between 156 and 550 people were executed on Guevara’s extra-judicial orders during this time. Later, he became president of the Cuban national bank and helped to shift the country’s trade relations from the United States to the Soviet Union. Three years later, he was appointed minister of industry. Guevara left this post in 1965 to export the ideas of Cuba’s revolution to other parts of the world. In 1966, he began to try to incite the people of Bolivia to rebel against their government, but had little success. With only a small guerrilla force to support his efforts, Guevara was captured and killed in La Higuera by the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967.

Wikipedia - Che Guevara (1928-1967)
Extract: Guevara was a prolific writer and diarist, composing a seminal manual on guerrilla warfare, along with a best-selling memoir about his youthful continental motorcycle journey. His experiences and studying of Marxism-Leninism led him to posit that the Third World's underdevelopment and dependence was an intrinsic result of imperialism, neocolonialism and monopoly capitalism, with the only remedy being proletarian internationalism and world revolution. Guevara left Cuba in 1965 to foment revolution abroad, first unsuccessfully in Congo-Kinshasa and later in Bolivia, where he was captured by CIA-assisted Bolivian forces and summarily executed.

Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure, polarized in the collective imagination in a multitude of biographies, memoirs, essays, documentaries, songs and films. As a result of his perceived martyrdom, poetic invocations for class struggle and desire to create the consciousness of a "new man" driven by moral rather than material incentives, Guevara has evolved into a quintessential icon of various leftist movements. Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century, while an Alberto Korda photograph of him, titled Guerrillero Heroico (shown), was cited by the Maryland Institute College of Art as "the most famous photograph in the world".

Wikipedia - The Motorcycle Diaries (book)
Extract: The Motorcycle Diaries (Spanish: Diarios de Motocicleta) is a memoir that traces the early travels of Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, then a 23-year-old medical student, and his friend Alberto Granado, a 29-year-old biochemist. Leaving Buenos Aires, Argentina, in January 1952 on the back of a sputtering single cylinder 1939 Norton 500cc dubbed La Poderosa ("The Mighty One"), they desired to explore the South America they only knew from books. During the formative odyssey Guevara is transformed by witnessing the social injustices of exploited mine workers, persecuted communists, ostracized lepers, and the tattered descendants of a once-great Inca civilization. By journey's end, they had travelled for a symbolic nine months by motorcycle, steamship, raft, horse, bus, and hitchhiking, covering more than 8,000 kilometres (5,000 mi) across places such as the Andes, Atacama Desert, and the Amazon River Basin. The diary ends with a declaration by Guevara, born into an upper-middle-class family, displaying his willingness to fight and die for the cause of the poor, and his dream of seeing a united Latin America.

Wikipedia - The Motorcycle Diaries (film)
Extract: The Motorcycle Diaries (Spanish: Diarios de motocicleta) is a 2004 biopic about the journey and written memoir of the 23-year-old Ernesto Guevara, who would several years later become internationally known as the iconic Marxist guerrilla commander and revolutionary Che Guevara. The film recounts the 1952 expedition, initially by motorcycle, across South America by Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. As well as being a road movie, the film is a coming-of-age film; as the adventure, initially centered on youthful hedonism, unfolds, Guevara discovers himself transformed by his observations on the life of the impoverished indigenous peasantry. Through the characters they encounter on their continental trek, Guevara and Granado witness firsthand the injustices that the destitute face and are exposed to people and social classes they would have never encountered otherwise. To their surprise, the road presents to them both a genuine and captivating picture of Latin American identity. As a result, the trip also plants the initial seed of cognitive dissonance and radicalization within Guevara, who ostensibly would later view armed revolution as a way to challenge the continent's endemic economic inequalities and political repression.

Timeline: US-Cuba relations
Extract: Relations between the US and Cuba have long been intertwined. Since 1960, the US has maintained an economic embargo against Cuba. Here are key moments in ties between the two nations:

Cuba's new leader vows to modernise economy but no return to capitalism
By: Ed Augustin in Havana
The Guardian (Apr 19, 2018)
Successor to Raúl Castro promises no ‘capitalist restoration’
Miguel Díaz-Canel, 57, is first non-Castro to lead Cuba in 60 years
Extract: Miguel Díaz-Canel was sworn in as president on Thursday, becoming the island’s first leader without the Castro surname for the first time in almost 60 years. At a functionalist conference centre in Havana, Díaz-Canel, 57, read a brief speech which sought to reconcile revolutionary continuity with a recognition of the need for change. He said there would be no “capitalist restoration”, but promised to make better use of the internet and push on with “the modernization of our social and economic model”. He finished his address with the familiar rhetorical flourish: “Socialism or Death! We will triumph!” Raúl Castro, 86 – who stood down as president after 12 years in the office but remains first secretary of the Communist party – embraced Díaz-Canel, and gave his presidency a ringing endorsement. But he left no doubt where power still lies. In an uncharacteristically long speech, in which he repeatedly joked and went off script, Castro emphasised the need to fight corruption – and said he would stay on to guide his successor.

Leung Kwok Hung@longhairhk

節錄:梁國雄(Leung Kwok-hung),綽號「長毛」,生於香港,曾任多屆立法會議員,當選第六屆立法會議員後卻於 2017 年 7 月 14 日因立法會宣誓風波失去議員資格。他是左傾泛民主派人士和托洛斯基主義的支持者,又曾是香港人網 MyRadio <足球頻道>主持及<蕭鼓聲中>的客席主持。梁國雄的長髮及常穿的「捷古華拉」襯衫成為了他的招牌。由於他與其所屬的壓力團體四五行動經常在香港各大小示威活動出現,香港特區政府標籤他們為麻煩的滋事分子,亦曾經因舉行「非法集會」而多次入獄。曾揚言當時國家副主席習近平到港期間會當面直斥其非,而導致當日不得進入議事廳。然而,他鮮明的形像卻成為香港的標誌,並記載於外地的香港旅遊指南中。因此,一些遊港的外籍人士會刻意到蘭桂坊尋找這位狂熱份子,與他論盡天下事。 2016 年 6 月 23 日,報章報導廉政公署拘捕及落案起訴身為社民連立法會議員的梁國雄一項公職人員行為失當罪。控罪指梁國雄身為公職人員,涉嫌於 2012 年 5 月 22 日至 2016 年 6 月 23 日期間,沒有向立法會申報或披露,透過 Mark Simon 從黎智英接受一筆港幣 250,000 元的款項。支持梁國雄的網民重提特首梁振英收受 5,000 萬元的事件,以及建制派各種涉嫌以權謀私的個案,反駁為何更嚴重的廉署不去處理。不過本土派網民認為持大中華主義的梁國雄近年已成抗爭的障礙,這次他被控未嘗不是一件好事。

長毛收款案 控方爆黎智英 4 次迂迴秘捐內幕
東方日報 2017 年 6 月 5 日
節錄:社民連立法會議員「長毛」梁國雄涉嫌接受壹傳媒黎智英 25 萬港元捐款後,未有向立法會申報,他被控一項公職人員行為失當罪,案件今於區域法院開審。控方開案陳詞指,黎智英於 2012 至 2014 年間向梁及社民連支付共 205 萬港元,其中 25 萬港元存入梁的個人戶口,而梁未曾向立法會申報該筆款項。梁國雄在 2014 年 1 月在立法會審議捍衞編輯採訪獨立自主的動議時,提及有多個機構因受政治壓力而撤回在<蘋果日報>的廣告,梁國雄有參與該會議並且有投票。控方指,梁國雄在 4 年多來故意不申報,剝奪巿民對立法會議員實際及潛在利益衝突的知情權,影響公眾對立法會的信心。控方亦指出,黎智英 4 次向梁國雄或社民連支付款項。

梁國雄收黎智英捐款脫罪 律政司不提出上訴
香港經濟日報 2017/08/07
節錄:社民連前立法會議員梁國雄,被指未有向立法會申報曾收過壹傳媒集團創辦人黎智英 25 萬元捐款,未有向立法會申報,上月底於區域法院被裁定公職人員行為失當罪不成立,法官裁決時指未能肯定梁國雄是以立法會議員收款,故裁定無罪。律政司發言人指,就梁國雄一案,正如法官指出,關鍵問題是有關的款項是給予身爲立法會議員的被告人本人的款項,還是他代社民連所收的捐款。這是一個事實問題,而非法律問題。在考慮過控、辯雙方所傳召的證供後,法官認為案件就上述事實問題存在疑點,而疑點利益歸於被告人,故判被告人無罪。

'I'm not a spy', says Jimmy Lai's right-hand man Mark Simon
South China Morning post (August 11, 2014)
Extract: "My dad was CIA for 35 years"; "My internship with CIA, four years with naval intelligence"; "[Next Media] work on human rights cases and have regular fights with many non-democratic regimes in Asia." Simon, 50, is a senior executive at Next Media Group, which is controlled by Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, a strident and unrelenting critic of the Communist Party and the Hong Kong government. It is no secret that Beijing does not like Lai. Simon, as his closest aide, is also a target for attacks by the Beijing-loyalist camp. A report in the July 23 edition of pro-communist daily Ta Kung Pao was headlined: "Jimmy Lai's close aide is ex-spy."

【盧斯達:浸大社民連內閣死因研究 —— 以及作為公務員伸延的社運】
節錄:其實梁國雄和他的友好也一樣,已經甚麼都沒有;他們的後輩用幾年時間,已經一舉超越了他們 (包括他們必要時貓哭老鼠的對像)。連一個小小的學生會也不能攻下,又的確值得與一眾網民泥漿摔角。一向以來,其實「激」、「進步」就是他們唯一剩下的財產,但思想上本土獨派超越了他們,行動上雨傘佔領者,乃至旺角騷亂者,又令他們望塵莫及。雖然他們不會承認,但他們早已成為那體制的一部份。那體制姑且就叫做社運界吧。「社運圈」本身就像公務員,或者是公務員制度的非制度化而已,都是浪費生產力,浪費生命。在圈子中打滾得久,就會變成梁國雄了吧。看著他們,像一個活的教材,實在警世。

【盧斯達:一旦懷緬 人就會死】
節錄:「本土派收皮啦」是梁國雄出名的政見,也是真心的。梁國雄在臉書上特別喜愛分享「當年今日」,都是那些日子年輕的梁國雄出席一些抗爭活動、記者相機簇擁下的相片。也許每個人都有光輝歲月,常懷緬過去是一種老的徵兆。佔領運動有很多人衝了出來,也有很多本來應該衝出來的人,沒衝出去,後來更發展出「衝就係鬼」的理論。為甚麼呢?他們在和平時期,不都是衝在最前線的嗎?但問題是和平時期的「抗爭」,是政治產業鏈一部份,說得是產業鏈,就是永遠要跟各界協商,預早跟警察協商,每一場示威都是固有秩序的一部份;當事情不是預早協商的,就會有人衝不出去。「本土派收皮啦」自 2014 年之後,雖越喊越似哀鳴,但也越喊越多,因為他們越來越認定,是「本土派」將自己的光輝歲月終止了,是他搶走了屬於他們的東西。




2012 年 10 月 1 日

2007 年 5 月 24 日
節錄:<黃河鋼琴協奏曲>由<黃河大合唱>改編而成,後者由生於澳門的冼星海 (1905-1945) 作曲,寫於 1939 年,是延安時期的作品。原裝版<黃河鋼琴協奏曲>的結尾出現<東方紅>和<國際歌>的旋律,寓意明顯不過:中國人民在共產黨的領導下,背靠共產國際,一定會取得勝利。 1990 年<黃河協奏曲>曾被修改,刪去結尾部份的國際歌旋律。為甚麼要改? 1990 年 10 月,柏林圍牆倒下,德國統一。天安門血跡未乾,老大哥已經翹辮子了。

2016 年 10 月 14 日
節錄:曾經協助美國對抗赤化的盟友相繼仙遊,新加坡國父李光耀去年三月去世,昨日輪到泰皇蒲眉蓬病逝,跟 Bob Dylan 得獎的消息幾乎同一時間公佈,是天意,標誌住一個時代的終結。英文的說法:It’s time to move on. Put behind 之前,諾貝爾文學獎的桂冠頒給美國的遊唱詩人,替反共、反越戰、反建制和爭取民權的六十年代劃上完美的句號。

V 煞、1812、RIC
2013 年 1 月 1 日
節錄:然而,趕走了皇帝、外敵或者殖民地統治者,不代表老百姓有好日子過。這些國家的老百姓,彷彿生活於無間地獄,惡性循環,永不超生。他們數千年來求神拜佛,但是沒有得到神明保佑。這些國家,難以被征服,但是也難於治理。研究俄國、中國和印度的歷史,感覺是大而無當,小即是美。管治國家也許跟營運生意一樣,有 Optimal size(最理想的規模),擴張過度,神仙難救。

2015 年 6 月 5 日
節錄:過去兩、三年,中國的 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) 和 ODI (Overseas Direct Investment) 的金額接近持平。外資大行經濟師的看法:前者降,後者升,趨勢持續的話,幾年之後 ODI 將會超越 FDI ,走出去的會超過引進來的。對西方國家的跨國企業來說,中國的實體經濟早已不再吸引,下一輪的投資熱點可能是跟美國關係改善的緬甸或古巴。因應形勢轉變,偉大祖國試圖透過香港,引導外資進入金融市場,透過另一管道,讓洋鬼子繼續為中國的經濟增長提供動力。

2015 年 2 月 14 日
節錄:一場持續 79 日的佔領運動,令香港的政治版圖大洗牌。一直處於權貴的雷達偵察範圍以外的八十後出來擔大旗,發動一種全新模式的社會運動,傳統政黨和主流傳媒只能被動地回應。對話之路走到盡頭,Broker 變 Joker,從此只能靠邊站,令不少年過五十的政黨和傳媒高層欲哭無淚。本土派開始抬頭,泛民主派、大中華膠(即:中國有民主香港才有自由)、和理非非(即:和平、理性、非暴力、非粗口)開始失去市場。

2017 年 8 月 17 日

2017 年 12 月 9 日

2015 年 2 月 6 日

2010 年 7 月 10 日

2015 年 5 月 7 日

